Resonance GSP 2017-18 General Scholarship Program

Organisation : Resonance Eduventures Limited
Scholarship Name : GSP 2017-18 General Scholarship Program
Application Last Date : 31th August 2017
Website :

Resonance Scholarship Programs (RSP) :

For Yearlong Classroom Contact Programs (YCCPs) Only. To motivate, reward and financially assist the deserving and meritorious students, Resonance offers three kinds of Scholarships under Resonance Scholarship Program (RSP). All the scholarships are applicable for the Academic Session 2017-18.

Related : Resonance ResoFAST 2017-18 Resonance’s Forward Admission & Scholarship Test :

General Scholarship Program (GSP) :
The Scholarship Program is applicable:
** To the Tuition Fee part of Total Course Fee.
** To the students of all the Resonance Study Centres.
** To the students of Yearlong Classroom Contact Program (YCCPs).
** To the students of JEE (Main+Advanced), JEE (Main) & Pre-Medical Division.

Categories :
The General Scholarship Program (GSP) has four categories.

These are as follows:
1. GSP based on past academic performance in :
** Board Examination
** Govt. sponsored/recognized scholarship/talent-reward examinations.
** Career Oriented Competitive Examinations

2. GSP based on students past association with Resonance.
3. GSP based on performance in Resonance National Entrance Test (ResoNET).
4. GSP for Children of Defense Personnel
5. GSP for Certificate Holders of NCC

Details of Scholarships for Students moving from Class-XI to Class-XII Course:
1. Based on Cumulative Performance in the Periodic Tests conducted at Resonance during the first academic session (Class-XI)
2. Based on Scholarship Test (from Class-XI Syllabus) conducted after promotion to Class- XII.

** The criteria of these scholarships shall be communicated to the students by the institute at the time of promotion from Class-XI to Class-XII.
** The Institute reserves the rights to increase/decrease the no. of scholarships and their % amount without prior information to the students/parents.

GSP based on performance in Resonance National Entrance Test (ResoNET):
Resonance National Entrance Test (ResoNET) is conducted for admission in YCCPs for JEE (Main+Advanced) & AIIMS/ NEET. Hence, this part of scholarship is application for the students of JEE (Main+Advanced) & AIIMS/ NEET Division (YCCPs) only. There is a provision for ‘Direct Admission’ into JEE (Main).

The details of scholarship (% scholarship) will be communicated only to students who will be entitled for it as per specified norms. The details will be available on website with the (individual) result of ResoNET-2017.

Note: The GSP is applicable for National Level ResoNET only.
** The study Centres may conduct few regional ResoNETs wherein the GSP shall not be applicable.
** The Scholarships provided on the basis of regional ResoNET (Resonance Centre Admission Test – ResoCAT) at Study Centres is completely on Management’s discretion.

Terms & Conditions :
There are some Terms & Conditions to be fulfilled by the student to become eligible for scholarship under GSP.

These are:
1. The scholarship under GSP is for Yearlong Classroom Contact Programs (YCCPs) for one Academic Session i.e. 2017-18 only.
2. All the scholarships are in the form of % concession in the course fee (Course Fee + Service Tax+ SB Cess + KKC) at Kota. At other Study Centres, it may vary depending on the respective Study Centre’s Scholarship Policies.
3. A Student has to appear in Resonance National Entrance Test (ResoNET-2017) for the respective course and qualify it to become eligible for the scholarship, if it is for YCCPs in JEE (Main+Advanced) & AIIMS/ NEET Division
4. A Student can avail only one type of scholarship (Best of all for which he/she is eligible).
5. No other category except the mentioned under GSP shall be considered for the scholarship.
6. In a Two-year Course, the scholarship provided shall be applicable for the first academic session (one year) only.
7. The students of academic session 2016-17 and before shall not be eligible under this scholarship Program.
8. The right of awarding scholarship to any student reserves with Resonance. The institute may disallow scholarship to any student despite being eligible for it without assigning any reason.
9. The student has to submit photocopy of an authentic document proving his/her eligibility to avail the disbursement of scholarship amount under GSP.

Important Note For Entitlement Of Scholarship :
Students eligible for any scholarship being awarded under General Scholarship Program (GSP) must submit all the relevant documents at institute’s office/fee counter till 31th August 2017 to avail the benefits. Students failing to do so shall not be entitled for any benefits under GSP.

List of documents :
List of documents to be submitted for scholarship entitlement (As applicable for the head under GSP)
** Print of ResoNET/ResoMOST Result available on Resonance’s website (For scholarship awarded through ResoNET)
** Class-X Mark Sheet
** Class-XII Mark Sheet.
** NTSE (Stage-I/II) Qualifying documents
** State Level Science/Talent Search Examination (Qualifying documents)
** Olympiad (Any stage) qualified (Conducted by HBCSE)
** Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana-KVPY (Any stage) qualified
** SAPER Sheet (For Resonance old classroom students) of previous Academic Session.
** Supporting documents for Scholarship awarded for old students of PCCP/DLP/eLP; real brother/sister of Resonance alumnus and for scholarship for siblings category
** Defense – Copy of dependent card
** NCC – Copy of NCC certificate

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  • My application number is 1268686. Please give me the exact date of scholarship distribution. © 2022

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