AURO University Need-Based Financial Aid Application :

Organisation : AURO University
Scholarship Name : Need-Based Financial Aid Application
Website :
Application Form:

Need-Based Financial Aid :

AURO University’s Need-based funding will be granted to those talented applicants who demonstrably face significant difficulties in raising sufficient finances for the university’s undergraduate and postgraduate academic programs.

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Priority will be given to candidates with a marked socio-economic disadvantage. To be considered for any of these forms of funding, candidates shall be required to adhere to the processes and eligibility criteria outlined below.

Outstanding students who have scored a minimum of 70% marks in their qualifying exams, who come from financially challenged backgrounds, and whose gross family income is below Rs. 3,00,000/- per annum, can apply for need-based financial aid at AURO University.

The amount of financial aid will depend on a verification of their need, and the academic promise the students display. At its maximum, the funding may cover tuition fees, book charges as well as the costs of room and board.

The Financial Aid Committee will determine the annual quantum of this aid per student based on its assessment of each application submitted.

The total financial aid available per year will be as per the amount allocated in the approved annual university budget, which may vary from year to year. There is no guarantee that the university will be able to support all eligible applicants.

Eligibility :
Candidates seeking financial aid must provide evidence of financial need as per the eligibility criteria, and documentation listed below. They may be asked to submit additional information during the application review process.

At the time of final selection by the Financial Aid Committee, preference will be given to candidates residing in rural areas, and those who have limited access to loans.

Specific Criteria for eligibility include:
** 70% minimum in the qualifying exam
** Up to Rs. 300,000 annual family income

In addition to documentation as submitted to AURO University with Application Form, kindly submit the following documents:
** Self-attested tax returns of Father and Mother of the candidate
** Self-attested copy of PAN Card of Father and Mother
** Details on assets, and how these were acquired
** Bank Pass Book / Account statement of last one year

Form Details :
This application form is in two Parts.
In addition to submitting the relevant documentation as listed above, candidates must submit written answers to the following questions to the Admissions Office. (You may use additional paper if required)

1) In no more than 500 words:
(a) Introduce yourself and include an account of your early years i.e. where you grew up and the primary and secondary schools you attended. How did you finance your secondary education?
(b) Describe how you envisage contributing to the future development of your country/region after graduation and
(c) Give the main reason why an AURO University education is relevant to your future career development.

2) In approximately 350 words, provide a concise but accurate description of your financial circumstances as well as your budget for the year at AURO University. How do you expect to financial your studies if you do not obtain a scholarship from AURO University? Why should AURO University consider you for a need-based scholarship? What amount do you consider appropriate?

3) In no more than 300 words, please briey describe an instance or aspect in your life to date that has made you stand out amongst your peers or that you consider exceptional in any way.

You are requested to submit the application form as soon as possible to enable the speedy assessment by the University. © 2022

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