Nandhanam Management Scholarship Schemes : College of Engineering & Technology

Organisation : Sri Nandhanam College of Engineering & Technology
Scholarship Name : Management Scholarship Schemes
Website :

Scholarship :

Scholarships Under Management Schemes

Related : Nirankari Rajmata Scholarship Scheme 2017-18 :

Scholarships Scheme



Merit Scholarship (Tuition Fee Waiver) Rs 10,000 to Rs 40,000 per annum Students of first year BE/BTech/ME/MBA/MCA are eligible based on the commitment given during admission on the basis of cut off marks / TANCET score / MAT score.

The scholarship amount may be continued for further years based on the following conditions.

1. The student should not have any arrear in the previous year(s).

2. The student should have a minimum of 95% attendance in the regular classes and class/model tests/exams in the previous year(s).

3. Academic results should be within top 10% in the branch.

First Year BE, BTech, ME, MBA, MCA
Merit cum Means Scholarship Rs 5,000 to Rs 10,000 per annum 1. The annual income of the parents (Father & Mother) or Guardian should not exceed Rupees One Lakh per annum.

2. Students other than first year will be required to fulfill the following conditions.

3. Students should not have any arrears in any of the subjects.

4. 95% overall in class attendance in the previous year.

5. Every students selected for this scholarship will have to contribute 8 hours / month for Library /Admission/students’ affairs/Laboratory/ Cleaning of the class room/ Sports assistance etc.

All Students of BE, BTech, ME, MBA, MCA
Sports Scholarship Rs 10,000 to Rs 40,000 per annum Based Sports Performance on the academic year in Zonal, Inter-zonal, State, National, International Participation and Place All Students of BE, BTech, ME, MBA, MCA
Special Scholarship
(a) Category I
It is applicable for all the classes (First year to Final year). This scholarship is to the students who are physically handicapped and wards of deceased/serving defense personal/ex-service man. This will be continued based the following conditions.

1. The students should not have any arrear in the previous year.

2. The student should have a minimum of 90% attendance in the regular classes and class/model tests/exams in the previous semester(s)

All Students of BE, BTech, ME, MBA, MCA
Special Scholarship
(b) Category II
It is applicable for the students based on the performance in the extra curricular activities of NSS, NCC, YRC and RRC based on the performance in the respective fields. All Students of BE, BTech, ME, MBA, MCA

Documents Required for Scholarship :
** Income Certificate (Original)
** Community Certificate (Original)
** Bank Pass Book (Photo copy)
** Identity Proof ( Photo copy)
** Adress Proof (Photo copy)
** Passport Size Photo -02 No’s

Documents Required for Scholarship Renewal :
The above said documents are submitted at the time of apply ,No need to submit again anything . Because it’s a auto renewal process. Incase the said the documents updating or modification is required that should be done in the next year renewal time… © 2022

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