IITK Sports Scholarship : Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Organisation : Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Scholarship Name : Sports Scholarship
Website : https://www.iitk.ac.in/
Application Form : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/14647-Form.docx

Sports Scholarship :

Senate Scholarships and Prizes Committee Instructions for Filling-up the Application Form for Sports Scholarship

Related : IIT Kanpur Inspire Scholarship 2018-19 : www.scholarships.net.in/28115.html

Instructions :
Please read the following instructions carefully before filling up the Sports Scholarship Application Form.

1. In the form, all the fields must be filled; write N/A if a certain field is not applicable.
2. Incomplete form will not be accepted.
3. The Sports Scholarship Application Form must be signed by you before submission.
4. Please submit the completed and signed Sports Scholarship Application Form in the SSPC office before 5:00 pm on the last date for submitting the application form mentioned above and widely advertised through e-mail/notice board.
5. You must provide the details of three references, who can assess your sporting achievements/performances.
6. Information stated in the application form must be the same as in the supporting document. Any discrepancy can attract disciplinary action including but not limited to revocation of scholarship.
7. Please sign in the Sports Scholarship Register kept at the SSPC office while submitting the form.
8. For any questions related to Sports Scholarships, contact the SSPC office via e-mail at sspc@iitk.ac.in or by calling 6187.

Application Format :
Application Form for Sports Scholarship

1. Name of the Student
2. Roll No.:
3. Programme & Department:
4. Category: (GN, OBC, SC, ST, PH)
5. Your Bank A/C Details:
Name of Bank:
A/C No.:
6. Home Phone:
Mobile No.:
7. ADHAR Card No.:
8. Address:
Details of sporting achievements (during previous academic year, attach relevant documents/ certificates, use additional sheet if required).
9. Please suggest names of THREE referees who can assess your sporting achievement(s):
10. You must sign the following declaration/undertaking.

Undertaking :
a) I hereby undertake and certify that the information provided in this form is correct and true to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing material has been concealed

I understand that in the event of any information being found false, misleading or incorrect, or ineligibility to receive the Sports Scholarship is detected during or after completion of my programme at IIT Kanpur, or any of the personal information furnished in support thereof is found incorrect

I will not have any objection whatsoever against the actions taken by the IIT Kanpur in the matter, in accordance with provisions 9.3 and 12.2 of the Ordinance of the IIT Kanpur.

b) My application will be considered complete only after I have signed in the Sports Scholarship Register kept in the SSPC office.

Student’s Signature
Date: ___________

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