BIT Mesra Scholarships For B.E. & B.Arch 2017-18 :

Organisation : Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra
Scholarship Name : BIT Scholarships For B.E. and B.Arch 2017-18
Admission Application Last Date : 15th July 2017
Website :

Scholarship For Meritorious Students :

GP Birla BIT Scholarship worth nearly 2.25 crores are available for meritorious student of BIT

Related : BIT Mesra GP Birla Scholarship MO :

BIT Scholarships for meritorious students admitting in the B.E. and B.Arch programmes

(A) BIT Scholarship for meritorious students admitting in the B.E. programme (based on overall AIR in JEE-Main) :

%age of Tuition Fee Waiver All India Rank range of JEE-Main

General category candidates

All India Rank range of JEE-Main

SC /ST category candidates

100% 1-1000 1-25000
75% 1001-2500 25001-40000
50% 2501-4000 40001-60000
Additional requirement after 1st year Minimum SGPA:7.5 Minimum SGPA:7.0

(B) BIT Scholarship for meritorious students admitting in the B.Arch. programme (based on overall AIR in JEE-Main) :

%age of Tuition Fee Waiver All India Rank range of JEE-Main

General category candidates

All India Rank range of JEE-Main

SC /ST category candidates

100% 1-100 1-500
75% 101-200 501-1000
50% 201-500 1001-2000
Additional requirement after 1st year Minimum SGPA:8.5 Minimum SGPA:7.0

Note: The above rules will be effective from the date of admission.

Whether any scholarship available for SC or ST students at BIT Mesra? (Scholarship related query)
SC/ST students are eligible for Post Matriculation Scholarship (PMS) of the respective State Governments if they satisfy the norms set by the State Govt. For that they need to apply within the given time to their State Govts.

Among the admitted students in the first year top 12 SC students and top 5 ST students are eligible to get TOP CLASS SCHOLARSHIP from the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, GOI and the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, GOI respectively provided their parental annual income is below Rs. 4.5 lakhs. These students will get Top Class scholarship for four years (first year to fourth year) provided they get promoted to the next higher year, else the scholarship will be stopped.

A student who will get Top Class Scholarship will not be eligible for Post Matriculation Scholarship. However, he/she may get PMS if his Top Class scholarship is stopped.

How many scholarships a student can avail at a time?
Only one. A student getting scholarship from one Govt. fund is not eligible for the 2nd scholarship.

Whether all students taken admission to M.Tech programme with valid GATE score will get GATE scholarship?
Yes, they will get GATE Scholarship of Rs.8000/- per month, subject to satisfying attendance requirement of the Institute.

Is there any scholarship available for Non GATE students taken admission to M.Tech programme?
Non-GATE students taken admission to M.Tech programme and belonging to SC/ST categories are eligible for Post Matric Scholarship (PMS) of the respective State Governments if they satisfy the norms set by the State Govt. For that they need to apply in the given time to their State Govts.

There is no provision of scholarship to the Non-GATE students of other categories.

Whether an SC or ST M.Tech student getting GATE scholarship can avail PMS scholarship?
No, an SC/ST M.Tech student getting GATE scholarship can not avail any other scholarship. © 2022

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