SVNM 2017 Special School Scholarship Application : Shri Vadnagara Nagar Mandal Mumbai

Organization : Shri Vadnagara Nagar Mandal Mumbai
Scholarship Name : SVNM Special School Scholarship Application 2017
Application Last Date : 30th September, 2017
Website :
Application Form :

SVNM Special School Scholarship :

SVNM Special School Scholarship Application Form 2017.

Update : SVNM 2018 Educational Prize & Special School Scholarship Application :

Instructions and Guidelines :
** All information mentioned in Form to be properly filled and submitted, Applications without proper information will not be considered for Special School Scholarship by SVNM
** This Special Scholership is given by SVNM, Mumbai from Shri Bhavbhuti Desai & Smt. Smita Desai Fund (In Memory of Late Mrs. Nirmala Rambhai Kikani & Late Mrs. Harshakanta Rashmikant Desai
** Students studying in earlier standards like Nursery, Std. I etc. are supposed to apply for this Special Scholership
** Application form to be filled in MS Word and sent to :

Send To :
You are also required to send this Form along with Photocopies of other Documents mentioned below to following address

Nirav Buch
D-302, New Khakhar Appartments,
M.G. Cross Road No.1, Behind Parekh Nagar,
Kandivali (West), Mumbai – 400067
Email :
Mobile No. 9870310606 (Nirav Buch) ; 9821064841 (Neha Yajnik)

Please call after 8.00 pm or send SMS (email communication will be preferable). Mandal will not be responsible for applications sent / marked to address other than that provided above.

Documents to be Sent :
** Application Form Dully Filled and Signed.
** All details to be submitted before due date and Mandal will not entertain any late or incomplete submissions.
** Certified true Copy of Parents / Guardian’s Income Statement / Tax returns is required to be submitted
** All students are required to submit fresh application every year for each subsequent academic achievements
** Mandal scrutinizes all applications received before due date on basis of criterias laid down by the donor and will award the special scholership
** Decision of Mandal will be final and no queries shall be entertained with reference to the same.
** All details are to be submitted as requested above in that order to above mentioned address without which applications would be marked as incomplete.
** Applications Received after 30th September, 2017 will not be considered.

Last Date for Submission of the Form : 30th September, 2017

The Medical aid disbursement will be guided by following guidelines
The guidelines are arrived at by considering following criteria
Nature of Disease :
** Critical illness, life threatening disease like Cancer, Organ failure, Bye pass surgery etc.
** Accident or Disease resulting in permanent disability.
** Other diseases of less serious in nature.
The appointed panel of doctors will decide the applicable category. The panel will have three doctors as appointed by the managing committee.

ECONOMIC BACKGROUND OF THE PATIENT : (includes income of the Spouse and Son and unmarried daughter also if applicable)
** Category where monthly total income is less than INR 15,000/- per month.
** Category where total income is above INR 15,000/- but less than INR 25,000/- per month.
** Category where total income is above INR 25,000/- but not more than 40,000/- per month. © 2022

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