Teach For India Fellowship 2018 : teachforindia.org

Organization : Teach For India
Fellowship Name : Teach For India Fellowship 2018
Applicable For : Students & Professionals With Bachelor’s Degree
Applicable States/UTs : All Over India
Website : http://teachforindia.org/
Apply Here : https://apply.teachforindia.org/

Teach For India Fellowship:

Applications for the 2018-20 Fellowship program are open

Related / Similar Post : Teach For India Fellowship 2020

About Teach For India Fellowship:
The Teach For India Fellowship program, is an opportunity for India’s brightest and most promising youth, from the nation’s best universities and workplaces, to serve as full-time teachers to children from low-income communities in some of the nation’s most under-resourced schools.

Through this experience of teaching in classrooms and working with key education stakeholders like students, principals, and parents, our Fellows get exposed to the grassroot realities of India’s education system and begin to cultivate the knowledge, skills, and mindsets necessary to attain positions of leadership in education and identify their role in building a wider movement for educational equity in the country.

Who We Are Looking For:
We believe that our Fellows are going to be leaders of the movement towards educational equity. Aside from passion and commitment to the vision of educational equity, we look for leadership potential that can develop through the two year Fellowship.

Our Fellows are critical thinkers and problem solvers. They have grit, courage and set high expectations for themselves and for others. They demonstrate interpersonal skills through their interactions with various stakeholders.

We look for diversity in our Fellowship cohort, and our Fellows come from across the country, with varied levels of professional experience – college students, working youth, experienced professionals, and entrepreneurs. They come from over 300 college campuses and companies, from urban and rural India, and from outside of India. If you are interested in joining the Fellowship, apply now.

Our Selection Process :
The Teach For India Fellowship is a highly selective and coveted program, with a selectivity rate between 6-8.5%. Through the 3 staged process detailed below, we select the highest potential candidates into the program.

Stage I – The Application Form And Online Test :
Applications for the 2018-2020 Fellowship are now open. If you have any questions about the Fellowship or the application process, please email apply@teachforindia.org and our recruitment team will be in touch to support you through the process.

The application form is an opportunity for us to get to know you. It can be as detailed as you want it to be. Through the application we will understand why you want to join Teach For India and why you would be a strong fit for the Fellowship.

Once you submit your application you will receive a link to a one hour online test (AMCAT) which focuses on situational judgement and English language ability. This must be completed within 4 days from the date you submit your application form. Your application will not be complete until you complete the test.

Stage II – The The Phone Interview :
After we have reviewed your application form and completed AMCAT test, we may have some additional questions for you. If so, you will be invited to attend a 30-minute phone interview with one of our team members. Here we will ask follow-up questions to gain further information that will be helpful in our evaluation.

Stage III – The Assessment Centre :
If successful in your application, you will be invited to the final stage of our selection process – an in-person Assessment Centre. Here, you will teach a 5-minute lesson, take part in a group discussion and complete a short problem solving activity. You will also have an hour-long personal interview with one of our staff members. If you are based abroad and cannot attend one of our in-person Assessment Centres, we will conduct your interview and relevant activities over Skype.

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