apdhte.nic.in Grant of Stipend 2017-18 Application : Arunachal Pradesh Higher & Technical Education

Organisation : Arunachal Pradesh Directorate of Higher & Technical Education
Scholarship Name : Application Form for Grant of Stipend 2017-18
Applicable For : ST Scheduled Tribe Students
Applicable State : Arunachal Pradesh
Application Last Date : 30th September 2017
Website : http://apdhte.nic.in/Stipend.htm
Application Form : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/14479-Form.pdf

Stipend Application :

Application Form for Grant of Stipend to Arunachal Pradesh Scheduled Tribe Students for the Academic Session 2017-18

Update : NSP Grant of Stipend For Scheduled Tribe Students Arunachal Pradesh 2018-19 : www.scholarships.net.in/27634.html

Enclosures :
The following enclosures duly attested must be accompanied with this form
a. APST Certificate
b. Mark sheet of the last examination passed
c. Student Identity Card
d. First page of SBI Saving Bank Account Passbook containing details of Account Holder Bank Account should be normal SB Account.
e. Aadhar Card (Mandatory for grant of Stipend)
f. Admission Receipt of student for current Academic session.

1. I shall secure 75% attendance in all subjects.
2. I am not on Pay roll of any establishment on account of my employment.
3. I have duly passed the last Board/ University Examination
4. I shall abide by all the Rules and Regulation and maintain discipline in the Institution.
5. My Bank account in SBI is normal Savings Account and is not Tiny / Micro Account.
6. I have not applied for grant of Stipend/ Scholarship from any other sources.

Note Below:
1. Duly filled up application form should be submitted to the Director, Higher & Technical Education, ESS-Sector, PO/PS- Itanagar, Pin – 791111 on or before 30th September.
2. No application shall be received thereafter.
3. Incomplete application form shall be summarily rejected. Therefore, candidates should take proper care while filling up of the application form.

4. Stipend is granted to APST students who are studying on regular basis in recognized Institutions only. Students pursuing course in Distance Education Programme / Mode are not eligible for award of stipend.
5. Student pursuing course relating of Medical and Para Medical and Skill development, ITI are to submit their application to concerned Department. Their cases shall not be entertained in the Directorate of Higher & Technical Education.
6. SBI Bank account should be normal Savings Account and should not provide Tiny / Micro Account where more than Rupees Ten Thousand cannot be deposited.

Eligibility Criteria for Stipend :
Procedure for selection of stipendiaries by the States for the Diploma Level Courses and above.
1. The stipendiaries must conform to the eligibility and other conditions laid down under the Rules for Stipend and Book grant
2. Respective department of the State Government will advertise in English in a more widely circulated paper of the State once in a year at an appropriate time.
3. The advertisement shall give pertinent details, about scheme and the certificates etc. required to be submitted along with the application form.

4. Selection should be made purely on merit subject to the State quotas and reservation for SC, ST and OBC dovetailed by distribution to various courses /subjects and the number of stipends for each course will have to depend on number of candidates available/subjects and the quality of such candidates and also the perceived need of the respective state.

5. Students selected for grant of stipends/book grants will be entitles to receive same from the date of admission /date of commencement whichever is later till completion of the course
6. Stipend. Book grant will not be available for internship or any practical training.
7. Students pursuing dual course (Degree + PG)will be entitled to receive stipend for Degree Level only.
8. Students selected for Diploma Level will be entitled to receive stipend for Diploma Level only. The students cannot claim for continuance of stipend for Degree Level

9. The NEC shall release the fund directly to the State Government. However , if it is brought to the notice of NEC Secretariat that a candidate is enjoying stipends/scholarship from one or more source including that of NEC, the stipend and book grant shall be discontinued forthwith and the amount given in excess as per rule shall be recovered.

10. Progress Report shall be furnished to the NEC by the respective State Government concerned

11. For renewal of stipends (See Rules in Annexure VI) which is to be done on an annual basis each stipendiary will have to fill up a prescribed renewal form obtainable from the State Government and get a recommendation thereon from the Head of the Institute concerned who shall do so strictly on the basis of satisfactory progress of the stipendiary.

Failure in any Academic year will render the stipend liable to be discontinued for that entire period of failure and future renewal should be recommended only from the date of passing to the next higher class / semester. A copy of the sanction order along with statement for the stipend renewed shall be endorsed to NEC

12. The State Government shall furnish a list of candidates selected for stipend every year for record giving all necessary details.

View Comments (54)

  • I have not received my stipend yet, I am a student of TTC Aalo B.Ed college, What can I do?

  • I have not got my stipend yet whereas most of students already got their stipend. Moreover, documents which I submitted are OK then why delaying in releasing fund into our account. We poor students Nowhere to rely but to the Stipend therefore, I request our Concern authority to look into the matter and try to grant our belonging money as soon as possible. It would be so kind of those whoever will be putting lot of effort on it.

  • I haven't got my APST stipend till. What is the problem with government and Authority? We student suffering a lot, some on our fellow mate student already got their stipend in March 2018 but till today we didn't get my stipend. Please release our stipend soon as possible. How can the Authority and members can be so irresponsible to such kind of situation where the student is eagerly waiting for this.

  • There should be a fixed date of release of stipend by the concerned authority.

  • How could I know that whether my submitted form is rejected or accept? Or what is the possibility for checking, whether it is rejected. Any transparency please.

  • I had applied for it last year but I didn't get it yet while others those who applied with me got it.

  • I am doing my B.Tech in Bhubaneswar, Odisha but, I am a resident of Arunachal Pradesh. Can I apply for this scholarship? Whom do I need to contact regarding this scholarship?

    • Information available from the Official Website :
      Student pursuing course relating of Medical and Para Medical and Skill development, ITI are to submit their application to concerned Department. Their cases shall not be entertained in the Directorate of Higher & Technical Education.

  • Due to various consequences, I couldn't submit my form in time. Is there any way to submit my stipend form now?

    • Information available from the Official Website :
      Last date for submitting the stipend form is 30th September 2017. No application shall be received thereafter.

  • I would like to know whether directorate of higher and technical stipend form is applicable for medical students i.e for Nursing? Apart from that previous result is at due, infact we are writing our exam these months only.

    • Information available from the Official Website :

      Failure in any Academic year will render the stipend liable to be discontinued for that entire period of failure and future renewal should be recommended only from the date of passing to the next higher class / semester. A copy of the sanction order along with statement for the stipend renewed shall be endorsed to NEC

  • Where do I have to submit my application as there is not given any address for our department i.e nursing. Kindly give us the address so that we can submit our document in our department and there is not much time or else I can submit my application to the office of Director, higher and technical education.

    • Information available from the Official Website :

      Duly filled up application form should be submitted to the Director, Higher & Technical Education, ESS-Sector,
      PO/PS- Itanagar, Pin - 791111 on or before 30th September.

  • Tell me if there is a different form for B.Sc Nursing student for the scholarship. Also whom does the form supposed to be sent?

  • Central government directed for self attestation. Then why do Arunachal Pradesh government asking for gazette officer's attestation?

    • Under the provision of Clause V(6) of the Rules & regulations of Arunachal Pradesh State Stipend scheme 2012, it is directed to all the head of the institutions functioning within and outside the state that Arunachal Pradesh Schedules Tribe (APST) students shall be allowed to avail stipend/ scholarship from single source only.

  • If there is no SBI Account then, can we submit the other account like Central bank or else Canara bank?

    • Information available from the Official Website :

      As per Govt. direction, payment of Stipend to students will be made through their SBI Savings Bank Account only. Hence, students pursuing higher education inside and outside the State, who are not having SBI Bank Account are directed to open Savings Bank Account in SBI only.

  • If there is no SBI Account then, can we submit other bank account like Canara or else central bank?

  • I have not linked aadhar card with my SBI account. So can I avail scholarship on my account?

    • Information available from the Official Website :

      Students applying for stipend are directed to submit their application form to the concerned Department like Agriculture, Horticulture, Fishery, Veterinary and Medical Education for the respective courses. For general and technical courses application form is to be submitted to the Directorate of Higher & Technical Education at Itanagar.

  • Is attestation needed to be done only by gazetted officers of Arunachal Pradesh? Or other states gazetted officers can also attest?

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