Jiv Daya Foundation India & STEP Grant Application : jivdayafound.org

Organisation : Jiv Daya Foundation
Scholarship Name : India & STEP Grant Application
Website : https://www.jivdayafound.org/

India Grant Information :

Jiv Daya Foundation prefers to work with organizations with a proven track record of excellence and we primarily give support to capacity building initiatives. We accept proposals from charitable organizations, public hospitals, or clinics from around the world.

Related : Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation Grants Application : www.scholarships.net.in/14239.html

If you are interested in applying for a grant with JDF, we are currently accepting grant inquiries and proposals in the following focus areas

Areas :
** Amputee Assistance
** Maternal and Neonatal Health
** Pediatric Oncology
** Palliative Care

In our core focus areas, support is primarily given for human capital (additional staff for a hospital unit, etc.) and data management. Jiv Daya Foundation rarely funds research projects, requests for equipment support, or requests for funding for meetings as we prefer to emphasize long term collaboration with a direct and measurable benefit to the end user. View our current grant sites by clicking on the button below!

Interested in Applying for a Grant?:
JDF maintains an open grant request policy and we review all proposals as they arrive. You may apply for a grant at any time by filling out our letter of inquiry form below. We will review your request and should they fit our project parameters, we will contact you for more information.

STEP Grant Information :
Jiv Daya Foundation places a special emphasis on our Dallas based StEP Initiative. We are currently taking applications from Executive Directors within Dallas ISD that are interested in having the StEP program implemented at all of their elementary campuses.

We encourage DISD schools to explore our StEP program and speak with their Executive Director, should the StEP program meet the needs of their school. Please complete the form and our StEP program coordinator will be in contact with you as soon as possible.

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