Amazon IISc Young Scientist Big Data Fellowship :

Organisation : The Indian Institute of Science (IISc)
Fellowship Name : Amazon IISc Young Scientist Big Data Fellowship
Applicable For : Ph.D. Holders
Website :

Scientist Big Data Fellowship :

The Indian Institute of Science (IISc) is seeking applicants for the inaugural “Amazon IISc Young Scientist Big Data Fellowship”, sponsored by Amazon India and hosted by IISc.

Related : SERB Distinguished Fellowship :

This is an 18-month postdoctoral fellowship targeted at outstanding researchers working on:
** Foundations of data science, or
** Interface between theoretical and practical aspects of machine learning.

The fellow should be able to lead an independent research program and will be expected to publish high-quality papers during the fellowship period.

He/She will be hosted at the Department of Computer Science & Automation at IISc, Bangalore and will have the opportunity to interact with the faculty and graduate students at IISc as well as with researchers at Amazon India.

The fellowship offers a handsome stipend with a substantial research grant.

Candidates for the program will be expected to hold a Ph.D. in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Mathematics, Statistics, or a related discipline, and to have demonstrated research publications in areas relevant to the fellowship program.

Interested candidates should submit a single pdf document by email to containing the following information

** Letter of application
** CV of the candidate
** Statement of research
** One representative publication
** Names of three references along with their email addresses

Note: The fellowship does not come with any guarantee of future employment at Amazon.

About IISc and Amazon India :
The Indian Institute of Science is one of the leading research institutions in India. It was ranked #1 in the 2016 National Institutional Ranking Framework by the Government of India. The Department of Computer Science & Automation is a pioneering academic centre for higher education, research and innovation in several areas of computer science.

The faculty members have received numerous awards in recognition of their excellence in research, including the IEEE & ACM Fellowships, J.C. Bose National Fellowship, fellowships from national and international academies, faculty awards from global R&D companies, young scientist awards, and best paper awards at top conferences and journals.

The department’s alumni include renowned academicians, leaders in computer and IT industry, distinguished scientists, and trendsetting entrepreneurs. Amazon Development Centre (India) Private Limited is an affiliate of The marketplace is operated by Amazon Seller Services Private Ltd, an affiliate of, Inc. (NASDAQ: AMZN). seeks to build the most customer-centric online destination for customers to findand discover virtually anything they want to buy online by giving them more of what they want – vast selection, low prices, fast and reliable delivery, and a trusted and convenient experience; and provide sellers with a world-class e-commerce platform. © 2022

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