ALLEN NEET 2017 New Scholarship : Career Institute

Organisation : ALLEN Career Institute
Scholarship Name : NEET 2017 Scholarship
Applicable For : Students taking admission in Leader & Achiever Course
Website :
Notification :

Scholarships :

New Scholarships Announced Based on NEET All India Rank only in NEET- 2017 for Students taking admission in Leader & Achiever Course (Session 2017-18)

Related : ALLEN JEE Main 2017 New Scholarship :

Scholarship % Based on NEET All India Rank only

NEET All India Rank in NEET-2017 Scholarship Ex-ALLEN Students
AIR 1 TO 5000 90% MS2590
AIR 5001 TO 10000 80% MS2580
AIR 10001 TO 15000 60% MS2560
AIR 15001 TO 20000 45% MS2545
AIR 20001 TO 25000 40% MS2540
AIR 25001 TO 35000 35% MS2535
AIR 35001 TO 50000 30% MS2530
AIR 50001 TO 100000 20% MS2520
NEET All India Rank in NEET-2017 Scholarship Non Ex-ALLEN Students
AIR 1 TO 5000 80% MS0780
AIR 5001 TO 10000 60% MS0760
AIR 10001 TO 15000 45% MS0745
AIR 15001 TO 20000 35% MS0735
AIR 20001 TO 25000 30% MS0730
AIR 25001 TO 35000 25% MS0725
AIR 35001 TO 50000 20% MS0720
AIR 50001 TO 100000 10% MS0720

Compulsory Documents required for Scholarship :
1. Photo ID card of Student
2. Photo Copy of Admit card of NEET-2017
3. NEET-2017 Result Printout
4. Ex-ALLEN I-Card if Applicable

Note :
These Scholarship can not be clubbed with any other scholarship


About ALLEN Scholarships for Preparatory Studies (ASPS) :
Q.1. What is ALLEN Scholarship for Preparatory Studies (ASPS)?
At ALLEN we provide scholarship to Eligible students of Classroom Contact Program (CCP) covered under ASPS. Student can apply for any scholarship with required documents at their respective ALLEN Center.

Q.2. Is there any scholarship for the SC/ST students or for the students whose parents are there in defence personnel and police personnel?
No, student will get scholarship according to the ASPS criteria.

Q.3. I am a student of ALLEN in current session and my real brother/sister wants to take admission this year. Is there any scholarship?
Yes, we provide siblings scholarship that is 10%. It is necessary that both real brother and sister are studying in same session and only one student can avail this scholarship.

Q.4. Sir my daughter was studying in your institute, in Leader Course (2013-14) and I want to admit my son in Nurture Course (2016-17). As per ALLEN policy, my son is eligible for up to 10 % discount in fees?
Sibling Scholarship can be provided to any one student and both students should be studying in same session.

Q.5. I am NTSE I stage qualified (10th class) and want to take admission in XIIth passed course Can I get the scholarship?
Yes you can avail NTSE Scholarship by filling prescribed Scholarship form. You can get scholarship form from ALLEN Center.

Q.6. I am eligible for two scholarships for NTSE II Stage and having 3rd merit in 10th class. So can I avail 100% scholarship?
No you can avail only one out of two scholarships at once, no two scholarships can be clubbed together.

Q.7. My son had appeared in NTSE 2nd Stage exam this year but the result has not come yet. If I deposit his course fee now, how can I avail his scholarship later?
You can deposit fee now and can fill Prescribed Scholarship form later on from ALLEN Front office or from ALLEN website.

Q.8. My son had taken admission in ALLEN and had availed 10% TALLENTEX Scholarship and he is now also eligible for 50% scholarship on basis of qualifying NTSE 2nd stage. Can he get refund of 50% fee that he has deposited now?
As per ASPS the student can avail only one scholarship at once and now you son can get refund of remaining 40% scholarship. The student has to fill and deposit Prescribed Scholarship form at ALLEN office or online from ALLEN website.

Q.9. I want to take admission in ALLEN and I am eligible for NTSE 1st Stage scholarship but I am not able to come to ALLEN center and can deposit fee online via Internet Banking or from HDFC/AXIS/CBI Branch from my hometown. How can I get Challan from ALLEN website?
No, you can’t get scholarship Challan from ALLEN website but you can visit ALLEN center and get Challan by providing required documents for scholarship. Further you can also deposit fee as of now and can later on fill prescribed scholarship form from your nearest ALLEN office or from ALLEN website.

Q.10. My two students are studying in ALLEN in Nurture and Pre-Nurture course. Last year they both had availed Sibling Scholarship. Are they eligible for Sibling Scholarship in Enthusiast course also?
Yes the students can avail Sibling Scholarship this year also if both of them continue in this Academic Session also.

Q.11. I have taken admission Through ASAT and have got 20% scholarship also. Do I have to appear in ASAT next year also for scholarship?
Next year the student can avail scholarship on the basis of any scholarship criteria as mentioned on our website and in our brochure as per our policies. Also the student can avail scholarship through ALLEN Champ and TALLENTEX. © 2022

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