Bahushrut Foundation 2017 Scholarship To Study Abroad :

Organization : Nilam Patel Bahushrut Foundation
Scholarship Name : Scholarship To Study Abroad 2017
Applicable For : Hearing Impaired Students
Applicable States/UTs : Maharashtra and Gujarat
Application Last Date : 31st July 2017 & 31st August 2017
Website :
Application Form :

Scholarship To Study Abroad :

Only those Hearing Impaired students of Gujarat and Maharashtra, India, who are admitted to Bachelor’s or Master’s level Degree Program in any reputed college or University abroad, are eligible to apply.

Update : Bahushrut Foundation Scholarship To Study Abroad 2019 :

Please complete all parts of this form in typesript. The application must accompany copy of applicant’s latest audiogram, certificate of deafness along with other documents required to apply.

All the documents must be attested and submitted in hard copy. Last date for submitting application is 31st July 2017 for those who are admitted for the term beginning August/September 2017 and 31st August for the term beginning October/November 2017

Applicants are required to provide following documents
1) Copy of correspondence with the University(s) seeking admission.
2) Copy of your university application(s)and/or acknowledgement(s)from university(s)applied for.
3) University offer letter of confirmed admission in Graduate or Post Graduate Program
4) copy of the passport and student visa to study in the university where admitted.
5) Attested copies of the certficates and transcripts mentioned in Part:B.

In support of your application for the scholarship, please provide two references (one academic and one professional) with whom you have been associated in academic or professional capacity, for a minimum of one year. References preferably should be on institutional or professional letter-headed paper.

In exceptional cases where this is not possible, e.g. if they have retired, please be sure to include full information regarding their contact details and current (and/or relevant previous) position.

References are to indicate how long the referrer has known the applicant, and in what capacity, mention the candidate’s academic ability, general suitability for the proposed programme of study and any other information they consider to be relevant to the candidate’s application.

(1) For candidates with no work experience, please provide two academic references.
(2) Applications that are not accompanied by reference will be disqualified.
(3) Please note the Trustees will be at their discretion to contact your referrers to confirm authenticity of the references.
(4) Please note that all references must be received by the relevant application Last Date; it is the candidate’s responsibility to ensure that all referrers are given notice of the Last Date

Where to send your Application:
Contact details of the trust where application, documents, references to be sent in hard copy

Nilam Patel Bahushrut Foundation
303, Aries Palms, Tower – B
5/6 Shobhana Nagar
Vasana Road
Vadodara 390015
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