Inlaks Foundation 2017-18 AAA-Inlaks Art Grant :

Organisation : Inlaks India Foundation and Asia Art Archive in India
Scholarship Name : AAA-Inlaks Art Grant 2017-18
Applicable For : Artists of Indian citizenship residing in India
Application Last Date : 15th July 2017
Website :

Grant For Artist :

Inlaks India Foundation and Asia Art Archive in India are pleased to announce the Open Call for AAA-Inlaks Art Grant for 2017-18 dedicated to supporting new and innovative approaches to practicing art today.

Related : FICA Inlaks Goldsmiths Scholarship 2017-18 :

The aim of the Grant is to encourage artists to propose and test new forms of art-making that incorporate research, collaboration, workshops and formal experiments as a way to examine the technologies and eco-systems of information that shape our times.

Eligibility :
** Artists of Indian citizenship residing in India between the age of 25-35 years.
** Collectives are eligible to apply provided all members are Indian citizens and not more than 35 years in age.

Duration of Grant :
1 September 2017 – 1 September 2018

Grant Amount:
Up to Rs. 2,00,000/-

Last Date for Applications :
15 July 2017

Selection Process :
Candidates will be shortlisted for interviews on the basis of their application and a decision for one successful application will be made in liaison with an invited Jury member, the Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation and Asia Art Archive in India. The successful candidate only will be notified on 28 August 2017.

Applications must include :
1. A Cover Document :
With your Name, Postal Address, Email, and Telephone number if available, along with Names and Email addresses of 2 Referees from the field.

2. Updated CV :
Limited to 2 pages only

3. Artist Statement :
Description of your practice and areas of interest (up to 250 words)

4. Project Proposal :
** Outline of your plans if you were to be offered the grant. This should include (i) a short description of the intended/ongoing project and your research responding to any of the themes listed in this Open Call, (ii) a timeline for the project’s different stages and potential platforms, and (iii) archives/ collections/ individuals you intend to access/visit.

** The Project Proposal does not have to be definitive and can change during the course of the one-year period of this grant in consultation with AAA & Inlaks representatives. (up to 800 words)

5. Budget :
A breakdown of estimated costs for your project based on your proposal and timeline. The proposed budget will not be considered final until whetted by AAA & Inlaks in consultation with the selected grantee before the commencement date of the grant.

6. Portfolio of 7-10 recent art projects/works 6. with a list of captions (title, media, year, scale/duration, short description)

a. Stills: to be compiled into one PDF file (not exceeding 10MB)
b. Audio/Video: to be sent as links on any of the following online platform such as artist website/ vimeo/ youtube/ soundcloud.

All applications along with the supporting documents listed above are to be submitted online only to both and, latest by 15 July 2017. Incomplete submissions will not be considered.

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