BSE 2017-18 Bharati Scheme For Education : Andhra Pradesh Brahmin

Organization : Andhra Pradesh Brahmin Welfare Corporation (ABC) Limited
Scholarship/Scheme Name : BSE 2017-18 Bharati Scheme For Education
Applicable For : Students studying 1st Class to 10th Class & Intermediate to PG & MS Overseas
Applicable State : Andhra Pradesh
Application Last Date : 30-09-2017
Apply Online :

Andhra Brahmin Bharati Scheme

Andhra Pradesh Brahmin Welfare Corporation (ABC) Ltd., is introducing “Bharati Scheme for Education” (BSE) for the year 2017-18 for the Brahmin students of Andhra Pradesh.

Related / Similar Scheme : Andhra Pradesh Brahmin BSE 2019-20

Under this scheme, specific amount shall be paid to the selected applicants as one time financial assistance through the prescribed process.

To encourage Brahmin students continue their education, by providing one time financial assistance.

Update : Bharati Scheme for Education” (BSE) for the year 2018-19 Online Registration starts from 18.06.2018.

This scheme is applicable for Brahmin students of Andhra Pradesh covering all 13 districts, who are studying from 1st standard to Post Graduation in the academic year 2017-18, as per the eligibility criteria provided in the Annexure


** The student and his/her parents should belong to Brahmin community and parents should reside in Andhra Pradesh.
** Annual income of Parents / Guardian should not be more than Rs. 3,00,000/- (Rupees Three lakhs only).
** Should be pursuing a regular course in School / College/ Institute / University for the year 2017-18.
** Should have passed in all the subjects till previous year of study (i.e., students who do not have backlogs in their previous semesters / years are only eligible).
** Should not have availed himself/ herself any amount under any other Government scheme for the same purpose.
** Detailed Course wise Financial Assistance and eligibility criteria is provided as Annexure to this document

Application Procedure

Eligible candidates shall fill their application online ( only in the prescribed format. (In case of any difficulty contact Toll Free No. 1800 102 3579)

Applicant should upload the scanned copies (in pdf of maximum 250 kb size each) of the following documents
** Aadhar Cards of both student and parent / guardian in one pdf file.
** Caste certificate and Income certificates issued by competent authority or an integrated certificate (Caste, Income and Residence) issued by Mee-Seva, in the name of the student, in one pdf file.

** Marks Sheets of all the previous years (starting from SSC).
** Study Certificate from School / College / Institute / University for the Academic Year 2017-18

** Bank Account Pass book in the name of the applicant (Account should be in Andhra bank or SBI. However, for students studying outside Andhra Pradesh account in any Nationalised Bank is acceptable)

** Passport size photograph of the student (in jpeg format upto a max of 50KB size)

Selection Process

** Shortlisting and finalisation of applicants shall be done by the State Level Selection Committee (SLSC), giving priority to the following categories:
– Orphan
– Single mother
– Physically challenged
– Girl student
– Economically very poor

Guidelines :

** One time financial assistance of specified amount (details provided in the annexure) will be credited online to the SB Accounts of selected students.
** State Level Selection Committee is authorised to make exceptions in the eligibility / selection process, and their decision will be final.

Last Date :
Last date for receiving online applications shall be 30th September 2017.

View Comments (79)

  • My son and daughter are receiving scholarship in Bharathi scheme and nominee is my husband, unfortunately I have separated from my husband but, the money is depositing in my husband's account, children are with me. I would like to change account number of my children and nominee, what is the process.

  • My Reference Number is 4733, I have not received the 2017-2018 scholarship amount in my account due to account closed, we informed about it through mail and by phone call, we suffering from last three months. Please Solve this problem, we are waiting your reply. I am from Arundelpet, Guntur.

  • I have applied for Bharati scheme. I got the message that my application was selected at state level committee on 15/02/2018 and amount transferring was pending at Principal, Bank of Brahmin welfare corporation through NEFT. Please take concerned action. My reference number is 1665.

  • I have applied for renewal of Bharati scheme 2017-18. I am getting my status as 'Your application selected in State Level Selection Committee on 15/02/2018' and 'Pending at Principal Bank of Brahmin Welfare Corp and the amount is transferred through NEFT'. My Register number is 5721. Please issue my scholarship very soon.

  • I have applied for scholarship on 11th November. But I am not yet received any message. My reference number is 40685. Please verify.

  • After completing my 10th standard in the year 2016-2017, I applied for the scholarship. But till now I didn't receive any money. May I know, what is the reason?

  • I have applied for Bharathi Scheme. My status is showing as pending at principal to transfer eligible amount through NEFT. Why it is getting delay?

    • I have not received the scholarship yet. Why is it delayed? Please tell me the reason.

  • I have applied for Bharati scheme. My status shows that, Scrutiny completed on 02/02/2018. You are eligible and your application will be placed under State Level Selection Committee. Am I get the money? Please reply me.

  • My brother applied for his Intermediate scholarship under Bharathi scheme. The status is showing as pending at principal bank for transfer of amount through NEFT since a month. Why is the delay? If any one of you applied under same scheme for same case please let me know your status.

  • I am studying Pharma D 2nd year. I applied for 2nd year scholarship in Bharathi scheme. But it is yearly based course, not semester system. You people asking semester wise marks card along with present year study certificate. What should I have to do?

    • Information available from the Official Website :

      Documents required to be uploaded :
      ** Aadhar of both student and parents / guardian in one pdf
      ** Caste and Income certificates or integrated certificate (Caste Income and Residence) in the name of Student in one pdf
      ** Marks Sheet of SSC
      ** Study Certificate from the College for the academic year 2017-18
      ** Andhra Bank/ SBI Pass book in the name of Student
      ** Passport size photograph (in jpeg format) of student

  • I am studying in Chennai. I have applied for the scholarship. I have everything except income certificate but, I have applied scholarship with my sister income certificate. Now they are asking to re-scan the documents. Can I again apply with that documents?

  • My documents are not verified, I submitted my certificates on 11/09/2017. So please verify my documents. My registration number is 1275.

  • We have uploaded the documents in time and submitted them. But there is no reply from the website. We are waiting for your reply since 4 months. So we are requesting you to send the reply and scrutinize the documents as fast as possible.

  • I am studying MBA 1st year. Our MBA classes are started lately, So I couldn't submit the study certificate. Now the Bharathi Scheme is closed the registration. What can I do for scholarship amount?

  • Really it is the best scheme and very helpful for Brahmin poor students. I would convey my thanks to Mr.Chandra Babu garu.

  • I have re-scanned my documents two months ago but still they are not verified. May I know what is the reason for delaying of my scholarship?

  • I have re-uploaded my documents before 2 months but still my documents are not verified. My application number is 34338.

  • I have applied for Bharathi scheme on 30/9/2017. My reference number is 71582. What is my status of application?

    • Application Status :
      Go to the link Using the Registration Number and Date of Birth, applicant can get the individual status of his / her application.

  • I am doing my PG second year in SV University Tirupati. My sure name is Tambali. Can I apply for this scheme?

  • I received a message in whatsapp that the last date is extended. Is the last date extended till 15/10/17? Can I apply for my son now?

  • I am studying B.Tech 1st year. But my rank in eamcet is above 50,000. Am I eligible to apply for this scholarship?

    • Should be pursuing a regular course in School / College/ Institute / University for the year 2017-18.

  • I have wrongly entered some details(pin number,reference). Can I change it now? If I can change what is the process?

  • They asked me to re upload. But tomorrow is the last date. Since it is Dasara holidays there is no one to attest my marks memo. Originals are in college. What should I do now?

  • I had submitted this year required documents. But they told to re-scan and submit your marks memo. What is the last date to submit?

    • Information available from the Official Website :

      Documents to be submitted for Intermediate or equivalent (ITI, Polytechnic, D.Ed, TTC, D.Pharmacy, etc.)
      ** Aadhar of both student and parents / guardian in one pdf
      ** Caste and Income certificates or integrated certificate (Caste Income and Residence) in the name of Student in one pdf
      ** Marks Sheet of SSC
      ** Study Certificate from the College for the academic year 2017-18
      ** Andhra Bank/ SBI Pass book in the name of Student
      ** Passport size photograph (in jpeg format) of student

  • I am pursuing second year B.Tech. I already registered in Bharati scheme. The online form was not responding. When will it be responded?


  • I am Brahmin. I am studying intermediate 2nd year in Tirupati. How can I apply for this scheme? What are the certificates should I submit for this? What are the eligibility requirements to apply?

    • Information available from the Official Website :

      ** Aadhar Cards of both student and parent / guardian in one pdf file.
      ** Caste certificate and Income certificates issued by competent authority or an integrated certificate (Caste, Income and Residence) issued by Mee-Seva, in the name of the student, in one pdf file.
      ** Marks Sheets of all the previous years (starting from SSC).
      ** Study Certificate from School / College / Institute / University for the Academic Year 2017-18
      ** Bank Account Pass book in the name of the applicant (Account should be in Andhra bank or SBI. However, for students studying outside Andhra Pradesh account in any Nationalised Bank is acceptable)
      ** Passport size photograph of the student (in jpeg format upto a max of 50KB size)

  • I have to upload the documents for professional course under the scheme, as I was already a registered student. When will be website opened to upload the documents?

  • Recently I completed diploma, Now I am joining B.Tech 2nd year. Am I eligible or not for this scholarship?

  • I completed B.Tech 4 years on 2017 batch and now I'm preparing gate course. Am I eligible or not?

    • Information available from the Official Website :

      Should be pursuing a regular course in School / College/ Institute / University for the year 2017-18.

    • Information available from the Official Website :

      Course of Study : 1st Class to 5th Class
      Eligibility :
      ** Students studying in Andhra Pradesh (Private/ Govt / Municipal / ZP Schools).
      ** Parents / Guardian should be staying in Andhra Pradesh
      ** Annual income of the Parents / Guardian should not be more than 3 Lakhs


    • Information from the official website of Andhra Pradesh Brahmin Welfare Corporation (ABC) Limited :

      Last Date :
      Last date for receiving online applications shall be 30th September 2017. © 2022

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