FICA Inlaks Goldsmiths Scholarship 2017-18 :

Organisation : Foundation For Indian Contemporary Art
Scholarship Name : FICA Inlaks Goldsmiths Scholarship 2017
Applicable For : Indian Students
Application Last Date : 10th July 2017
Website :

FICA Inlaks Goldsmiths Scholarship:

The Foundation For Indian Contemporary Art (FICA), in partnership with INLAKS Shivdasani Foundation, Goldsmiths, University of London and The Raza Foundation, invites applications for The FICA Inlaks Goldsmiths Scholarship 2017-18, Supported by The Raza Foundation.

Related : FICA Inlaks Goldsmiths Scholarship 2016-17 :

The Scholarship will support an Indian student who will be part of the M.Res in Curatorial/Knowledge program at Goldsmiths starting September 2017. This is a full funding opportunity available to Indian students applying for the M.Res in Curatorial/ Knowledge program at Goldsmiths, University of London.

The scholarship covers tuition fees, local accommodation, return flight to India, visa expenses and basic living expenses. The student will need to self fund or raise additional funds for any other personal expenses.

The scholarship is for the 1 year full-time course, starting September 2017. For more information on the program see and download brochure here.

Terms and Conditions :
** The scholarship is open only to candidates under the age of 40 years.
** The applicant must be an Indian citizen and should reside in India at the time of application.
** The applicant should hold an undergraduate degree from a recognised Indian university. Applicants who have completed an under-graduate programme from outside India should have lived in India for at least two years after their graduation.
** Applicants who are currently pursuing or have completed their postgraduate degree (e.g. Master’s or PhD) from a university outside India are not eligible.
** Applicants who have previously received Inlaks overseas scholarships or other funding for overseas opportunities from Inlaks are not eligible to apply.
** This scholarship is only available for the above mentioned M.Res. programme and will not support any other programmes available at Goldsmiths.
** Please ensure that you apply to FICA regarding this Grant and not apply directly to Goldsmiths. Once the candidate is selected they will be required to seek admission in the University.

Application procedure :
To apply for this scholarship the following documents will need to be submitted to FICA

** Completed application form (please see at the end of pdf)
** One page personal statement
** One page proposal for M.Res. Research Project
** Updated CV with academic qualifications
** 2 samples of writings (preferably published)
** Applicants are required to submit names of two referees with their contact details.

Email the filled application form to FICA at with the subject “Application for FICA Inlaks Goldsmiths Scholarship 2017”.

Selection Process :
The submitted documents will be forwarded to the Department of Visual Cultures at Goldsmiths for joint review by the University, FICA and Inlaks. The selected candidate will be informed July end 2017 and will be required to submit further documents to the University as required for admission purposes.

Important Dates :
** 10th July 2017- Application submission Last Date (to FICA)
** July end 2017 – Successful Candidate announced
** September third week 2017 – Term starts at Goldsmiths

Important Notes :
** Please check the M.Res. in Curatorial/Knowledge webpage and brochure before writing the personal statement or project proposal.
** The proposed project should be in accordance with the focus of the programme.
** Applicants should send in their applications to FICA and not send it directly to the University at this stage.
** However if you are selected for the scholarship you will be required to submit further details as required by the University of London at a later date.
** The selected candidate will have to clear the IELTS test and apply for the requisite Tier 4 student visa to participate in the programme.

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