CPWD 2017-18 Student Scholarship Application : cpwdowa-india.org

Organisation : CPWD Officers’ Wives Association
Scholarship Name : Student Scholarship Application 2017-18
Applicable For : UG/PG Students
Application Last Date : 11.07.2017
Website : http://cpwdowa-india.org/ex/index.php
Application Form : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/14094-Form.pdf

Student Scholarship :

CPWD-OWA invites students to apply for the scholarship meant for pursuing higher studies at undergraduate and postgraduate level in professional courses.

Related : RD Sethna 2017 Loan Scholarship For Studies : www.scholarships.net.in/14083.html

Any student, including both undergraduate and graduate students, enrolled in a college or university for professional courses is eligible to apply. Application form can be downloaded from our website http://cpwdowa-india.org/ex/index.php

Application Procedure :
Completed applications may be submitted latest by 11.07.2017 by email at rashmibansal912@yahoo.com. Title your mail as “OWA_ASPC_2017-18_Name”. Applicant should write his name at the place of Name.

Postal Service At:-
The president
C.P.W.D. Officer’s Wives Association
Hriday Kunj, Sector-VI, R. K. Puram,
Near RBI Staff Colony, New Delhi – 110022
Phone: 011-26103681

If applying through post, also e-mail a scanned copy to above mentioned e-mail and title. rashmibansal912@yahoo.com

1) Fill in the forms in capital letters
2) Attach the admission letter from the institute to which admission is applied or if already pursuing the course attach mark sheet of the last class
3) Attaché the ID proof of parent
4) Attach ID card of student preferably issued from the institute where the student is pursuing the professional course

Declaration :
I certify that the statements herein are true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any wrong information supplied by me will make me liable for action against me and debar me from the scholarship, also will make me liable for the recovery of the entire amount granted to me as scholarship from the CPWD-OWA.

About Us :
The foundation of CPWD officers wives association was laid in the year 1971 by Late Mrs Rachel C. Muthachen, w/o the then Engineer in Chief Shri. Muthachen. She started the association from her residence. The ladies got together, collected cut pieces from the colonies, stitched clothes and sold them to raise funds for charitable work.

Categories Foundation/ Trust

View Comments (19)

  • Now, when I am checking on the website it is showing that the scholarship is for only for CPWA staff. Why?

  • Previously it was showing on the website that, scholarship is for all the students studying professional UG, but now its changed. It is showing that scholarship is for only whose who are working in CPWA. I HAVE APPLIED FOR IT, BUT MY PARENTS ARE NOT WORKING IN CPWA.

  • How can I submit the application form? Please guide me the procedure to fill the application form.

    • This scholarship is Applicable For : UG/PG Students

      Information as provided in the official website of CPWD Officers’ Wives Association

    • You can either E-mail your application to rashmibansal912[AT]yahoo.com or post your application form to
      The president
      C.P.W.D. Officer’s Wives Association
      Hriday Kunj, Sector-VI, R. K. Puram,
      Near RBI Staff Colony, New Delhi - 110022
      Phone: 011-26103681
      If you are sending your application form through post then kindly mail a copy of your documents to the specified E-mail Id.

      Anyone process is applicable.

      Information as provided in the official website of CPWD Officers’ Wives Association

  • Hi.. we should send it by email itself? Cannot we send it by post.. how will we come to know egen will we get our scholarship

    • Information from the official website :

      If applying through post, also e-mail a scanned copy to above mentioned e-mail and title. rashmibansal912 [AT] yahoo.com

    • Eligibility :
      Any student, including both undergraduate and graduate students, enrolled in a college or university for professional courses is eligible to apply.

      Information as provided in the official website of CPWD Officers’ Wives Association

    • Application Deadline : 11.07.2017

      Information as provided in the official website of CPWD Officers’ Wives Association

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