Lila Poonawalla Under Graduation Scholarship 2017 For Pune Girls :

Organisation : Lila Poonawalla Foundation
Scholarship Name : Under Graduation Scholarship 2017
Applicable For : Girl Students For Under Graduation Studies
Applicable City : Pune
Application Last Date : 12th September 2017 (Nursing)
Website :
Notification :

Under Graduation Scholarship :

Golden Opportunity of Scholarship for Girls who are planning to take admission in any college in Pune District to pursue Graduation in the following streams:

Related / Similar Scholarship : Lila Poonawalla Scholarship Amravati 2017

Streams :
** Science
** Pharmacy
** Diploma in Engineering
** Engineering (B.E.)
** Engineering after Diploma
** Nursing

Application Forms will be available from 1st July 2017 for above mentioned categories till below mentioned dates. (Monday to Saturday) 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m

Name of Category-Availability of Application Form Till:
** Science-Wednesday 16th August
** Pharmacy-Thursday 24th August
** Engineering (B.E.)-Friday 18th August
** Diploma in Engineering-Wednesday 16th August
** Engineering after Diploma-Saturday 26th August
** Nursing-Tuesday 12th September

At : Lila Poonawalla Foundation
Fili Villa ’, 101/102, Survey No. 23, Balewadi,
Nr. D –Mart, Baner Pune – 411 045

Contact Person
: Ms .Asmita Shinde/Ms Shweta Ghare
Tel Nos. : 020 – 27224264 / 27224265
Mobile : 9766728535 / 7057985665
E-mail ID :

Eligibility Criteria :
1. Age Limit: 20 years
2. Families total annual income not to be exceed Rs. 2, 00,000/- per annum.
3. Candidate should have secured minimum 60% marks in 10th & 12th standard.
4. Only those who are taking admission in the 1st year of Science in academic year 2017 -2018 and doing specialization with Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, Computer Science, Computer Application, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Animation and Multimedia in any college in Pune District can apply
5. The scholarship amount will be decided on merit, need and performance in interview but will not exceed Rs. 50,000/- per year.
6. The scholarship is for a period of three academic years and is subject to the candidate passing in all subjects and securing a minimum overall score of 60% marks each academic year in the same college.

Application Form Cost – Rs. 300/-

B. Pharmacy:
1. Age Limit: 20 years
2. Families total annual income not to be exceed Rs. 3, 50,000/- per annum.
3. Candidate should have secured minimum 60% marks in 10th & 12th standard.
4. Only those who are taking admission in the 1st year of Pharmacy in academic year 2017 – 2018 in any College in Pune District can apply
5. The scholarship amount will be decided on merit, need and performance in interview but will not exceed Rs. 75,000 /- per year.
6. The scholarship is for a period of four academic years and is subject to the candidate passing in all subjects and securing a minimum overall score of 60% marks each academic year in the same college.
7. It is mandatory to attend minimum three training workshops per year arranged by the Foundation and the continuation of the scholarship will depend on the same.

Application Form Cost – Rs. 300/-

Diploma in Engineering :
1. Age Limit : below 17 years
2. Family’s total annual income not to be exceed Rs. 2,00,000/- per annum.
3. Candidate should have secured minimum 70% marks in 10th standard
4. Only those who are taking admission in the 1st year of Diploma in academic year 2017 -2018 in any College in Pune District can apply.
5. The scholarship amount will be decided on merit, need and performance in interview but will not exceed Rs. 50,000/- per year.
6. The scholarship is for a period of three academic years and is subject to the candidate passing in all subjects and securing a minimum overall score of 60% marks each academic year in the same college.
7. It is mandatory to attend minimum three training workshops per year arranged by the Foundation and the continuation of the scholarship will depend on the same.

Application Form Cost – Rs. 200/-

Engineering -(B.E.) :
1. Age Limit: below 20 years
2. Family’s total annual income not to be exceed Rs. 3,50,000/- per annum.
3. Candidate should have secured minimum 65% marks in 10th & 12th standard .
4. Only those who are taking admission in the 1st year of Engineering in academic year 2017 -2018 in any College in Pune District can apply.
5. The scholarship amount will be decided on merit, need and performance in interview but will not exceed Rs. 60,000/- per year.
6. The scholarship is for a period of four academic years and is subject to the candidate passing in all subjects and securing a minimum overall score of 60% marks each academic year in the same college.
7. It is mandatory to attend minimum three training workshops per year arranged by the Foundation and the continuation of the scholarship will depend on the same.

Application Form Cost – Rs. 300/-

Engineering after Diploma :
1. Age Limit: below 21 years
2. Families total annual income not to be exceed Rs. 3,50,000/- per annum.
3. Candidate should have secured minimum 70% marks in 10th Std. and minimum 70% marks in Diploma
4. Only those who are taking admission in the 2nd year of Engineering after completing Diploma in academic year 2017 -2018 in any College in Pune District can apply
5. The scholarship amount will be decided on merit, need and performance in interview but will not exceed Rs. 60,000/- per year.
6. The scholarship is for a period of three academic years and is subject to the candidate passing in all subjects and securing a minimum overall score of 60% marks each academic year in the same college.
7. It is mandatory to attend minimum three training workshops per year arranged by the Foundation and the continuation of the scholarship will depend on the same.

Application Form Cost – Rs. 300/-

Nursing :
1. Age Limit: below 20 years
2. Family’s total annual income not to be exceed Rs. 3,50,000/- per annum.
3. Candidate should have secured minimum 60% marks in 10th& 12th standard.
4. Only those who are taking admission in the 1st year of Nursing in any College in academic year 2017 -2018 in Pune District can apply
5. The scholarship amount will be decided on merit, need and performance in interview but will not exceed Rs. 1,00,000/- per year.
6. The scholarship is for a period of four academic years and is subject to the candidate passing in all subjects and securing a minimum overall score of 60% marks each academic year in the same college.
7. It is mandatory to attend minimum three training workshops per year arranged by the Foundation and the continuation of the scholarship will depend on the same.

Application Form Cost – Rs. 300/- © 2022

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