CTSN LCMS Scholarship 2017-18 : Concordia Theological Seminary Nagercoil

Organisation : CTSN Concordia Theological Seminary Nagercoil
Scholarship Name : LCMS Scholarship 2017-2018
Application Last Date : 1 July, 2017.
Website : http://ctsn.edu.in/
Application Form : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/14051-Application.pdf

LCMS Scholarship :

For Seminarians of Concordia Theological Seminary, Nagercoil (CTSN).

Related : Nirankari Rajmata Scholarship Scheme 2017-18 : www.scholarships.net.in/14035.html

** Please read the instructions carefully, before completing the application form IN FULL. Do not leave blank spaces.
** Do not copy answers. Write legibly, please.
** This scholarship is being offered from the generous donations of members of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, who wish to support the proclamation of the Gospel in India and throughout the world.
** It is intended to provide financial assistance to worthy students, for whom the expense of seminary education is particularly burdensome orprohibitive. Scholarships will be awarded based on NEEDS and MERIT.
** To be eligible for this scholarship, you must be enrolled as a full-time student at Concordia
** Theological Seminary, Nagercoil, in preparation for pastoral ministry in the India Evangelical Lutheran Church (IELC).
** Scholarships will only be awarded to students whose home congregation is in good standing with the IELC.
** The amount of each scholarship is the equivalent of 500 USD per year, per student.
** Students who have received a scholarship in the past are eligible to apply, but must complete a new application form.
** With the exception of first year seminarians, an OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT should be sent with this application, to verify the student’s average grade.
** Every applicant must include a FAMILY INCOME CERTIFICATE, in order to verify family income.
** Applicants MUST receive ALL the signed endorsements required on this application form.
** Applicants must submit scanned form and accompanying documents from THEIR OWN E-MAIL ADDRESS, by e-mail DIRECTLY to Missionary Rev. Dr. Edward Naumann: Edward.Naumann@lcmsintl.org.
** Applications submitted through an email address that does not belong to the applicant will NOT be accepted.

Selection :
The selection of successful applicants will made by the LCMS, and may not be appealed. Students who are awarded a scholarship must be willing to send their photograph and a note of thanks, for LCMS media publications.

Before you submit your application via e-mail to Edward.Naumann@lcmsintl.org, now check that you have the required information and documents:

** FULLY Completed Application Form
** Bank Account Information
** Signatures
** Family Income Certificate
** Official Transcript (except first year applicants)

Last Date :
Last Date for applications for this scholarship, for the academic year 2017-2018, shall be 1 July, 2017.

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