2017-18 Post Matric Scholarship Fresh & Renewal : MOBC Manipur

Organisation : Manipur MOBC Minorities & Other Backward Classes
Scholarship Name : Post Matric Scholarship 2017-18 Fresh & Renewal
Applicable For : Minority Community Students (i.e. Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Sikh, Zoroastrian (Parsi) and Jain)
Applicable State : Manipur
Application Last Date : 31st August 2017 (Fresh) | 31st July 2017 (Renewal)
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MOBC Manipur Post Matric Scholarship

The timeline for submission of online application under Minority Post Matric Scholarship Scheme for the year 2017-18 has been notified as detailed below.

Related / Similar Scholarship : Manipur MCM Scholarship 2017-18

Website for filling up of online application is National Scholarship Portal (NSP) of the Government of India . A link to the site is also made available in the website of this Ministry i.e.

This is a continuing programme to award scholarship to OBC students who are studying both inside and outside the State. This is a 100% Central share scheme.GOI sanctioned Rs.200.70 lakhs in two installments for the scheme during 2006-07 targeting 16800 students. During 2007-08 an amt. of Rs. 100.70 lakhs was expended to benefit 8908 students .

OBC Students whose annual family income is below Rs.44,500/- can apply for the Scholarship. An amount of Rs.125.08 lakhs was expended for awarding scholarship to 11440 OBC students during 2008-09.An amount of Rs. 200.00 lakhs is proposed during 2009-10.

Providing Scholarship to OBC students under Post-Matric Scholarship(100% Central share) continued benefiting 20348 OBC students had benefited during the first 2(two) years of 11th Plan Target for 2009-10 is to benefit 11760 OBC students.

Timeline :
** Submission of Online applications for Fresh scholarship by students – 1st June to 31st August, 2017
** Submission of Online applications for Renewal scholarship by students – 1st June to 31st July, 2017

** The detailed guidelines of the scholarship scheme and the standard operation procedure with the timelines is available on the National Scholarship Portal (NSP) Portal.
** Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) available on the NSP homepage of the website for filling up of Online Application.
** Print out of the online application along with attested photocopies of supporting documents is to be submitted to the concerned institutes.

For further details, please contact

To check / certify the following :
[a] A separate account for this scholarship scheme is maintained.
[b] The claim belonging to a notified minority community i.e. Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Buddhist or Parsi has been verified and the State Government / UT Administration is satisfied with the claim.
[c] The school / college / institute where students are studying are Government or recognized by State Government / UT Administration.
[d] The students proposed for award of scholarship have secured not less than 50% marks in previous final examination and that students from BPL families, having the lowest income have been given preference in the ascending order.
[e] As the students belonging to minority communities could also belong to OBC, SC or ST category, it has been ensured that a student does not enjoy more than one scholarship.
[f] The annual income, from all sources, of parents or guardian of the students should not exceed Rs.2 lakh.
[g] Eligible girl students have been accommodated against the earmarked 30% scholarships for girl students, and where the balance have been transferred to boy students, it has been done only after the girl students’ list has been exhausted.
[h] The reimbursement for admission fee and course / tuition fee claimed by students studying in the school/college / institute has been checked and worked out as per the scheme.
[i] The students applying for award of scholarship have bank account.
[j] The sub-allocation for each minority communities has been maintained in the proposal.

View Comments (29)

  • Please let me know, when will I get my Post Matric scholarship fund? Some of my college mates have already got it.

  • I have applied for MOBC 2017-18. I have not yet received the amount. I want to know, whether my application is selected (or) not. I am checking my account regularly.

  • I am from Manipur. I want to check my MOBC scholarship 2017-18 result. Please help me.

  • I closed my bank account that I have added to my application. Now what I have to do? I should add a new bank account (or) what to do?

  • I didn't receive any message to my number regarding my defected application but when I check the status through my college ID, it shows defect. What is this? So, I enquired about this to the corresponding office they said, you will get it after 1 (or) 2 months. Which one I have to belief? I am really confused and Please tell, where I can check the selected list for MOBC scholarship?

  • I an an OBC candidate, but I have not got selected in this MOBC scholarship for 2017-2018, why is it so?

  • I am form Manipur. I want to know, why I am not selected in MOBC of Post Matric Scholarship 2018.

  • My national scholarship has got rejected. How is it possible? I paid my dues fee already to the institution even the director knows it and even he also verified.

    • In order to apply online, please visit the website through URL

      The application date for year 2017 is over.

  • Time is running out, still there's no link has been given for those ST students of Manipur. When and where can I apply? This is very embarrassing that many students were looking for this schemes to go for their further studies. So I request fervently the concern authority or the department of Tribal & Hills Development, Government of Manipur to kindly see the matter seriously and act from your end .

  • How do I download ST renewal post matric scholarship application form for 20117-2018? I can't get it in the website given. © 2022

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