2017-18 Post Matric Scholarship Fresh & Renewal : Odisha ST & SC Development

Organisation : Odisha ST & SC Development, Minorities & Backward Classes Welfare Department
Scholarship Name : Post Matric Scholarship 2017-18
Applicable For : Minority Community Students (i.e. Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Sikh, Zoroastrian (Parsi) and Jain)
Applicable State : Odisha
Application Last Date : 30th September 2017 (Fresh) | 31st August 2017 (Renewal)
Website :
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Post Matric Scholarship :

Minorities & Backward Classes welfare Department, Govt. of Odisha invites Online applications for award of Post Matric Scholarship for the year 2017-18 to meritorious students of Odisha belonging to the notified Minority Communities studying in recognized Institutions inside Odisha and other States within India from Class XI up to Ph.D Courses.

Related : ST SC Odisha 2016-17 Post Matric Scholarship :

1. Students must be permanent resident of Odisha.
2. Income ceiling of parents shall not exceed Rs. 2.00 lakh per annum.
3. Minimum eligibility mark is 50%, secured in the last final examination of the Board/ University.
4. 30% scholarship is earmarked for girl students.

Documents to be enclosed:
1. One Passport size photograph with signature of the student thereon(for Fresh Scholarship)
2. Certificates in support of educational qualification/Income/Residence duly attested,
3. Self-attested copy of the 1st page of Savings Bank Pass Book mentioning correct A/C no,IFSC code etc.
4. Self-certification of the students towards community certificate
5. Scanned copy of Aadhaar (mandatory)

** Eligible students are advised to fill-up their application ONLINE by accessing and obtain a print out of the duly filled in application form after submitting it online and send the same along with all supporting documents to concerned District Welfare Officer through their respective Institute where studying.

** Only Online Applications under the scheme will be accepted and no request for accepting Offline applications will be entertained.

** The students who have availed Post-Matric scholarship for the year 2016-17 and not changed their course shall apply for RENEWAL scholarship through their respective Institutes where studying. Other applicants to apply for FRESH scholarship.

** In case of any problem faced by the students at the time of filling up of the application through online, they may refer to FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions)available home page of the website or take the help of Helpline No.0674-2391780/or e-mail on dirobc@gmail.corn

** Applicants are advised to be very careful to mention the accurate Bank Account related Information &Aadhaar Number in the specified Box of the online application.

** In case of any wrong entry or mismatch of the SB A/c No. & IFS Code ,thisDeptt. will not be held responsible for mis-credit / diversion of the scholarship.

About the Department :
The State of Odisha occupies an important place in the country having a high concentration of Scheduled Tribe and Scheduled Caste population. As per the latest 2011 census, it is ranked third (numerically) in terms of ST population whereas its position is eleventh (numerically) in terms of SC population in the country.

Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes together constitute nearly 40% of the State’s Total Population (S.Ts 22.85% and S.Cs 17.13%).

Categories Odisha

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  • I am studying B.Tech in ETC. I have applied and not selected for the scholarship. Now I need the failure list. Please upload it. © 2022

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