Vivekananda Overseas Education Scheme : Brahmin Samkshema Parishad

Organisation : Telangana Brahmin Samkshema Parishad (TBSP)
Scholarship Name : Vivekananda Overseas Education Scheme
Applicable State : Telangana
Last Date : 31.08.2019
Website/Apply Online :

TBSP Vivekananda Overseas Education Scheme

Telangana Brahmin Samkshema Parishad after careful examination of the matter hereby proposes “Vivekananda Overseas Study Scheme” for the benefit of the students belonging to Telangana Brahmin community.


** Financial Assistance under this Scheme for studies abroad will be sanctioned to Brahmin community graduates belonging to any of the 31 districts in Telangana per year to pursue Post Graduate/Doctoral studies abroad subject to the following guidelines

** Brahmin students whose family income from all sources is less than Rs.6.00 lakhs per annum are eligible.

** Total income from all sources of the employed candidates or his/her parents / guardians, shall not exceed Rs. 6.00 lakhs per annum. In case of employees, salary certificate from the employer is a must.

** In all cases the Income Certificate must be obtained through MEE SEVA.
** A copy of the latest monthly salary slip from the employer is also required to be enclosed with the application.
** The maximum age under the scheme shall not exceed 30 years as on date of application.


(1) For Post Graduate Course :
65% marks or equivalent grade in foundation Degree in Engineering/ Management/ Pure Sciences/ Agriculture Sciences/ Medicine and Nursing/ Social Sciences/ Humanities.

(2) For Ph.D. Courses : 65% marks or equivalent grade in P.G. course in Engineering/ Management/ Pure Sciences/ Agriculture Sciences/ Medicine/ Social Sciences/ Humanities.

One Child in a family – One-time Award :
Not more than one child of the same parents / guardians will be eligible and to this effect a self – certification will be required from the candidate. The awardee cannot be considered for the second or subsequent times as the individual can be awarded only once in a life time.


(i) He/ She should have a valid TOEFL/ IELTS & GRE/ GMAT or any other equivalent entrance exam;
(ii) He/she should have obtained admission in an accredited Foreign University;

(iii) He/she should possess a valid Passport;
(iv) The candidates are required to make their own efforts in seeking admission in accredited University / Institution abroad;

(v) The selected candidate has to join the concerned university within one year of communication of selection. On expiry of this specified period of time, the award will be automatically cancelled and come to an end.

(vi) The candidate shall not change the course of study or research for which the scholarship has been sanctioned;

(viii) The applications should be complete in all respects and should be accompanied by all relevant documents. The applications, incomplete in any respect, are liable to be rejected.

How to Apply?

(i) Eligible candidates shall fill their applications online ( in the prescribed format

(ii) The student shall submit the following documents:
** Residential/ Nativity Certificate;
** Caste Certificate from Mee Seva;
** Income Certificate from Mee Seva;
** Date of Birth Certificate;
** Aadhaar Card;
** Passport copy;

** Mark sheet from SSC/Inter/Graduate/PG Level;
** GRE / GMAT or equivalent qualifying exam / test score card;
** TOFEL/IELTS score card;
** Admission offer letter from Foreign University (I-20, letter of Admission or equivalent);
** Copy of Bank Pass Book of Nationalised Bank;
** Photo to be scanned and uploaded;

Application Last Date

Online applications are inviting for all schemes from 14-06-2019 to 31-08-2019.

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