Saraswati Vidya Prashasti Scheme : Brahmin Samkshema Parishad

Organisation : Telangana Brahmin Samkshema Parishad (TBSP)
Scholarship Name : Saraswati Vidya Prashasti Scheme
Applicable State : Telangana
Apply Here :

TBSP Saraswati Vidya Prashasti Scheme

Telangana Brahmin Samkshema Parishad (TBSP), a registered society under the Telangana Societies Registration Act, 2001, is keenly interested in the social, educational and economic development and welfare of Brahmin Community in the Telangana State.

Related : Telangana Brahmin Lakshya Scheme For Competitive Exams :


** Financial Assistance under this Scheme will be granted for meritorious Brahmin community students belonging to any of the 31 districts in Telangana.

** The candidate should be a Topper from a Govt/ Govt-recognised Private High School/ Junior College/ Polytechnic and equivalent institutions/ Degree College/ University and other such educational institutions and should have passed SSC/ Intermediate/ Degree in Engineering/ Pharmacy/ Management/ Pure Sciences/ Agriculture Sciences/ Medicine and Nursing/ Social Sciences/ Humanities and Post Graduation in Engineering/ Pharmacy/ Management/ Pure Sciences/ Agriculture Sciences/ Medicine/ Social Sciences/ Humanities

** The candidate would be awarded scholarships while pursuing immediate further studies.
** The candidate should have cleared all the subjects without any backlogs.
** Candidate should be a regular student of the course.

Online Application

To apply for Saraswati Vidya Prashasti Scheme Go to the official website mentioned above and Click the ‘Application for Saraswati Vidya Prashasti Scheme’ link

Step 1 : Enter Applicant’s Name (Without surname)* [Aravind Lal]
Step 2 : Enter Your Surname [Kumar]
Step 3 : Enter Applicant’s Aadhar No [812345678900]
Step 4 : Select Your Gothram [Alambini]
Step 5 : Select Your Gender [Male/ Female]
Step 6 : Enter Your e-Mail ID []
Step 7 : Enter Your Mobile No [9123456780]
Step 8 : Enter Your Date of Birth [12/05/1997]
Step 9 : Enter Your Father/Mother/Guardian’s Name [Berny]
Step 10 : Enter Your Father/Mother/Guardian’s Profession [Tailor]
Step 11 : Select Do you have any disability – Yes/No

Step 12 : Select Your Qualifying Education [Graduation]
Step 13 : Select Your Course of Study [Bachelor of Science]
Step 14 : Enter Your Year of Passing [2017]
Step 15 : Enter Your Percentage Secured [89]
Step 16 : Enter Your Institution Name [SAV Arts College]
Step 17 : Enter Your Institution Address [123A, Sai Nagar, Karimnagar, Telangana 505001]
Step 18 : Enter Your Institution Land Line/Mobile No [9876543210]

Address for communication :
Step 19 : Enter Your House Number [111]
Step 20 : Enter Your Street Name [Puranapul, Karwan Road]
Step 21 : Enter Your Land Mark [Jiyaguda]
Step 22 : Enter Your Village [Hyderabad]
Step 23 : Enter Your District [Hyderabad]**
Step 24 : Enter Your Mandal [Domalguda]
Step 25 : Enter Your Pin Code [500006]
Step 26 : Tick the Permanent Address Same as Address for communication Check box

Applicant’s Bank Details :
Step 27 : Enter Your IFSC Code [SBIN0000847]
Step 28 : Enter Your Branch Name [Hyderabad Main]
Step 29 : Enter Your SB A/C No [12356454874510000]
Step 30 : Enter Your Branch Address [Bank Street, Koti, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh 500095]

Step 31 : Uploads the following documents
** Applicant’s Photo
** Residential/Nativity Certificate
** Aadhar Card
** Marks Sheet from SSC/Inter/Graduate/PG Level
** Caste Certificate
** 2nd and 3rd pages of SB A/C Passbook

Step 32 : Click the Submit button

Mandatory Requirements

** He/she should have a minimum percentage of 90 at SSC or equivalent and Intermediate/ Polytechnic or equivalent.

** For Degree courses like BA, B.Com, B.Sc., the minimum percentage shall be 70. For Professional Courses i.e Medicine, B.E, B.Tech, B. Pharm BAMS, BHMS etc. the minimum percentage shall be 80.

** For Post Graduate Courses like M.A, M.Sc, M. Com, MCA, MBA etc., the minimum percentage a student shall obtain is 70.

Procedure for Selection

(i) Eligible candidates shall fill their applications online.
(ii) A certificate from the Head of the School/ College/ Institute in a prescribed proforma affirming that the candidate is the topper of the respective educational institution shall be provided

The student shall submit the following documents :
** Residential/ Nativity Certificate;
** Caste Certificate from Mee Seva;
** Income Certificate from Mee Seva;
** Date of Birth Certificate;
** Aadhaar Card;
** Mark sheet from SSC/Inter/Graduate/PG Level;
** Copy of Bank Pass Book of Nationalised Bank;
** Photo to be scanned and uploaded

Frequently Asked Questions

1. I really appreciate this initiative of providing scholarships to talented but poor students of our community who are deprived of reservations in education. I have two daughters doing 3rd year professional degrees B.E. and MBBS. Both have got excellent academic grades with more than 80 percent. Are they eligible to receive this scholarship? Please let me know at the earliest.
The candidate should be a Topper from a Govt/ Govt-recognised Private High School/ Junior College/ Polytechnic and equivalent institutions/ Degree College/ University and other such educational institutions and should have passed SSC/ Intermediate/ Degree in Engineering/ Pharmacy/ Management/ Pure Sciences/ Agriculture Sciences/ Medicine and Nursing/ Social Sciences/ Humanities and Post Graduation in Engineering/ Pharmacy/ Management/ Pure Sciences/ Agriculture Sciences/ Medicine/ Social Sciences/ Humanities

2. I am a B.Pharm 2nd year students secured 88% in 1st year. I don’t have mark sheet. My college management has not printed the mark list. So what should I keep to apply?
Mandatory Requirements :
He/she should have topped from a Govt/ Govt-recognised private School/ College/ Institution with a minimum percentage of 90 at SSC or equivalent and Intermediate/ Polytechnic or equivalent.

Categories Telangana

View Comments (32)

  • Good evening sir.. I have a girl child studying 3rd class in a private school. we in the next year migrating from andhra pradesh to telangana. We are getting yearly scholarship in andhra pradesh under Bharati scheme in
    In telangana is there any scholarships for single girl brahmin child please let me know.

  • Is this scholarship real? Please let me know, how many of you have been approved by the parishad and awarded scholarships?

    • If you have applied and didn't receive any scholarship even after 3 or 4 months then be sure that your application has been rejected.

  • I am studying 10th standard. I want to apply for this scholarship. Do I need income certificate to apply for this?


  • Ours' is an upcoming company and in need of funds for the expansion of our company and to meet the need of the requirement. we are in Hyderabad since 2003 November, have been submitting IT returns since then, regularly. Can we have the financial assistance? Please let us know.

  • My daughter is a merit student. We are waiting for Vivekananda Overseas Education application but it is not available. We are suffering. Please assist us.

  • నేను మావూరి గురించి "హిస్టరీ ఆఫ్ చరికొండ" పుస్తకము వ్రాసి తమ పరిశీలనకై పంపి యుంటిని.నాకు ఎట్టి ప్రత్యుత్తరమూ రాలేదు దయచేసి ప్రస్తుత పరిస్థితి ఏమన్నది తెలియజేయగలరని మనవి.

  • I am Alamuru Srinivasa Rao, my elder daughter is studying B.Sc. 2nd year and younger daughter is studying Inter 2nd year, in the previous years, they got 92 & 98% of marks respectively. So We want apply for Saraswathi Vidya Parishad Scheme. When it will be open the Site? Kindly clarify. As the Academic year 2018-2019 started already and over 1 and half month period. Kindly do the needful at the earliest.

  • Please activate the website of Telangana Brahmin, because so many students are waiting for this scholarship.

  • తెలంగాణ బ్రాహ్మణ సంక్షేమ పథకం క్రింద బ్రాహ్మణులకి సొంత వ్యాపార లోన్స్ ఇస్తూ ఇస్తూ మానేసారు. మల్లీ ఎప్పుడు ఇస్తారు. డిసెంబర్ లో అప్లై చేసాము ఇంతవరకి ఎలాంటి పిలుపు లేదు అక్కడినించి. కాస్త మాకూ ఏదొ సాయం చేయండి సార్.

  • My son got 65 percentage in Intermediate MPC. He wants to join in B.Tech, Is he eligible for Loan? if so, whom do I have to contact.

  • I have applied for scholarship under Saraswathi Viday scheme vide acknowledgment number 31ESD0000002341 in 2017. I have been selected and my name is found in ANNEXURE-1. Kindly let me know when will be the scholarships will be disbursed. Whether they will be issued or not?

  • My daughter is studying B.E. 2nd year. She secured 85% marks in 1st year. I want to apply for Saraswati Vagdevi Scholarship scheme but the site is not working since 40 days. When will it open let me know please?


    • I would like to know the office address & contact person name & contact number of our Telangana Brahim Welfare Parishad in Hyderabad to apply Education scholarship. Urgent please.

  • This scheme is very good for merit brahmin students, but there is no any separate link provided to check the application status. I have applied for scholarship under Saraswathi Viday scheme vide acknowledgment number 31ESD0000003503 dated 13th April 2018. All documents are uploaded. Please request you approval the my application.

    • This scheme is very good for merit Brahmin students, but there is no any separate link provided to check the application status. I have applied for scholarship under Saraswathi Viday scheme vide acknowledgment number 31ESD0000003503 dated 13th April 2018. All documents are uploaded. Please request you approval the my application.

  • This scheme is very very good for merit students, there is no any separate link provided to check the application status. I have applied for scholarship under Saraswathi Viday scheme vide acknowledgment number 31ESD0000003503 dated 13th April 2018.

  • I have applied for scholarship under Saraswathi Viday scheme vide acknowledgment number 31ESD0000002866 dated 27th October 2017. Kindly let me know the status. © 2022

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