Lakshya Scheme For Competitive Exams : Brahmin Samkshema Parishad

Organisation : Telangana Brahmin Samkshema Parishad (TBSP)
Scholarship Name : Lakshya Scheme For Competitive Exams
Applicable For : Brahmin Community Students
Applicable State : Telangana
Website :
FAQ : FAQ for Lakshya Scheme

Lakshya Scheme For Competitive Exams :

Telangana Brahmin Samkshema Parishad (TBSP), a registered society under the Telangana Societies Registration Act, 2001, is keenly interested in the social, educational and economic development and welfare of Brahmin Community in the Telangana State.

Related : Telangana ePass Mahatma Jyothiba Phule BC Overseas Vidya Nidhi Scholarship :

Every year thousands of Brahmin community candidates appear for various competitive examinations conducted by the UPSC, Staff Selection Commission, IBPS, Railway Recruitment Board, Regional Rural Banks, State Public Service Commissions and DSC etc.

Succeeding in these exams requires proper coaching/ training from reputed institutions which charge considerable fees from the candidates.

Telangana Brahmin Samkshema Parishad decided to introduce “Lakshya Scheme for Competitive Exams” for the benefit of eligible Brahmin community candidates to enable them to succeed in various competitive exams.

Guidelines for the scheme:
Financial Assistance under this Scheme will be provided to Brahmin community graduates belonging to any of the 31 districts in Telangana for taking up coaching/ undergoing training (along with hostel facility) for various competitive exams subject to the following guidelines:

Guidelines :
** The candidate should fulfil all the qualifications as fixed by the recruitment agency
** Brahmin students whose family income from all sources is less than Rs.6.00 lakhs per annum are eligible. In respect of employees, latest salary certificate from the employer is a must.
** In all cases the Income Certificate must be obtained through MEE SEVA.

Financial Assistance:
** The proposed quantum of financial assistance given to candidates under ‘Lakshya Competitive Exams Scheme’ will be according to the fees (including charges of hostel facility) charged by the reputed and recognised coaching/training institute

Mandatory Requirements:
(i) Total duration of coaching shall be of minimum of One month to maximum of Nine months depending on the competitive exam
(ii) The candidates are required to make their own efforts in seeking admission in Coaching/ Training Institution;
(iii) The candidates shall provide proof of admission in the coaching/ training institute
(iv) The candidate shall not claim financial assistance for more than one competitive exam
(v) The applications should be complete in all respects and should be accompanied by all relevant documents. The applications, incomplete in any respect, are liable to be rejected.

Procedure for Selection:
Eligible candidates shall fill their applications online ( in the prescribed format

The student shall submit the following documents:
** Residential/ Nativity Certificate;
** Caste Certificate from Mee Seva;
** Income Certificate from Mee Seva;
** Date of Birth Certificate;
** Aadhaar Card;
** Marks sheet of qualifying examination;
** Admission proof from coaching/ training institute;
** Copy of Bank Pass Book of Nationalised Bank;
** Photo to be scanned and uploaded;

Preference would be given to such candidates who are/ are part of:
** Orphans
** Students with physical disabilities
** Households headed by women with no able earning members
** Households headed by widows or terminally-ill persons/disabled persons

** The selection shall be conducted by the Executive Committee at the State level.
** The Chairman is authorised to make exceptions in the eligibility/ selection process depending upon the merit of the case and his decision will be final.

FAQ Frequently Asked Questions :
1. Please tell me the eligibility for this scheme?
Eligibility criteria :
** Brahmin students whose family income from all sources is less than Rs.6.00 lakhs per annum are eligible. In respect of employees, latest salary certificate from the employer is a must.
** In all cases the Income Certificate must be obtained through MEE SEVA.

Information as provided in the official website of Telangana Brahmin Samkshema Parishad (TBSP)

2. I want the application form for overseas education scholarship?
You can use the below mentioned link to apply online :

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