Colgate Dental Cream Scholarship Offer 2017

Organisation : Colgate-Palmolive (India) Ltd
Scholarship Name : Colgate Dental Cream Scholarship Offer 2017
Applicable For : Individuals, having a child/ children below the age of 21 years
Application Last Date : 31st July 2017
Website :

Colgate Scholarship Offer :

** All individuals are requested to go through the detailed terms and conditions before participating.

Related / Similar Scholarship : Colgate Scholarship 2018

** This Scholarship offer is being conducted by Colgate-Palmolive (India) Ltd (“Colgate” / “Company”) from 1st May 2017 to 31st July 2017 (“Scholarship offer period”)
** All major individuals, having a child / children below the age of 21 years, are eligible to participate in this Colgate Dental Cream Scholarship Offer (“Scholarship Offer”), subject to the terms and conditions set out herein, which will be presumed to have been accepted by him/her.
** Subject to the following terms and conditions, Scholarship offer is meant to help and support the education of a child below the age of 21 years.
** Therefore only those participants whose child / children is/ are below the age of 21 years are eligible to participate in this offer.
** Purchase of Colgate Dental Cream pack is not a condition precedent to participate in this Scholarship Offer.
** One can get an opportunity to participate in this Scholarship offer by giving a missed call on the Toll Free number 1800 532 2213, which is printed on the pack of ‘Colgate Dental Cream toothpaste’, or communicated in TV commercials.
** The caller will get a call back on his number and will be asked to select an Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) option to answer a question.
** The IVRS will also require the participants to enter certain details for the purpose of verification at the time of announcing the winners.
** All participants making calls during the Scholarship offer period, as mentioned in clause 6 above will get an opportunity to participate in this Scholarship offer.
** Calling on the Toll-Free number 1800 532 2213 and registering an entry in accordance with the aforesaid instructions does not confer upon the caller any right to win the Scholarship Offer.

Details of the Scholarship Offer Prizes are as follows :
** From the registered entries of the Scholarship Offer, vide random sampling by computer, total 301 entries who have answered the question correctly will be selected, out of which 25 randomly selected entries will be entitled to win Scholarships worth 1,00,000/- (Rupees one lakh only) & balance 276 entries will be entitled to win Scholarships worth 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only).
** Colgate does not have any discretion, choice or hand in the selection process.
** Scholarships cannot be exchanged for cash or gifts or other purposes.
** Persons registering in this Scholarship Offer authorize Colgate to send voice messages and SMS alerts/messages to their mobile/landline numbers.
** Subscribers who have opted for DND (Do Not Disturb) facility with their respective service providers may not receive the aforesaid messages / alerts.
** The name of the persons winning the Scholarship Offer will be published on or anytime between 1st May 2017 to 30th September 2017
** In the event that Colgate does not receive the relevant documents as required within two weeks of establishing contact with the winner, then the said winner shall be disqualified and shall not be entitled to receive the scholarship offer prize.
** Colgate would not be liable or held responsible for any lack or lapse in any communication on account of failure or delay by any of the Internet, Telecom, SMS and E-mails service provider.
** No correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
** Employees of the Company, its affiliates, Bates Sercon, Redfuse, Netcore, QED and their family members are not eligible to participate in the Scholarship Offer.
** Disputes, if any, will be subject to jurisdiction of the courts at Mumbai only.

View Comments (17)

    • Information as provided from the Official Website :

      One can get an opportunity to participate in this Scholarship offer by giving a missed call on the Toll Free number 1800 532 2213, which is printed on the pack of ‘Colgate Dental Cream toothpaste’, or communicated in TV commercials.

    • Information as provided from the Official Website :

      From the registered entries of the Scholarship Offer, vide random sampling by computer, total 301 entries who have answered the question correctly will be selected, out of which 25 randomly selected entries will be entitled to win Scholarships worth 1,00,000/- (Rupees one lakh only) & balance 276 entries will be entitled to win Scholarships worth 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only).

    • Application procedure :
      You can participate in this Scholarship offer by giving a missed call on the Toll Free number 1800 532 2213, which is printed on the pack of ‘Colgate Dental Cream toothpaste’, or communicated in TV commercials.

      Information from the official website of Colgate-Palmolive (India) Ltd

    • Information available from the official website of Colgate Scholarship Offer :

      One can get an opportunity to participate in this Scholarship offer by giving a missed call on the Toll Free number 1800 532 2213, which is printed on the pack of ‘Colgate Dental Cream toothpaste’, or communicated in TV commercials.

    • A question will be asked for which options will be provided, you have to select the correct answers form the options. After that you have to enter certain details for verification.

    • From the registered entries of the Scholarship Offer, vide random sampling by computer, total 301 entries who have answered the question correctly will be selected, out of which 25 randomly selected entries will be entitled to win Scholarships worth 1,00,000/- (Rupees one lakh only) & balance 276 entries will be entitled to win Scholarships worth 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only).

      Information as provided in the official website of Colgate-Palmolive (India) Ltd

    • ** One can get an opportunity to participate in this Scholarship offer by giving a missed call on the Toll Free number 1800 532 2213, which is printed on the pack of ‘Colgate Dental Cream toothpaste’, or communicated in TV commercials.
      ** The caller will get a call back on his number and will be asked to select an Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) option to answer a question.

      Information as provided in the official website of Colgate-Palmolive (India) Ltd © 2022

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