rgfindia.com Cambridge Commonwealth Trust Scholarship : Rajiv Gandhi Foundation

Organization : Rajiv Gandhi Foundation
Scholarship Name : Cambridge Commonwealth Trust Scholarship
Country: India

Website : http://www.rgfindia.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=38&Itemid=136
Apply Here : http://www.rgfindia.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=64&Itemid=136

Cambridge Commonwealth Trust Scholarship:
Over the years, RGF has been collaborating with the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust, UK, to award 20 scholarships to students from Cambridge and other British universities and institutions and also to students, to pursue higher-level courses at any college affiliated with Cambridge University.

Related / Similar Scholarship : Rajiv Gandhi Foundation Scholarship

The funds allow them to travel in India to research and better understand the socio-cultural and socio-political scenario of India.

Since 2013-14, RGF and Cambridge Commonwealth Trust have collaborated to award a one-year scholarship at the University of Cambridge. Known as the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation – Cambridge Commonwealth Trust Scholarship, it seeks to enable two outstanding Indian students to gain an M Phil degree in Education at the University of Cambridge.

The selection process follows well-defined selection criteria, including teaching experience, education leadership potential and credible intention to work in Indian education after completion of the course in Cambridge.

RGF and CCT agree each year in January on the number of scholarships to be awarded in the concerned academic year.

Scholarships are tenable by candidates who have been accepted to study for an MPhil by the Faculty of Education at the University of Cambridge.

This scholarship is available to Indian students who apply to take a Masters in Education.

Application Procedure:
No separate application is required for this scholarship

Applicants should possess a Masters’ degree from a reputed university in India, and be under the age of 35 at time of application.

Priority will be given to candidates who have field experience in education in India, and/or have a published paper in a reputed journal, and/or have a presentation at a relevant conference.

1. University Composition Fee
2. Annual stipend (sufficient for a single person)

The scholarships are tenable at any college of the University of Cambridge.

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