minorityaffairs.gov.in 2017-18 Pre Matric Scholarship National Portal Fresh & Renewal : Ministry of Minority Affairs

Organisation : Ministry of Minority Affairs
Scholarship Name : Pre Matric Scholarships Scheme For Minorities 2017-18 Fresh & Renewal
Applicable For : Minority Community Students Studying in Classes I to X
Applicable States/UTs : All Over India
Application Last Date : 30.09.2017 (Fresh) & 31.08.2017 (Renewal) [Date Extended]
Website : http://minorityaffairs.gov.in/schemesperformance/scholarship-schemes
Apply Online : http://www.scholarships.gov.in/#
Notification : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/13672-Time.PDF
Guidelines : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/13672-Guide.pdf

Pre Matric Scholarships :

The scholarship at pre-matric level will encourage parents from minority communities to send their school going children to school, lighten their financial burden on school education and sustain their efforts to support their children to complete school education.

Update : Minority Affairs NSP Pre Matric Scheme for Minorities 2018-19 : www.scholarships.net.in/25425.html

Eligibility :
Scholarship will be awarded to the students who have secured not less than 50% marks in the previous final examination and annual income of their parents/guardian from all sources does not exceed Rs. 1 lakh.

Selection :
As the number of scholarships for minorities available in a year is fixed and limited it is necessary to lay down preference for selection. Inter-se selection weightage is to be given to poverty rather than marks. In case of the renewal applications, such applications would be fully exhausted before the new applications are considered.

Duration :
The scholarships will be provided for the entire course. Maintenance allowance will be given for 10 months only in an academic year.

Conditions For Scholarship:
(i) Scholarship will be available to the students of minority community studying in Classes I to X. The continuance of award will be subject to securing 50% marks in the previous examination. Maintenance allowance will be provided to hostellers and day scholars.
(ii) The award will be discontinued if a student fails to secure 50% marks in the annual examination except in case of unavoidable reasons to be certified by the Principal/competent authority of the school and recommended by the State Government/Union Territory Administration.
(iii) Scholarship will not be given to more than two students from a family.
(iv) Students should be regular in attendance for which the yardstick will be decided by the competent authority of the school.
(v) Income Certificate; Income certificate from the employer for employed parents/guardian or Certificate to be issued by the Competent Authority declared by the State Government/ UT Administration.
(vi) The school/institute will certify the claim of student of being an outstation student not residing in hostel of the school/institute concerned.
(vii) Migration of student from one school/institute to another would not normally be during the course of academic year except under exceptional circumstances and in the interest of student’s academic career.
(viii) If a student violates school discipline or any other terms and conditions of the scholarship, scholarship may be suspended or cancelled. The State Government/Union Territory Administration can also directly cancel the award if duly satisfied of the reasons of violation of these regulations governing the scheme.

Renewal of Scholarship:
The scholarship, once awarded, may be renewed during next academic year of the course on the production of certificate that the student has secured 50% marks.

View Comments (19)

  • KL201617004190119
    DOB 20/09/2004
    This is my id and Dob. Here while renewing my scholarship there is an error occurred in my name and in the new application, it is showing my previous class and school. Now I am in 8th class and new school but it is showing 7th class and previous school in the application. The current status of my application is at institution level. Can I have any possibility to rectify the errors? Please help me.

  • How can I directly download application form of pre matric/ Post matric / merit cum means for Assam state?

    • Information available from the Official Website :

      The Pre-Matric, Post Matric and Merit cum Means based Scholarship Schemes are online Schemes. In order to apply online please visit the website through URL scholarships.gov.in link to the site is also provided in the website of the Ministry of Minority Affairs, i.e. minorityaffairs.gov.in.

  • I did not get previous year Pre Matric scholarship of my Children. Why? My application Id is Kl201617005072448 & KL 201617005074712.

    • Information available from the Official Website :

      The fund for distribution of scholarship in subsequent year will be released after receiving the utilization certificate for the previous year.

    • Information as provided from the Official Website :

      You can edit information filled by you until you submit the online application. To edit the application, go to the option “Student login” enter the application id then click on submit ‘login’ button.

    • Information as provided from the Official Website :

      Documents Required :
      1. Student Photo. (Mandatory)
      2. Institution Verification Form. (Mandatory)
      3. Income Certificate:
      (i) In case of Post Matric/Merit cum Means based scholarship schemes: Self Declaration/Self Certification or Self Attested Family Income Certificate - (Mandatory).
      (ii) In case of Pre-Matric scholarship scheme: Self Declaration of Family Income for class I to X given by the Parent/Legal Guardian
      4. Declaration of the Student. (Mandatory)
      5. Religion Certificate:
      (i) In case of Post Matric/Merit cum Means based scholarship schemes: Self Declaration/Self Certification or Self Attested Community Certificate - (Mandatory).
      (ii) In case of Pre-Matric scholarship scheme: Self Declaration of Community Certificate for Class I to X given by the Parent/Legal Guardian- (Mandatory).
      6. Marksheet:
      (i) In case of Fresh: Self-Attested Certificate of ‘Previous Academic Marksheet’ as filled in the Form. (Mandatory).
      (ii) In case of Renewal: Self-Attested Certificate of Previous Year Marksheet as filled in the Form. (Mandatory) (Not applicable for Pre-Matric)
      7. Fee Receipt of ‘Current Course Year’. (Mandatory)
      8. Proof of Bank Account in the name of Student. (Mandatory).
      9. Aadhaar Card (Optional)
      10. Residential Certificate (Mandatory)

    • The process of re-collection of the Temporary/Permanent Id is given as below:
      ** Click the "Student Login" button and click "Forgot Registration Details?" button
      ** Then enter the basic fields accordingly and click on the button "Get Registration details"

      Information as provided in the official website of Ministry of Minority Affairs.

    • Eligibility :
      Scholarship will be awarded to the students who have secured not less than 50% marks in the previous final examination and annual income of their parents/guardian from all sources does not exceed Rs. 1 lakh.

      Information as provided in the official website of Ministry of Minority Affairs

    • Eligibility :
      Scholarship will be awarded to the students who have secured not less than 50% marks in the previous final examination and annual income of their parents/guardian from all sources does not exceed Rs. 1 lakh.

      Information as provided in the official website of Ministry of Minority Affairs

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