gokdom.kar.nic.in National Overseas Scholarship Renewal List, Intimation Letter & Surety Bond For 2017-18 : Karnataka Directorate of Minorities

Organisation : Karnataka Directorate of Minorities
Scholarship Name : National Overseas Scholarship Renewal List, Intimation Letter & Surety Bond For 2017-18
Applicable State : Karnataka
Website : http://www.gokdom.kar.nic.in/
Renewal Students List : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/13618-Renew.pdf

National Overseas Scholarship Renewal List :

This is to inform that students selected for grant of National Overseas Scholarship 2016-17 from Government of Karnataka Directorate of Minorities, Bangalore for higher studies to submit the following documents for the Renewal and release of Scholarship for the Year 2017-18.

Update : GOKDOM Karnataka National Overseas Scholarship For Minorities 2019-20 : www.scholarships.net.in/36684.html

If you have completed your 1st year of studies at the Foreign University and if you want your scholarship to be renewed. Further you are hereby, advised to furnish the following documents to the Director, Directorate of Minorities,20th Floor, V.V. Tower, Bangalore – 560001 early to take-up further action in this regard.

Documents to be furnished:-
1. A certificate / letter to the effect that you have continue your studies and you have joined 2nd year of your course in the Institution/College/ University you have joined for higher studies abroad.

2. A copy of the progress report/Marks Card of the 1st year/Semesters of your study at the said University/College/institution.

3. An agreement in a Non-Judicial stamp paper of Rs.100/- (In the enclosed Performa, duly notarized) to the effect that the amount of Renewal of Scholarship granted to you will be utilized for studies only Or refunded in case you discontinue your studies without intimating this office.

4. A surety bond in a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- from your two nearest relatives to the effect that they will stand surety to the Scholarship amount granted to you. (ln the enclosed Performa. duly notarized).

5. Your Bank Account details, if it is changed.

All these documents are required to be submitted to :
The Directorate of Minorities,
20th Floor, V.V. Tower,
Dr.Ambedkar Veedhi,
Bangalore – 560001

Immediately either by post/courier or in person.

I submit that I have utilized the sanctioned Scholarship amount for the first year of my higher studies abroad as per the conditions laid down by the Government of Karnataka and Directorate of Minorities. I am continuing my studies for the 2nd year of my carrier and I need financial assistance of scholarship.

I assure the Government of Karnataka that I will return back to India and serve the Country after the successful completion of my education in Foreign Country.

If by any reason I discontinue my higher studies abroad and violate any of the terms and conditions of this bond executed by me on my own, I undertake to refund the entire amount along with 12% interest per annum to the Government of Karnataka.

This undertaking is submitted to the Director, Directorate of Minorities,20th Floor, V. V. Towers, Dr. B. R. AmbedkarVeedhi,Bangalore-560001.On this day the _________of ________________ month 2016.

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    • All these documents are required to be submitted to :
      The Directorate of Minorities,
      20th Floor, V.V. Tower,
      Dr.Ambedkar Veedhi,
      Bangalore - 560001
      Immediately either by post/courier or in person.

      Information as provided in the official website of Karnataka Directorate of Minorities

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