Merit-cum-Means Scholarship For Minority Students 2015-16 Fresh & Renewal Himachal Pradesh : Directorate of Higher Education

Organization : Directorate of Higher Education
Scholarship Name : Merit-cum-Means Scholarship For Minority Students 2015-16
State : Himachal Pradesh

Application Last Date :
 Fresh Scholarship: 01-06-2015 to 30-09-2015
 Renewal Scholarship: 01-06-2015 to 15-11-2015

Website :
Notification :
Apply Online :

Merit-cum-Means Scholarship For Minority Students 2015-16:
Online Scholarship Applications are invited in r/o the following Centrally Sponsored Scholarship Schemes, being run by the Education Department in Himachal Pradesh, for the year 2015-16, through the Online Scholarship Management System (OSMS), through the URL Website as per the schedule provided below

This Scholarship is given to pursue Degree / Post-graduate level Technical Professional Courses from Recognized Institutions, to the students belonging to the Minority Groups (Muslim – 37, Sikh – 22, Christian – 2, Butlhhist – 24, Total = 85 Students). The annual income of the parent or guardian of the beneficiary should not exceed fi 2.50 Lacs, from all sources and the student should not have secured less than 50% marks or equivalent grade in the previous final examination

Schedule for the Online Submission of Fresh & Renewal Scholarship Applications Forms:
Fresh Scholarship:
1. Submission of online applications by the students – 01-06-2015 to 30-09-2015
2. Scrutiny of online applications by the Institute – 01-06-2015 to 20-10-2015
3. Scrutiny of online applications by State – 01-06-2015 to 31-10-2015
4. Generation of Merit list & submission of proposal by State – 01-11-2015 to 05-11-2015

Renewal Scholarship:
1. Submission of online applications by the students – 01-06-2015 to 15-11-2015
2. Scrutiny of online applications by the Institute – 01-06-2015 to 25-11-2015
3. Scrutiny of online applications by State – 01-06-2015 to 05-12-2015
4. Generation of Merit list & submission of proposal by State – 01-06-2015 to 07-12-2015

1. Only Online applications under these Scholarship Schemes will be accepted and no request for accepting Offline applications will be entertained.

2. Only the students, who were awarded Scholarship under this scheme during 2014-15, can apply for renewal of Scholarship in 2015-16.

3. Applicants are advised to take a print-out of the duly filled-in application forms, after submitting it Online through OSMS, and to send it along with all supporting documents through their respective institutes to this Directorate. Without the receipt of hard copy in this Directorate, the application shall be liable to be rejected.

4. Applicants are advised to enter proper AADHAAR & Bank Details (Bank & Branch Name, Account No. & IFS Codes), while filling the Online Application Forms, failing which their Scholarship amounts may not be credited into their Bank Accounts.

5. Uploading of documents by students are made mandatory for Fresh and Renewal cases under Merit-cum-Means based Scholarship Scheme (MCM). Scrutiny of online applications on the basis of the uploaded documents will be done by the respective Universities/Colleges/Institutions.

6. Uploading of mandatory for Renewal cases while for Fresh cases ltardcopies of documents will be submitted by the students to the respective Universities/Colleges/lnstitutions. Scrutiny of the online applications in case Renewal may be done on the basis of uploaded documents ; while in case of Fresh cases Scrutiny may be done on the basis of submitted hardcopies under the Post Matric Minority Scheme

For detailed information & conditions related to the above Centrally Scholarship Schemes, being implemented by the Education Department, logon to the Scholarship Related e-Pass website or the Departmental website & Telephone No. 0177-2653120 & 26535 75

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