ksb.gov.in RMEWF Financial Assistance for Education of Children/Widows of ESM : Kendriya Sainik Board

Organisation : Kendriya Sainik Board (KSB), Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare
Scholarship Name : Financial Assistance for Education of Children/Widows of ESM
Applicable For : ESM/Widow/Orphan Dependent
Application Dates : Month of May & June
Website : https://online.ksb.gov.in/index.htm

KSB Financial Assistance To ESM

This scheme to provide financial assistance to ESM and their widows for helping them in educating their wards was started in 1981 with an amount of Rs 15/- per child per month for a maximum of three children up to Class XII.

Related : KSB PMSS 2016-17 Scholarship Application Status : www.scholarships.net.in/12027.html

This scheme was last revised in Oct 2011 into a monthly grant of Rs 1000/- per month per child (for maximum two children) up to graduation and also for widows to pursue Post Graduation degree.


Aim of this scheme is to provide scholarship to up to a maximum of two dependent children of ESM or their widows, up to the ranks of Havildar in the Army and equivalent in the Navy and Air Force, and to widows for post graduation degree course.

Financial Assistance

For education is provided out of AFFD Fund @ Rs.1000/- per month per head (up to max two children) of eligible ESM and their widows, for the previous academic year, payable in one installment in a financial year.

This is applicable for classes 1 to 12 of school and undergraduate classes of a degree college. This grant is also admissible to widows who wish to pursue 2-year post graduate degree. This grant is not applicable for any of the professional or technical courses/degrees.

Eligibility Conditions

The following criteria must be fulfilled to avail this grant:-
(a) Applicant must be an ESM/ widow/Orphan dependent.
(b) Should be of rank Havildar/equivalent and below.
(c) The child should have passed the previous class.
(d) Should be recommended by respective Zila Sainik Board (ZSB).
(e) Should not be drawing education allowance from the State or his Employer.

Application Form

Application should be made on the prescribed application form with verification of concerned Zila Sainik Welfare Officer (ZSWO) online. A specimen application form is placed as Annexure

Copies of the following documents duly attested by the respective ZSWO must accompany the application:-
(a) Service Document/Discharge Book of ESM (Page that contains ESM/Personal Particulars,Service Particulars and Family Particulars )
(b) ESM or Widow I-Card issued by respective ZSB.
(c) Mark-sheet / School Progress Card of child/children.
(d) Part –II Order mentioning names of the child(ren) for which grant is sought or the reshould be a proper entry to this effect in the Discharge Book/Documents.
(e) A certificate from applicant saying that he/she has not taken any money/grant from the state or present employer in the form of education allowance or scholarship.
(f) Details of Bank A/c No (in PNB/SBI only) and IFS Code.
(g) Aadhar Card copy.

Channel of Application:
The application for the just concluded academic year must be submitted online by an eligible ESM / their widows to respective ZSB from the month of May for Classes 1st to 9th & 11th and from the month ofJul for Board classes 10th & 12th. For under-graduate courses (non technical and non professional), applications will be submitted from the month of Aug.

ZSWO will scrutinize the online applications, give appointment to the applicant and after due verification, will recommend the online application and forward it via RSB to the KSB Sectt for approval and payment in the current financial year. The cutoff date for all categories is Nov for the financial year, Cases older than one year will not be accepted.

Categories National
Tags ksb.gov.in

View Comments (14)

  • For the last three years (2018-19, 2019-20 & 2020-21) the amount of Financial Assistance for Education of Children (ESM) has not approved and still showing pending at KSB end. Application Nos are- 19WP008558, 20WP049932 &21WP016425.
    Please do the needful.

  • I No: 14415252x Rank: Hav Name: Manojkumar R is hereby informing you about the rejection of my daughter's PM Scholarship which was applied for last financial year appln No: 20WP031363. Now the application has been rejected by ZSB. Unfortunately, I could not know the rejection and then after the same has been automatically rejected by the system.
    I would like to resubmit the application, but cannot edit it due to some technical issues. When I go to create a fresh application the required scheme is not found in the portal.
    Therefore, I urge you to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

  • Respected Sir,

    Due to one major operation to myself, I am unable to submit the application form for Financial Assistance for Education of Children/Widows of ESM for the academic year 2018 - 2019, in time. What is the last date for submission please. Can I submit now?

  • SUJA S REG No. 19WPO64023 Kollam, Kerala

    I am a first year B.Com (regular) undergraduate student from 2019-20 academic year. I am unable to submit application as your site does not accept because it has shown only for 2018-19. Please help me as the last date submission closes this month(August)

    • Financial Assistance for Education of Children/Widows of ESM, for the financial year 2017 - 2018 for my son RK Rohith, has been submitted vide Regn No 18WP005430 and the same has been recommended by ZSB/RSB. The amount has not been received till date. Please confirm.

  • I am a Ist year B.Com (regular) under graduation student of 2019-20 academic year. I am unable to submit my application for 2019-20 as your site rejects because it has shown as only 2018-19. My registration No. is 19WPO64023. Please advise

  • I have not received Financial Assistance for Education of Children ESM for my children for academic year 2016-17. Application Number is 17WP092122 and Application Number for academic year 2017-18 is 18WP033393.

  • Please confirm the current status of my child education grant for 2016-2017. Reference number is 17WP035619 and Dak ID is 170706WP000551.


  • My army number is 6393428A. I have submitted application on 28th August 2017 for financial assistance. Amount has not yet been credited by KSB since one year. Register number is 17wp066383.

  • My husband service number is 702905H. I have not received the last year financial grant for Widow yet. Please do needful.

  • What is the last date for online submission of application for financial assistance to child studying in 8th to respective Zila Sainik Board?

    • Last date is correctly not mentioned in the notification but online registration link is still available.

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