Google India Venkat Panchapakesan Memorial Scholarship Application 2017

Organisation : Google India
Scholarship Name : Venkat Panchapakesan Memorial Scholarship Application 2017
Applicable For : UG Students & Holders Batch 2016-17 and 2017-18
Application Last Date : May 26, 2017

Website :
Apply Here :

Venkat Panchapakesan Scholarship :

Venkat was a much loved and highly respected engineer whose career took him to YouTube, Google and Yahoo, among other notable companies. He tragically passed away, too young, after a battle with cancer.

Update : Google India Venkat Panchapakesan Memorial Scholarship 2019 :

During his short time he deeply touched the hearts and minds of his friends, family and colleagues. He taught us to be generous, humble, ever-optimistic and to always find the best in people.

Are you an ever-optimistic person who believes we can make the world a more sustainable place? Are you passionate about the field of computer science and engineering?

Are you already using computer science to develop solutions for some of the challenges, or opportunities, that you see around you? If yes, we invite you to apply for the Venkat Panchapakesan Memorial Scholarship.

Selected students will receive a financial award of 750 USD towards tuition and education related expenses, and will be invited to visit the YouTube headquarters in San Bruno, California, USA.

Selected students will also have an opportunity to submit a proposal, and potentially receive a funding of up to 225 USD to spend on growing computer science in the local community.

We are specifically looking for university students who:
** Aspire to be computer scientists and technology leaders
** Exemplify leadership skills and a demonstrated passion for computer science and technology
** Assist those around them to excel in the field of computer science and technology
** Help their friends and family members use computer science and technology
** Leverage the field of computer science to transform systems (from building the next game changing technology, to even helping families be happy, etc.)
** Have faced adversity and overcome it to continue learning and growing in the field of computer science

Who can apply :
To be eligible to apply, applicants must:
** Be currently enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate student in a college/university in India, for the 2016-17 and 2017-18 academic year
** Be currently pursuing a degree in computer science, computer engineering or a closely related technical field

The Venkat Panchapakesan Memorial Scholarship is a one-time scholarship. While past applicants are encouraged to reapply, unfortunately, past recipients of any Google scholarship, including the Venkat Panchapakesan Memorial Scholarship, are not eligible to apply.

Application Process :
Write an essay (300 words maximum) to tell us about the following:
** How do you plan to use computer science to make the world a more sustainable place?
** If you receive this scholarship, how will you use it to advance your passion and the goals of this scholarship?
** Write an essay (250 words maximum) to tell us about the following: What adversity have you faced, and how did it impact your career? Please explain the steps you took to overcome it.
** Submit a video (1 minute maximum) telling us why you would like to receive this scholarship. Please upload it on YouTube and share the link in the application.
** Submit your resume/CV. Be sure to include your experience in the area of computer science, as well as your leadership experiences and the impact you have created.
** Submit 2 letters of recommendation. They can be from your faculty or supervisors at your workplace (internship, part-time job, full-time job).

Application Last Date: Friday, May 26, 2017 at 11:59 pm IST

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    • Who can apply :
      To be eligible to apply, applicants must:
      ** Be currently enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate student in a college/university in India, for the 2016-17 and 2017-18 academic year
      ** Be currently pursuing a degree in computer science, computer engineering or a closely related technical field

      Information as provided in the official website of Google India © 2022

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