Oxbridge India OCSI Scholarships 2017-18 : The Oxford and Cambridge Society

Organisation : The Oxford and Cambridge Society of India (OCSI)
Scholarship Name : OCSI Scholarships 2017-18
Applicable For : Citizen & Residents of India
Applicable States/UTs : All Over India
Application Last Date : 15th May 2017.

Website : http://www.oxbridgeindia.com/scholarship-guidelines/
Scholarship Guidelines: https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/13416-Guidelines.pdf

Scholarships :

The Oxford and Cambridge Society of India Scholarships are part-cost awards for undergraduate, second undergraduate, graduate study and research in any subject available at the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford, UK.

Update : Oxbridge India OCSI Scholarship 2019-20 : www.scholarships.net.in/34190.html

** University of Cambridge, UK
** University of Oxford, UK
(Some scholarships may be limited to one or the other university, or sometimes to specific colleges at the universities)

Courses/Field of study:
Generally available for any subject/course/field of study available at the two universities (some scholarships may be limited to specific courses or fields of study)

The levels of study would include the following:
** Research leading to the PhD degree
** One-year post-graduate courses (e.g. MPhil, LLM, BCL, Diploma, CASM or Part III Maths, MBA, PGCE etc.)
** Taught and research based Masters programmes of various durations (including M. Sc., engineering, medicine)
** Second Bachelors degree as an Affiliated Student/Senior Status
** Bachelors degree programme

Number of awards:
OCSI seeks to elect at least one OCSI Scholar annually (although the exact number of awards and the value ofthe awards may change from year to year).

OCSI scholarships for 2017:
The Oxford and Cambridge Society of India is offering scholarships for admission to the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge in the academic year 2017-18, as below:

** OCSI scholarship(s) worth INR 400,000 (Rupees Four Lacs only) tenable at either the University of Cambridge or the University of Oxford
** One scholarship worth INR 100,000 (Rupees One Lac only) tenable only at Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge
** One scholarship worth INR 100,000 (Rupees One Lac only) tenable only at St. Hilda’s College, University of Oxford

Applicants will automatically be considered for the above scholarships and also for additional grants that may become available from time to time.

** Must be a citizen of India
** Must be ordinarily resident in India
** Must be not more than 30 years of age on 1 September of the year of application for the award
** Must be a graduate of an Indian university if applying to a second undergraduate or for a post graduate course (applicants who are expected to graduate in the year of the award are also eligible to apply for the awards), or be from a school in India if applying for an undergraduate course.
** Must have applied for and secured admission to study a full-time course at the University of Cambridge or the University of Oxford.
** Candidates are required to present proof of admission before grant of the scholarship, and proof of having taking up residence at Cambridge or Oxford before the scholarships funds would be released.

Must intend to pursue a course of study that is one of the following:
** Research leading to the PhD degree
** One-year post-graduate courses (e.g. MPhil, LLM, Diploma, CASM or Part III Maths, MBA, PGCE etc.)
** Taught and research based Masters programmes of various durations (including M. Sc., engineering, medicine)
** Second Bachelors degree as an Affiliated Student/Senior Status
** Bachelors degree programme

Must be admitted to the University of Cambridge or the University of Oxford through the University’s normal academic procedures. OCSI cannot admit students or assist in this process.

Application and decision process:
** Application forms for OCSI scholarships will be available on the website of the Society by February every year.
** Announcement of the OCSI scholarships will be sent to the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, the colleges of the two universities, the British Council, and a designated list of Indian colleges by February.
** All completed applications must reach the Oxford and Cambridge Society of India by 15 May 2017.
** Candidates who are shortlisted for the interviews shall be informed by Mid June 2017. The decision of the OCSI Scholarship Committee on the short-listing and selection of candidates shall be final.
** All short-listed candidates will be required to physically attend an interview with the OCSI scholarship committee at a designated venue in New Delhi, in July 2017.
** No financial support is available for short-listed candidates for their travel to Delhi for the interview
** Award offers will normally be made to selected candidates by the end of July 2017.

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