Aston MBA India Scholarship 2015-16 : Business School UK

Organization : Aston Business School
Scholarship Name : MBA India Scholarship 2015-16
Application Last Date : Sunday 28 June 2015

Website :

Aston MBA India Scholarship 2015-16:
This scholarship of £5,000 is available to Indian students who have submitted an application for the full time Aston MBA starting in October 2015. The Last Date for this scholarship is Sunday 28 June 2015.

Am I eligible?:
Applicants wishing to apply for one of the Aston MBA scholarships must meet the following criteria:
1. Full completion of an online application for the Aston MBA. it is recommended that applicants submit their scholarship application at the same time as their MBA application (see details below).

2. Be a self-funded candidate.

How to apply:
Applicants should apply by submitting a succinct cover letter to making sure to note their full name and application number (this number will be included in their MBA application email acknowledgement).

The cover letter should:
** Be a maximum of 700 words
** State why they have selected their programme of study, how they are going to apply the knowledge they learn in their career and
** Demonstrate your potential to contribute to the learning experience of the programme and become a successful ambassador for the school during your studies.

Applicants must be available for an interview (which may be via skype) as this is an essential part of the scholarship assessment.

Applicants make only one general scholarship application for all of the above scholarships and are not required to specify which scholarship they wish to be considered for. This decision will be made by the scholarship panel.

Get in touch:
If you would like more information, or a consultation with our MBA Recruitment Manager, Iftikhar Ahmed please email or telephone +44(0)121 204 3099. © 2022

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