Alliance University ANMS & General Scholarships For MBA 2017 Batch

Organisation : Alliance University
Scholarship Name : ANMS & General Scholarships For MBA 2017 Batch
Application Last Date: Hyderabad: March 23, 2017 | Other cities: March 31, 2017

Website :

ANMS Scholarship:

ANMS Scholarships for MBA 2017 Batch

Related : BML Munjal University MBA Scholarships 2017 :

General Scholarships For 2017:
** Scholarships are available to support full-time study at Alliance University for resident Indian nationals only.
** Each year Alliance University awards several scholarships in the form of fee remission to outstanding candidates.
** These scholarships of positive inclusive effort vary in value and have different criteria on which they are awarded

Terms and Conditions:
** Scholarship awarded will be adjusted towards the fee payable for the respective course
** Scholarship will be continued to subsequent years, subject to the student maintaining academic record of a CGPA above 2.5 in the course
** Student should not have indulged in any activity which attracts disciplinary action
** Performance only in qualifying entry level examination held in the previous academic year before admission will be considered
** An applicant is allowed to apply for scholarship only under one category/discipline
** In case of sports quota, the candidate should have participated and won in the National or International level sports/games conducted by the competent authority approved by the government (state/central).
** Continuation of the scholarship in subsequent years is subject to satisfactory contribution to the sporting activities of the University
** Decisions of the Scholarship Committee are final and binding

The student should have studied and passed in one or more Government or Government recognized educational institutions located in the State of Karnataka for a minimum period of SEVEN academic years commencing from 1st standard to 2nd PUC / 12th standard as on 1st July of the year in which the candidate is seeking admissions to and must have appeared and passed either SSLC/10th standard or 2nd PUC/12th standard examination from Karnataka State.

National Level player:
The student must have represented his/her state in any competition held between the previous two calendar years at national level, in Individual Event/Team Event/s approved by Ministry of Sports/Sports Federations. The student must have also obtained a certificate from Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports/National Federation/Board of concerned game/s.

Differently Abled:
As per the provisions of the Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995, seven categories of disabilities have been identified viz., blindness, low vision, leprosy cured, hearing impairment, loco motor disability, mental retardation and mental illness. A student with 40% disability of the said categories will be considered for scholarship.

Eligible students of the MBA course may submit the Application Form for Scholarship in the prescribed format with original testimonials/documents/transcripts/marks cards etc. © 2022

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