NEST 18th Junior 2017 Nationwide Education & Scholarship Test : SEMCI India

Organisation : SEMCI India
Scholarship Name : 18th NEST Junior 2017 Nationwide Education & Scholarship Test
Applicable For : Students who are currently studying in Class IX, X, XI & XII (Science Stream only)
Last Date Without Late Fee: 31st March, 2017.
Date of Test: 30th July, 2017 (Sunday)

Website :

NEST Scholarships:

Applications are invited from bona fide students of all recognised schools/colleges of Class IX, X, XI & XII (Science Stream only) for the award of several scholarships worth Rs. 25,000/- to Rs. 50,000/- each. Certificates of Appreciation are also awarded to all high scoring candidates in the test with All India Ranking (AIR).

Update : SEMCI India 21st NEST Nationwide Education & Scholarship Test Senior 2019 :

Only those students, who are currently studying in Class IX, X, XI & XII, i.e. who are appearing / appeared in 2017 exams, are eligibleto apply for Nest-Junior Scholarship Test – 2017

Amount & Number of Scholarships:
As per the revised rules w.e.f. 05-01-2017–
1. There are at least 10 scholarships of Rs. 25,000/- each to the top 10 scorers (with Rs. 40,000/- to Rank #1) in NEST-JUNIOR-I category upto 1000 candidates. Thereafter, there is at least 1scholarship in every 200 candidates on an average.

2. There are at least 10 scholarships of Rs. 30,000/- each to the top 10 scorers (with Rs. 50,000/- to Rank #1) in NEST-JUNIOR-II category upto 1000 candidates. Thereafter, there is at least 1 scholarship in every 200 candidates on an average.

Certificates of Appreciation shall be awarded to all candidates who score aggregate of 40% and above of all the sections put together in the test. They can download their scorecard and Certificates of Appreciation from our website in the last week of May, 2017.

1. The syllabus for NEST-JUNIOR-I is generally based on class 8th and 9th books as prescribed by the NCERT of India. However, it may also include questions based on class 6th, 7th and lower std. books.

2. The content and level of questions for NEST-JUNIOR-II are based on SSC and HSC books as prescribed by the CBSE, ICSE and other State boards in India. However, the main focus will be onclass 10th and 11th books.

Medium of Test:
The medium of test is Simple English language.

Participation Fee:
Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only). Add late fee as / if required. Add Rs. 250/- for a book of Sample Questions. However, the book is FREE in January & February. Please follow the below given steps if you are sending application/s by post/courier:

How To Apply:
Please log on to to apply and pay fees online.

Last Date Without Late Fee:
31st March, 2017. Thereafter, there is late fee of Rs. 100/- in April & May and Rs. 200/- in June.

The result will be declared and displayed on our website at 5.00pm. 5th September, 2017. Only winners of scholarship will be informed by email / SMS in the same week. © 2022

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