Chinese Government Scholarship 2017-18 : Ministry of Human Resource Development

Organisation : Ministry of Human Resource Development
Scholarship Name : Chinese Government Scholarship 2017-2018
Applicable For : Indian Nationals
Application Last Date : 01-04-2017

Website :
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Chinese Government Scholarship:

Online applications are invited from Indian nationals for the award of Chinese Government Scholarship 2017 under India-China Cultural Exchange Program for the academic year 2017-18 for higher studies/research/specialized training in the following subject fields

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MHRD Chinese Government Scholarship 2020-21

(a) Language & Literature:
(i) Chinese Language and Literature

(b) Science (pure and applied):
(iii) Computer Science
(iv) Civil Engineering/Architecture
(vi) Communication Engineering
(vii) Biology
(viii) Physics
(ix) Chemistry

(c) Humanities and Social Sciences:
(i) Environmental Studies
(ii) Management
(iii) Political Science with International relations
(iv) Economics
(v) Painting and Sculpture
(vi) Agriculture

3. Eligibility Conditions:-
(a)Qualifications and age (as on 01.04.20 17):-
i) Undergraduate programs: applicant must be a high school graduate under the age of25
ii) Master’s programs: applicant must be a bachelor’s degree holder under the age of 35
iii) Doctoral programs: applicant must be a master’s degree holder under the age of 40
iv) General Scholar program: applicant must be under the age of 45 and have completed at least two years of undergraduate study when applying for general scholar programs
v) Senior Scholar programs: applicant must be master’s degree holder or an associate professor (or above) under the age of 50 when applying for senior scholar programs.

(b) Required percentage:
Candidate must be having 60 percent mark in the required qualification.

Value of Scholarship:-
Please visit Chinese Government website or for details of value of scholarship provided by the Government of China.

The Government of India will bear the International passage cost from India to China and back.

Submission of online application:
Application can be submitted on-line at 01 .04.2017.

1 . The study of Chinese Language Course of about one year is mandatory before starting study in relevant subject in Chinese Language. The medium of instructions/study in China is Chinese Language, hence the candidates must keep this fact in mind before sending application for Chinese Government Scholarship.

No request for exemption or waiving of Chinese Language Course will be entertained after nomination/selection and application of applicant will be rejected summarily if he/she is not willing to study Chinese Language in China.

2. All the candidates must submit their application online through or to the China scholarship Council also.

3. The documents to be uploaded at the time of applying online at in/scholarship .
(a) Self attested scanned copy of the mark-sheet, certificate, degrees, diploma, qualifying examination.
(b) Where grades are mentioned, the candidate must upload the official explanation adopted by the University/Institution.
(c) Self attested copy of date of birth certificate/ class l01h certificate bearing date of birth or other equivalent documents.

Note: The size must be under 530 kb for a single file. Appl icant can zip in case of more than one document to be upl oaded. A zip fi le is treated as a single file and it must be under 530 kb In SIZe.

4. Equivalent foreign degree will be considered.
5. Candidates who have already been abroad for study/research/training for more than six months at a time either on a scholarship or on their own, are eligible to apply only if they have been in India for at least two years after their return from abroad as on 01.04.2017. Applications of candidates who are abroad will not be considered.
6. Candidates should have adequate knowledge of geographical situation, culture and heritage of China.
7. Employed candidates must obtain ‘No Objection Certificate’ from their employer. In case of Government servant, cadre clearance is a must.
8. Candidates must give a write-up of his/her study plan or research proposal in English (a) 500 words for non-degree students and 800 words for postgraduate/Ph.D.
9. Applicants, shortlisted for interview for Fine Arts, are required to submit 4(four) copies of photograph and CD of their recent art work.
10. Canvassing in any form & suppression of any fact in the application will disqualify the candidature of the applicant.
11. Candidates who do not possess the essential qualifications need not apply.
12. The decision of selection committee shall be final. & no representation in this regard will be entertained.
13. The final selection of the nominated candidates rests with the Government of People’s Republic of China.
14. Mere fu lfillment of minimum requirements as laid down in the advertisement does not qualify a candidate for interview.
15. The applicant in employment (to which he/she wishes to return) should have an assurance from his employer that he/she will be granted sufficient leave if he/she is awarded this scholarship during study period in China.
16. All information regarding the date of interview of short listed applicants will be made available on MHRD’s website 17. All communication to short listed applicants will be made on their registered email. It is advised that working email should be provided. © 2022

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