ALLEN ASAT 2017-18 Scholarship cum Admission Test

Organisation : ALLEN Career Institute
Scholarship Name : ASAT 2017-18 ALLEN Scholarship cum Admission Test
Exam Date : 19th & 26th March 2017
Website :
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ALLEN Admission Test:

ALLEN conducts ALLEN Scholarship cum Admission Test (ASAT) before the phase commencement of a particular course. It is mandatory to qualify ASAT for admission in any of the Course, where ASAT is applicable. The students can appear in it and avail the benefit of scholarships which would be given to them in accordance with their performance in the test.

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ALLEN ASAT 2017-18 Result

Dates & Syllabus:

Dates For Courses Timing Test Pattern Syllabus
19/02/2017, 19/03/2017* , 26/03/2017, 09/04/2017, 23/04/2017, 07/05/2017, 14/05/2017, 04/06/2017, 25/6/2017* JEE (Main+ Advanced) Nurture 01:00 to
03:00 PM
Objective NCERT Syllabus of Science & Maths upto Student’s Current Class and IQ Questions
09/04/2017, 23/04/2017, 07/05/2017, 14/05/2017, 04/06/2017, 25/6/2017* JEE (Main+ Advanced) Leader 01:00 to
03:00 PM
Objective NCERT Syllabus of Science & Maths upto Student’s Current Class and IQ Questions
19/02/2017, 19/03/2017* , 26/03/2017, 09/04/2017, 23/04/2017, 07/05/2017, 14/05/2017* , 04/06/2017, 25/6/2017* Pre-Nurture &
Career Foundation (PNCF)***
01:00 to
03:00 PM
Objective NCERT Syllabus of Science & Maths upto Student’s Current Class and IQ Questions

*ASAT on these dates will be held only at ALLEN Study Center Cities.
*** Note : Scholarship awarded in an ASAT can be availed only till one day prior to the next ASAT.

ASAT Result:
ASAT ResuIt will be available within a week on our website & successful candidates will be informed by SMS on Mobile No. as filled in Application Form.

Q.1. What is ASAT?
ASAT stands for ALLEN Scholarship cum Admission Test. ASAT is required in PNCF courses, IIT-JEE NURTURE and IIT-JEE LEADER(except Phase VI and Phase VII) Course. For taking admission in these courses student has to qualify ASAT first.

Q.2. What are the criteria of ALLEN Scholarship cum Admission Test (ASAT)?

ASAT is conducted for JEE (MAIN + ADVANCED) and PNCF courses at Kota Center with below criteria:
a. Test pattern: Objective for both IIT-JEE and PNCF courses.
b. Syllabus: IIT Nurture: NCERT syllabus of Class IX & X and IQ. IIT LEADER: NCERT syllabus of Class XI & XII and IQ. PNCF: NCERT Syllabus of Science, Maths of previous class attended with IQ.
c. Test Duration: 2 Hrs. (01:00 PM to 03:00 PM).
d. Test Result: Within a Week after Test date. It will be available on our website
e. Negative Marking: -1mark for every wrong answer other than Mental Ability.

Q.3. Do you provide any sample paper of ASAT?
Yes, you can get ASAT sample papers from ALLEN website. Kindly click here for ASAT sample papers.

Q.4. I want to take admission in IIT-JEE NURTURE course and want to appear in next ASAT. Do I have to select Mathematics or Biology in Part-II?

If you are appearing in ASAT for IIT-JEE then you have to select Mathematics. For PNCF courses you can attempt any one of Mathematics or Biology.

Q.5. I am not qualified in the ASAT; can I appear in next ASAT?
Yes, you can appear in next ASAT by purchasing new Application Form.

Q.6. Can a student appear in more than one ASAT?

Every time a student appears in ASAT he/she will have to purchase a new Application Form.

Q.7. If my ward is not satisfied with ASAT result can he/she appear for the second chance and which result will be considered?
Yes, the student can appear in next ASAT also by filling new Application Form.

Q.8. How will I get admit card for ASAT?

You can download ASAT Admit card 4 days prior to ASAT date from ALLEN website.

Q.9. What are the criteria of scholarship in ASAT?
Scholarship in ASAT solely depends on student performance in test. For PNCF Courses Scholarship awarded in ASAT can be availed only one day prior to next ASAT.

Q.10. How will I come to know about my ASAT result?
ASAT result will be announced on ALLEN website within seven days of test. Confirmation message will be sent on your registered mobile number.

Q.11. My ward wants to appear in ASAT but can’t come to Kota Center, is there any other ASAT center other than Kota?
Yes, you can appear in any of our All India ASAT Test centers. Please click here to check your nearest ASAT Test center. © 2022

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