gokdom.kar.nic.in Regarding VK-NICSMS Message Received By Scholarship Students : Karnataka Directorate of Minorities

Organisation : Karnataka Directorate of Minorities
Announcement : Regarding Message Received By Scholarship Students From VK-NICSMS
Applicable State : Karnataka
Website : http://gokdom.kar.nic.in/
Notification : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/12840-MCM.pdf

GOKDOM Scholarship Message

Regarding Message Received By Scholarship Students From VK-NICSMS.

If you get the below type of message from VK-NICSMS on your mobile.

Sample Message

“Scholarship Appl KA2016170000XXXXX has been upgraded from Post Matric to Merit Cum Means by Ministry. Contact MCM State Nodal officer for verification.”


Follow the procedure as mentioned below immediately.
** Login to National Scholarship 2.0 Portal using Your ID & Password.
** Click on Application Edit Button.
** Upload your documents (if you have not done so)
** Final Submit take a print and submit it to principal requesting to re-verify your application, verify and forward it online again.
** Principals to verify the application and forward online to State Nodal Officer.

About Us :
The Directorate of Minorities was carved out of Directorate of Backward Classes and created in the year 1999-2000 to ensure a more focus approach towards issues relating to the notified Minorities communities, namely Muslim, Christians, Jains, Buddhist, Sikhs and Parsis. The Directorate working with vision to enable all the Minority Community people to lead a productive life with equal opportunities in the field of Socio, Economic, Education etc.

Contact Us :
Directorate of Minorities,
20th Floor, Vishveshwaraiah Tower,
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Veedhi,
Phone No. 080-22863618
Fax No. 080-22865958
Email ID: gokdom [AT] gmail.com

Categories Karnataka

View Comments (34)

  • I got a message from Vk nicsms scholarship has verified at institute level but I don't know what I do please help me

  • I got a message from VK-NICSMS that application for the scholarship has been re-validated at state level. So what can I do now?

    Application Id : TS201819005229043
    Registration Date : 16-09-2018
    Applied For Scheme : Pre Matric Scholarship For Minority
    State of Domicile : Telangana
    Name of Student : Aneeqa Touqeer
    Date of Birth : 27-05-2007

  • I have applied for the scholarship 2018-19. Yet I have not received that, please give the reason for not getting scholarship.

  • I want to know the last date of NSP for institute re-verification. I got a message few days back that my scholarship has been rejected because I didn't provide my second semester marks card. I have updated but institute is not verifying. Please say the last date to verify at institute level.

  • I received a message that application for scholarship is verified by institute level but I don't know what shall I do now? I don't know my application ID. Help me.

  • I have applied for this scholarship in the month of October 2017 but still, I have not got any scholarship and status about it.

  • I have received a message that, state level verification is done. When will my scholarship money be credited to my bank account? Its very much necessary, please help me.

  • My daughter received a message from VK-NICSMS that her application for the scholarship had been not verified by institute level. What shall we do now? Her application ID is 201516006244408.

  • I have not received any message from your services. I had applied my scholarship application 2 moths ago. Please tell my application status.

  • My application id is KA201718001841514 and I got message that my scholarship application is not verified by my institute. What can I do for this?

  • I got a message from vk nicms that my scholarship is verified at state level on 16/12/2016. But till now I don't get scholarship amount. My application I'd is PB20@617005198163. So please tell me why I don't get scholarship like my other class fellows.

  • How can I send the message? Is there any specific format to send the message? Please let me know.

    • Sample Message:
      “Scholarship Appl KA2016170000XXXXX has been upgraded from Post Matric to Merit Cum Means by Ministry. Contact MCM State Nodal officer for verification.”

      Information as provided in the official website of Karnataka Directorate of Minorities.

  • My scholarship is not verified by the institution. This year can I get scholarship or not? My ID is ka201516007082551.

  • When will I get my scholarship money? I have received a message stating that "state level verification done successfully". When will the money be credited in my bank account?

    • The message format for is “Scholarship Appl KA2016170000XXXXX has been upgraded from Post Matric to Merit Cum Means by Ministry. Contact MCM State Nodal officer for verification.” Please follow the given steps.

  • My daughter received a message from VK-NICSMS that her application for the scholarship had been verified at state level. She didn't apply for any scholarship.

  • I got message about this scholarship but I don't remember my application ID so please help me.

    • I have received a message from VD-NICSMS that my application for the scholarship has been detected at institute level.
      Remark- i have to give proof that i have remitted amount to ICAI institute. What should I do?

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