ANTSE 2017 Ajmal National Talent Search Examination

Organisation : Ajmal Foundation
Competition Name : Ajmal National Talent Search Examination (ANTSE) 2017
Application Last Date : 10th April, 2017

Application Form :
Website :


The Ajmal National Talent Search Examination (ANTSE) has completed a decade. It has achieved phenomenal success over the years.

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From a few hundred students in the beginning , it has now attracted fifty thousand school and college students from across the state of Assam and other north eastern states.

Every year the number of students sitting for the examination is growing and this positive trend is indicative of the quality and prestige of the examination. The ANTSE has been able to set a benchmark in quality.

How to Apply :
** Candidates are to apply through the designated examination centres. The Form may be downloaded from our website and should be filled up properly and submitted to the coordinator of the centre who is to collect the examination fees from the individual candidates and make a single DD for the total amount collected in favour of Ajmal Foundation-A/C No: 11284630800 (Payable at SBI, Hojai Branch Code- 02065, IFSC-SBIN0002065) and send it to the ‘Office of the secretary, ANTSE, Ajmal Foundation, Hojai Pin- 782435, Assam.

** The Application Form, complete in all respects, must reach ANTSE Office on or before scheduled date. The ANTSE Board will not be responsible for any postal delay and all applications received after the last date will be rejected and no correspondence will be entertained in this respect

** All correspondence shall be made with the exam centre only.
** Candidates shall receive Admit Cards from their respective exam centres only..
** Admit cards will be sent to the Exam Centres before 15 days of the exam.
** Change in date, Venue and other exam related matters if any, are subject to the decision of ANTSE Board only.
** All disputes shall be subject to Hojai jurisdiction only.
** Request for re-checking of answer script will not be entertained.
** Result will be published in our official website & Result Bulletin, Certificates & Cash Awards will be sent to Exam Centres / coordinators only.

* Teachers desirous of acting as ANTSE Co-ordinators will be given attractive incentives. Please contact ANTSE Office.
* Centres which fail to register the minimum number of students as prescribed by ANTSE Board are liable to be cancelled as ANTSE Centre.
* Total cash award for the year 2017 is up to Rs.35 Lakh . Depending upon the number of participants the above figure may decrease or increase.

* In order to be eligible for a place in the rank in a particular class a candidate must secure at least 60% marks. The fact that a candidate securing the highest mark in a class will find a place in the rank is not guaranteed unless he/she secures 60% marks.

* From this year onwards shortlisted candidates for Ranks will be called for Viva-voce / telephonic interview before finalizing the final Rank List.

* Only and only students presently pursuing studies in the regular course in schools and colleges are eligible to appear in ANTSE.

If it is discovered at any stage that a student not eligible our prescribes norms has applied for / already appeared , his/her candidature will be summarily rejected and legal action may be initiated against him/her.

* Any body found to be impersonating in the ANTSE will be subject to the provision of law.

Students of III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, Higher Secondary classes (XI & XII) and Degree 1st, 2nd, 3rd year B. A./B.Sc./B. Com. and students studying Law, Engineering, Medical, Management and Computer Science, etc.

Exam Pattern:
** Class wise examination up to class X with objective type multiple Choice questions.
** One combined paper of Higher Secondary level for class XI and XII.
** One combined paper of Degree level for B. A./B.Sc./B. Com., 1st, 2nd, 3rd year and others.
** Syllabus: Up to X. mostly, prescribed State & Central Syllabi
** For H.S. & Degree: Conforming to the UPSC and APSC General Studies Pattern.
** Exam Fees: Rs. 150/- (One hundred and Fifty only)(For each candidate)
** Medium: English, Assamese & Bengali (up to class XII) English (for Degree Students)
** Last Date of Receiving Forms: 10th April, 2017
** Date & Time of Exam: 14th May 2017 (Sunday) 11 a.m. To 1 p.m. (Two Hours)
** Date of Declaration of Results: 31st August, 2017

Cash Awards & Scholarships :
AJMAL TOPPERS (80 Ranks from Class III to X and 6 Ranks from HS to Degree)
** The 1st rank holder in each class will be awarded Cash Award and scholarship of Rs.5000.00.
** The 2nd rank holder in each class will be awarded Cash Award and scholarship of Rs.4500.00.
** The 3rd rank holder in each class will be awarded Cash Award and scholarship of Rs.4000.00.
** The 4th rank holder in each class will be awarded Cash Award and scholarship of Rs.3500.00.
** The 5th rank holder in each class will be awarded Cash Award and scholarship of Rs.3000.00.
** The 6th rank holder in each class will be awarded Cash Award and scholarship of Rs.2500.00.
** The 7th rank holder in each class will be awarded Cash Award and scholarship of Rs.2000.00.
** The 8th rank holder in each class will be awarded Cash Award and scholarship of Rs.1700.00.
** The 9th rank holder in each class will be awarded Cash Award and scholarship of Rs.1500.00.
** The 10th rank holder in each class will be awarded Cash Award and scholarship of Rs.1000.00.

After Rank, the next 100 students in order of marks irrespective of class will be awarded Ajmal Stars of Rs 400.00.

After Star, the next 1000 students in order of marks irrespective of class will be awarded Ajmal Achievers of Rs. 300.00.

Minimum of 15% of students in order of marks in each ANTSE Center will be eligible of consolation prize @ Rs. 200/-, subject to the condition that this 15% includes other rank holders, stars and achievers. This is to encourage students in every center, specially the rural ones to develop interest for the examination.

NOTE: The Candidates of above categories will be awarded cash prizes and merit certificates.

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