Ravi Sankaran Fellowship Program 2017 : Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation

Organization : Ravi Sankaran & Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation
Scholarship Name : Ravi Sankaran Fellowship Program 2017
Applicable For : Indian Nationals
Application Last Date : 15th April 2017

Website : https://www.inlaksfoundation.org/ecology-conservation-field-biology/inlaks-ravi-sankaran-programme/

Ravi Sankaran Fellowship:

Are you a young person with a passion for wildlife? Do you want to use your energy and skills to make a difference to biodiversity conservation in India? The Ravi Sankaran Fellowship Program can help.

Update : Ravi Sankaran Foundation Inlaks Fellowship Program 2019 : www.scholarships.net.in/36126.html

This Program has been set up in memory of the late Dr. Ravi Sankaran who followed up his detailed field studies of wild species with innovative projects to conserve their populations.The Ravi Sankaran Fellowship Program is an initiative of the Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation.

The Program funds three major activities:
** A Master’s degree at a university abroad
** An internship with an organisation abroad
** Small Grants for a short conservation research or implementation project within India

Eligibility and Selection:
Ravi Sankaran Fellowships are open to Indian nationals (who must also be resident in India at the time of applying) with a demonstrated deep interest in wildlife ecology and conservation through prior involvement in this field. Applicants must hold a Bachelors degree in any subject, and should normally be below 30 years of age on the first of July in the year of application.

Applicants must demonstrate their commitment to conservation and strongly justify how the fellowship will further conservation in India. The Fellowship particularly seeks young applicants with bold and unconventional ideas for tackling conservation problems. Small Grant applicants must also submit a project proposal with budget. Full details accompany the application form for the specific activity.

All complete applications received will be screened by a committee, who will then shortlist candidates for interview. If you are shortlisted, we will send you details of travel, venue, etc. No interviews will be conducted for Small Grants applications. Interviews for Masters and Internship applicants usually take place in Mumbai or Delhi at the end of May or early June. Decisions on all three fellowship activities will be announced shortly thereafter.

Fellowship recipients must submit a detailed Interim Report every year, and a Final Report at the end of their term. All reports must contain an accounting of funds spent. Fellows retain all rights over information generated during their tenure. Fellows must acknowledge support received from the “Ravi Sankaran Fellowship” when and where they publish this work.

How to Apply:
Applications are now open for 2017! Last Date: 15 April.

Instructions on filling in and submitting the forms are contained within these files. Some fields have a word limit; please make sure you do not exceed this limit.

In addition, please note
** Type out your answers to all questions in the space provided (note that the space will expand if needed)
** Master’s and Internship applicants must enclose a letter of acceptance from the host institution.
** We will contact your referees directly — please ask them not to send their letters until they have heard directly from us.

Master’s and Internship application materials must be sent in hard copy. Once you have filled in your form, print it, add your signature and photograph, and courier a hard copy of the completed form to the Inlaks address below. The completed form should reach us on or before the Last Date.

Ravi Sankaran Fellowship Program
Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation
C/o Inlaks India Foundation
86/87 Atlanta, Nariman Point
Mumbai 400021.

The Small Grants application form must be emailed. Once you have filled in your form, convert the file to pdf format and email it to these two addresses gladys@inlaksfoundation.org/ ichchaporia@inlaksfoundation.org. Your emailed application must reach us on or before the Last Date.

For queries about the fellowships, please email: info AT inlaksfoundation.org

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