IUSSTF SERB Indo-US Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program 2016-17

Organization : Indo-US Science & Technology Forum
Scholarship Name : SERB Indo-US Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program 2016-17
Applicable For : Indian citizens who have completed Ph.D
Application Last Date : 28th Feb 2017

Website : https://iusstf.org/visitations-fellowships

Research Fellowship Program:

Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB; www.serb.gov.in) in partnership with the bi-national Indo-US Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF; www.iusstf.org) announces the SERB Indo-US Postdoctoral Fellowships for Indian Researchers in USA as an initiative under the SERB Overseas Postdoctoral fellowship Scheme (SERB-OPDF) with the objective to build national capacity in frontier areas of Science and Engineering, which are of interest to India.

Update :
IUSSTF Bhaskara Advanced Solar Energy Fellowship Program August 2017 :  www.scholarships.net.in/17010.html

Eligibility Criteria:
** Age: Upto 35 years as on 31 December 2016
** Indian citizens who have completed their Ph.D. from a Public-funded R&D Laboratory/ Recognized Academic Institution / University /College in India. Those unemployed as on date should have completed their Ph.D. degree after 31 December 2014.
** Letter of Acceptance from the U.S. host institute.

Focus Areas:
Advanced Manufacturing, Big Data, Bio-energy, Cognitive Science, Complex systems, Cyber security, Encryption and decryption, Energy, Genetic to Physiology, High Performance Computation in Physics, High Performance Computation in Chemistry, High Performance Computation in Biology, High Performance Computation in Mathematics, Humanoid Robotics, Materials, Mechanobiology / Physical Biology, Mechnotronics, Mental Health, Modeling, Imaging, Algorithms and Combinatorial Optimizations, Petroleum and Petro-Chemical Engineering, Quantum Computing and Spintronics, Science of Climate Change, Glaciology, Sustainable Chemistry, Theoretical Mathematical Science.

Place of work:
** The fellow should be accepted and hosted by the U.S scientific/technological institution.
** There should be willingness on the part of the U.S institution to accept and extend necessary support to the candidate for the research proposed during the Fellowship.
** The candidate should himself/herself correspond with their proposed host institute in the U.S for placement.
** Candidate is required to produce evidence, in the form of a letter of acceptance on the letterhead of the U.S. host institute, duly signed/stamped by the host.
** The letter should also include the merits/uniqueness of that host institute in the proposed area of research.

Fellowship Includes:
** Return Air fare
** Monthly Stipend
** Personal Contingency Grant
** Overseas Medical Insurance
** Conference Allowance (if applicable)

Fellowship Duration:
12 months

Applications should be submitted using our Online Application Portal for Visitation Programs. Hard copies and electronic copies of the application forms will not be accepted.

For immediate queries, please contact us at:
Email ID : fellowship@indousstf.org;
Phone: 01142691709

Who is eligible to apply for this Fellowship Program?
Basic Eligibility:
** Age: Upto 35 years as on 31 December 2016
** Indian citizens who have completed their Ph.D. degree from a Public-funded R&D Laboratory/ Recognized Academic Institution / University /College in India. Those unemployed as on date should have completed their Ph.D. degree after 31 December 2014.
** Unemployed candidates who have obtained their Ph.D. degree before 1 January 2015 are ineligible.
** Candidates who have completed their Ph.D. degree abroad.
** Candidates who have availed a Postdoctoral Fellowship abroad are ineligible.
** Candidates who have availed any overseas fellowship to the United States, sponsored by any Indian Federal Agency, for a period of more than 3 months after 1 January 2015 are ineligible.
Note: All applicants must submit a copy of their Ph.D. Degree Certificate or a Provisional Degree Certificate along with the application.

What are the subject areas supported under this Fellowship program?
The Fellowship is limited to the following areas:
Advanced Manufacturing, Big Data, Bio-energy, Cognitive Science, Complex systems, Cyber security, Encryption and decryption, Energy, Genetic to Physiology, High Performance Computation in Physics, High Performance Computation in Chemistry, High Performance Computation in Biology, High Performance Computation in Mathematics, Humanoid Robotics, Materials, Mechanobiology / Physical Biology, Mechnotronics, Mental Health, Modeling, Imaging, Algorithms and Combinatorial Optimizations, Petroleum and Petro-Chemical Engineering, Quantum Computing and Spintronics, Science of Climate Change, Glaciology, Sustainable Chemistry, Theoretical Mathematical Science.
Areas other than those mentioned above will not be considered.

What would be the duration of the Fellowship?
Typically, the duration of the fellowship is 12 months. However, considering time-restrictions/limitations for candidates with regular employment, including faculty; the fellowship provides some flexibility with respect to the duration which may vary from 6-12 months.
Outstanding cases (close to 10% of the selected candidates) may be considered for extension for one additional year based on the assessment of progress by SERB/ IUSSTF at the end of six months of the approved fellowship period. The candidates will be notified three months ahead of completion of the fellowship period.

Please provide a checklist to be followed for the application process.
The completed Application Form should be submitted through the Online Portal along with the following attachments/ annexures:
i. Detailed CV of the Applicant
ii. CV of the U.S. Host Professor
iii. Provisional degree/ final Ph.D. certificate
iv. Letter of acceptance from the U.S. Host Professor
v. Statement from the Current Employer (format provided)
vi. Recommendation Letters (from 2 Referees)
vii. 3 best research papers/ articles of your choice listing applicant name as first author/ co-author
viii. Proof of DOB (Please attach scan copy of the supporting document, e.g. Birth certificate/ 10th class certificate/ passport)

How should a candidate obtain the Letter of Acceptance from the U.S. Host?
The candidate should himself/herself correspond with their proposed host in U.S for placement. There should be willingness on the part of the U.S institution to accept and extend necessary support to the candidate for the research proposed during the Fellowship.

Regarding the format, the applicant is required to produce evidence, in the form of a letter of acceptance on the letter head of the U.S Host Institution, duly signed/stamped by the host. The letter should also include the merits/uniqueness of that host institute in the proposed area of research.

Is it necessary to submit accepted and/ or previously published articles/ research papers/ reports along with the application?
The candidate will have to submit 3 best research papers/ articles of their choice listing his/her name as first author/ co-author. In addition to this, the candidate can list all the research papers/ articles in his/her CV.

What are the timelines for the Fellowship Program?
The tentative timelines for 2017 are as follows:
** SERB Indo-U.S. Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (2016-17) Call Announcement: 15 January 2017
** Online Application Submission Last Date: 28 February 2017
** Award Announcement: Mid-August 2017

What is the tentative time-frame for availing the fellowship after award?
The awardees have to commence their travel within six months from the date of the award announcement. No request for a waiver on this account will be considered for any reasons whatsoever. Failure to commence the fellowship within the stipulated period would cause the candidate to forfeit the Fellowship.

Categories Fellowship/Grants
Tags iusstf.org
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