A.I.M.Ed MSET 2016 Result Maths Scholarship Eligibility Test : Association for Improvement of Maths Education

Organisation : Association for Improvement of Maths Education A.I.M.Ed
Announcement : Result
Scholarship Name : Maths Scholarship Eligibility Test (2016)
Get Result here : https://aimedonline.co.in/
Website : https://aimedonline.co.in/

MSET Result :

Maths Scholarship Eligibility Test (2016) RESULTS on 30-Dec-2016. To View Results please click the “View Details” link below

Related : Bansal Classes BOOST 2016 Result Open Opportunity & Scholarship Test : www.scholarships.net.in/12573.html

Submit Photographs of Students (Rankers) :
We are very happy to inform you that some of your school students got State/District/Center ranks in the A.I.M.Ed., MATHS SCHOLARSHIP ELIGIBILITY TEST 2016. Now, we are sending the marks list with the prize winner’s names.

You are earnestly requested to send the passport size photographs of the prize winners immediately to our office in the given prescribed pro-forma to print their photos on the concerned mementoes.

Hence you can send their photographs on or before 20th January 2017 by post / email: aimed_1978[at]yahoo.com

Awards & Prizes :
** State I, II, III rankers will be issued Mementoes, Cash awards & Certificates.
** District* I, II, III rankers will be issued Mementoes & Certificates.
** At Each center level only First Ranker of 5th to 10th classes will be issued Mementoes & Certificates.

** The candidates secured 60% and above marks get Merit Certificates and all others participation certificates will be issued.
*District level rankers will be awarded mementoes if and only if at-least ten schools participated in that particular district.

Office Address :
R.Sridhar (Rtd., H.M)
Convener, MSET-2016,
D.No.: 23-2-1, Bhagath Singh Road,
VIJAYAWADA – 500011.
Krishna Dist., Andhra Pradesh.
Cell: 9290070928, 9948057964.

Prize Distribution Invitation : MSET-2016
Prize Distribution function of 17th State Level Maths Scholarship eligibility test – 2016 conducted by A.I.M.Ed.,

The I, II, III rankers at the State level, Krishna district, Guntur district and Vijayawada urban levels only will receive their scholarships and concerned prizes etc., at the above function. The prize winners are requested to attend most probably with their parents and friends to share their joy. The other district rankers will receive their prizes at their respective centers after 15 days.

Near Sarada college, Gandhinagar,

Date & Time: 29th January -2017 (The Sunday) from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM.
President:  Sri M.S.R. Sastry (Retd., Gazetted H.M)
Jyothi Prajwalana
** Sri Gunda Gangadhar, Secretary, S.R.S.V.College of Education.

Chief Guests:
** Prof.P.V.Arunachalam, Founder Vice Chancellor, Dravidian University.
*Prof. Bhavanari Satyanarayana, AP SCIENTIST AWARDEE-2009.

Guests of Honour:
** Ln. Kolluri, Governor, Walkers International.
** Ln. Ch.V.Narasimha Rao, Director A.I.M.Ed.,
** Sri Kuncha Venkateswara Rao, Yoga Master and Philosopher.
** Dr.Prakya Satyanarayana Sarma, Chief Editor,Ganitha Chandrika.

Prize distribution:
** By Guests.

Presentation of Best Mathematics Teacher Award for the year 2016 to:
Sri V.V.RAVI KUMAR Head Master, G.D.E.T.M.C. High School, Patamata.

Presentation of M.V.S.RAO(VYAS) memorial awards to:
1) Sri R.Sridhar
2) Sri B.Raja Rao
3) Dr.B.B.Rama Sarma
4) Sri B.Malla Reddy
5) Sri K.Krishna Murthy
6) Sri A.Gurunadharao.

From Bus Stand City Bus numbers are 3, 3C, 3D, 3P, 14S, 99
From Railway Station City Bus numbers are 14S, 99. Bus stop: Sarada College, Gandhinagar.

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