2016-17 Merit Scholarship To SC/ST/OBC/Minority School Students : Delhi Welfare

Organization : Department for Welfare of SC/ST/OBC
Scholarship Name : Merit Scholarship To SC/ST/OBC/Minority School Students 2016-17
Applicable For : SC/ST/OBC/Minority Category Students (Class 1st to 12th)
Applicable State/UT : Delhi
Application Last Date : 15/01/2017

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Merit Scholarship :

Scholarship/Merit scholarship to SC/ST/OBC/Minority category students studying in schools

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Delhi SC/ST/Minority Welfare Merit Scholarship For Class I To XII 2019-20

Eligibility Criteria For Scholarship:
a) The Scholarship will be given to the students pursuing studies (Class 1st to 12th for SC/ST/MINORITY and class 6th to 12th for OBC students) from all recognised schools in Delhi, private as well as govt.
b) Family income limit is not applicable in case of SC/ST students but family income should not exceed Rs. 2.00 lakh per annum in case of OBC/MINORITY students.

The students studying in recognised private schools in Delhi may apply individually through e-district portal. In case of students studying in government schools recognised/affiliated to Directorate of Education/ East Delhi Municipal Corporation/ North Delhi Municipal Corporation/ South Delhi Municipal Corporation/ NDMC/Delhi Cantonment Board/ Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, the school authority will scrutinize the eligible applicants and will prepare consolidated list of eligible beneficiaries and upload bulk data on the portal.

How To Apply:
I. These schemes may be applied through e-district portal of Government of NCT of Delhi. i.e.

II. Benefits under schemes mentioned at serial number 1, 2 and 3 above can be taken concurrently. However, school students can’t apply for scholarship under both, State as well as Central schemes (Available on National Scholarship Portal 2.0 and e-district portal) during the same year.

III. For applying for any scholarship scheme, aadhaar number of the student and aadhaar seeded bank account of the student is required.

IV. The applicant need to register on e-district portal of Government of NCT of Delhi i.e. by using their aadhaar number or Epic card and select the scholarship scheme as per eligibility of the student and enter complete details of the applicant. If, applicant is already registered on e-district portal, he/she may directly login for applying scholarship as per student’s eligibility criteria.

V. The applicant will fill in all details as per their records and upload photograph and certified copy of all required documents as per selected scheme.

VI. Records filled by students will be forwarded to the login of respective Schools/ Institutes/ Universities. The Head/Principal/Registrar of Schools/Institutes/ Universities shall login into the portal in order to examine the beneficiary details and shall validate, authorize & approve the student records. Thereafter, Zonal/District/HQs of the respective administrative department will validate and approve the records and forward to the Department for the Welfare of SC/ST/OBC/Minority for further necessary action.

VII. For operating the portal, the school/college/technical institution may approach their respective administrative Department i.e. Directorate of education/ Directorate of Higher Education/Directorate of Technical Educationetc. for obtaining login ID and password after 01/12/2016.

VIII. Nodal officer of the respective Schools/Institutes/University will be squarely responsible to enter the accurate DIAS/HIAS/AISHE Code of its institution and all the courses, programs etc. offered by them. This will help the beneficiary student to select his/her School in a single click at the Portal.

IX. Students are advised to keep the printout of online application form for future reference.

Helpline No. For Delhi State Schemes: 011-23379511

For any queries/problems in applying for scholarship on E-district portal send e-mail:

View Comments (1)

  • With due respect I would like to claim e-scholarship. We belong to SC caste & in our house there is 1lakh below per annum income but I cannot claim. I have all mark sheet of 2016. © 2022

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