: 2016-17 Reimbursement of Tuition Fee for SC/ST/OBC/Minority Students Delhi

Organization : Department for Welfare of SC/ST/OBC
Scholarship Name : Reimbursement of Tuition Fee for SC/ST/OBC/Minority Students 2016-17
Applicable For : SC/ST/OBC/Minority Category Students (Class 1st to 12th)
Applicable State/UT : Delhi
Application Last Date : 15/01/2017

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Reimbursement of Tuition Fee

Reimbursement of Tuition Fee for SC/ST/OBC/Minority category students studying in private schools in Delhi

Related/ Similar Post :
Delhi SC/ST/Minority Welfare Reimbursement of Tuition Fees 2019-20

Eligibility Criteria

a. The students studying in class I to class XIIin private recognised schools in Delhi whose parents/guardians annual Income from all sources does not exceed Rs. 2,00,000/-(Rs. Two Lakh Only.)
b. Students with parents/guardian’s income upto Rs. 60,000/- per annum will be eligible for 100 % reimbursement of tuition fee while those with parents/guardian’s income between Rs. 60,000/- to 2,00,000/- per annum will be eligible for 75 % reimbursement of tuition fee.
c. The students studying in class 1st to class 5th will be entitled for reimbursement of tuition fee regardless of marks, but in case of students studying in class 6th to 12th, tuition fee will be reimbursed to only those scoring 50 % and above marks
d. All students require a minimum of 80 % attendance in the preceding year.

Note :
Applicant should upload fee receipts in original for first six months i.e. April, 2016 to September, 2016 or for the whole year, if already paid

How To Apply

I. These schemes may be applied through e-district portal of Government of NCT of Delhi. i.e.
II. Benefits under schemes mentioned at serial number 1, 2 and 3 above can be taken concurrently. However, school students can’t apply for scholarship under both, State as well as Central schemes (Available on National Scholarship Portal 2.0 and e-district portal) during the same year.
III. For applying for any scholarship scheme, aadhaar number of the student and aadhaar seeded bank account of the student is required.

IV. The applicant need to register on e-district portal of Government of NCT of Delhi
i.e. by using their aadhaar number or Epic card and select the scholarship scheme as per eligibility of the student and enter complete details of the applicant. If, applicant is already registered on e-district portal, he/she may directly login for applying scholarship as per student’s eligibility criteria.

V. The applicant will fill in all details as per their records and upload photograph and certified copy of all required documents as per selected scheme.

VI. Records filled by students will be forwarded to the login of respective Schools/ Institutes/ Universities. The Head/Principal/Registrar of Schools/Institutes/ Universities shall login into the portal in order to examine the beneficiary details and shall validate, authorize & approve the student records. Thereafter, Zonal/District/HQs of the respective administrative department will validate and approve the records and forward to the Department for the Welfare of SC/ST/OBC/Minority for further necessary action.

VII. For operating the portal, the school/college/technical institution may approach their respective administrative Department i.e. Directorate of education/ Directorate of Higher Education/Directorate of Technical Educationetc. for obtaining login ID and password after 01/12/2016.
VIII. Nodal officer of the respective Schools/Institutes/University will be squarely responsible to enter the accurate DIAS/HIAS/AISHE Code of its institution and all the courses, programs etc. offered by them. This will help the beneficiary student to select his/her School in a single click at the Portal.
IX. Students are advised to keep the printout of online application form for future reference.

Helpline No. For Delhi State Schemes: 011-23379511

For any queries/problems in applying for scholarship on E-district portal send e-mail:

View Comments (23)

  • I have applied for fee reimbursement 2016-17, I got a message "your form is approved". But by mistake I have change ID because I forget the password. Immediately I received the message recovered your credential USER ID and revert your application to the school. Please clear me what happen. What can i do? Because I have no Contact or Customer care number.

  • My scholarship has not come. I have applied scholarship for 2015-16 but the scholarship has not come. All my documents are correct. Why do my scholarship not come?

  • My daughter is a student of BPO(bachelor of prosthetics and orthotics) in DDU medical college New Delhi last year. She deposited an amount of RS 34410/ as admission fee yearly but the same did not returned till date and no scholarship provided to her by the college. Tell me if she is entitled for the benefits under SC/ST. My income is lesser than 2 lacs.

  • There is a free of tuition fees, in KVC school in 7th class, but my son is 13 years old. I did not paid for tuition fee, because my pvt work also advise for my son tuition fee “FREE”.

  • I am the Principal of the school. 20 students of my school applied for all three schemes. We have verified all the applications but all the applications rejected by the education Department. When we asked to DDE, he replied that due to negative response of school we have rejected all the applications. Now we want to do correction but there is no option. We need your help.

  • In the registration for free of tuition fees, in KVC school is 12+ but my son is 13 years old. Because my job pvt also advise for tuition free "FREE".

  • I need scholarship tuition fee reimbursement and can you please tell me when we will get scholarship?

    • Information available from the Official Website :

      The last date for verification of online applications on e-district portal by institutions (School/ College/ University/Institue) is extended upto 31st July 2017.

    • Contact details :
      Department for Welfare of SC/ST/OBC
      Helpline number For Delhi State Schemes: 011-23379511
      Information as provided in the official website of Department for Welfare of SC/ST/OBC

  • When will we get last installment of minority fee reimbursement for last year 2016? We belong to Sikh minority.

  • I had applied in 2014-15 for my son for the Reimbursement of Tuition Fee and I asked for the same in your reputed office and they said it is cleared and it will soon in the bank but it is not cleared yet and I tried many times to contact in your office but all in vain. Can you reply for the same? I will send you the scanned details of my above relevant document.

  • If we forgot id and password of income certificate, how can we get it back and how can we get scholarship for a disabled married OBC girl?

  • I forgot my password. How can I get my password and I enter the correct details? But it shows details not matched. Can you help me please?

  • I don't have income certificate but I have applied for it. I am having it's slip. Can I apply for fee reimbursement? I will submit it later.

  • We are calling again and again to the center. They are not picking it up. Is this a joke? The duration of form submission is from 1st Dec to 15th Jan but the form is not available online. Please help and give a sudden reaction.

  • In the registration for reimbursement of tuition fees, age limit is 18+ but my daughter is 11 years old. How can I register her?

    • You can register with your details. When you login you can see the option to add profile where you can fill your daughter's detail. © 2022

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