: State & Central Scheme Scholarship To Students Undergoing Higher Education Tamilnadu

Organisation : Directorate of Collegiate Education
Scholarship Name: State & Central Scheme Of Scholarship To Students Undergoing Higher Education
State : Tamilnadu


Update : TNDCE Central Sector Scholarship Scheme Fresh & Renewal 2018-19 :

State & Central Scheme Of Scholarship To Students Undergoing Higher Education :

1) R. I. M. C. Dehradun :
This Scholarship is given to the students belonging to Tamilnadu State studying in Rashtriya Indian Military College, Dehradun.

Amount of Scholarship : Rs. 1000/- per month

2)Deceased Government Servants Scholarship :
This is given to the children of deceased Government servants who die in harness.

Tuition fees and admissible items of special fees upto U.G. level are sanctioned by the Principals of respective Govt. / Govt. Aided Arts and Science Colleges. Hostel fee for eligible candidates in U.G. Courses are sanctioned in this Directorate.

3) Ph.D. Scholarship :
The Ph.D. Scholars who wish to avail the Scholarship Scheme must have the following eligibilities:
1) The Students must be full time Ph.D. research scholar either First year, Second year or Third year in anyone of the Government or Govt. Aided Arts & Science Colleges. (The scholar with M.Phil. qualification must be a student of 1st or IInd year of Ph. D. Course)
2) They must have secured 60% marks in P.G. Degree.
3) They should not be in receipt of any other Scholarship
4) Part time Ph.D. Research Scholars are not eligible.
5) An amount of RS.3000/- per month will be given to 60 research scholars who are selected under this scheme. Selection is made on merit basis.

4)Waiver of tution fess upto UG level:
Vide G.O. No:389 Higher Education(G1) Department dt. 04.12.2007 the State Government has ordered for wavier of tuition Fees upto under graduate level for students studying in Govt. / Govt. Aided Arts and Science colleges with effect from the academic year 2007-08

Waiver of tuition fess upto PG level :
The Government have waived the tuition fees for the students studying in P.G courses in Government Colleges from the academic year 2010-2011, vide G.O (Ms)No.180 Higher Education (G1) Department Dated 02.07.2010.

5) EVR Nagammai Scholarship :
This is given to the girl students pursuing post graduate courses in Govt. / Govt. Aided Arts and Science colleges in Tamilnadu.

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