: National Scholarship Portal Students Helpdesk

Organization : Government of India
Service Name : National Scholarship Portal Students Helpdesk
Applicable States/UTs : All Over India
Website :

NSP Helpdesk

Candidates can contact the Help Desk for resolution of the technical problems 0120 – 6619540

Related / Similar Post : NSP Update Accounts Details

About National Scholarship Portal:
National Scholarships Portal is one-stop solution through which various services starting from student application, application receipt, processing, sanction and disbursal of various scholarships to Students are enabled. National Scholarships Portal is taken as Mission Mode Project under National e-Governance Plan (NeGP)

Frequently Asked Questions:
Question 1: Who are eligible to apply for Scholarship Schemes?
Answer : Students fulfilling the Scheme guidelines of various Ministries are eligible to apply for these scholarships. These are available on the Home Page of the Portal.

Question 2 : What is the last date for submitting applications online?
Answer : Closure dates for acceptance of various scholarship applications are available in National Scholarships Portal.

Question 3 : How can I apply online for scholarship?
Answer : In order to apply online, please visit the website through URL

Question 4 : How to submit the online application? Should I need the user id and password to apply for scholarship?
Answer :
Applying procedures for Scholarship Schemes for both Fresh and Renewal are given below

Student have to Click on the option “Student Login”, on the home page of National Scholarships Portal. Fill up the application as per the instructions given by the system then click on save button. After saving, student will get a “Temporary ID”. The system will instruct the applicant to submit his/her Temporary ID and date of birth to fill subsequent details. Once registration is complete on click of submit button, a Permanent Registration ID is generated which can be used for Renewal and tracking the status of application

Renewal Students have to apply with their Application Id and Date of Birth which they registered previous year. Student can also use Forgot Application ID to retrieve their ID. Only those students would be able to Renew who had actually got the scholarships payments last year from NSP 1.0.

Question 5 : Can I edit the information already saved and up-to what time?
Answer : All the information can be edited till the closure of application form. After final submission, your application will be forwarded to the next level and application hereby cannot be edited.

Question 6 : Which fields in the application form are mandatory ?
Answer: Fields provided with red asterisk (*) mark are mandatory fields.

Question 7 : What happens, if I detect mistakes after forwarding the applications to the next level?
Answer : You should separately inform the mistakes detected by you to the Institute/District/Region/State. The software provides facility at the level of the Institute & State to edit & correct limited information.

View Comments (76)

  • My website is not opening It is showing that your website has been blocked due to suspicious activity please solve
    this issue

  • Sir I am updating my number since last 3 days but it is not updating that's why the OTP is not coming in my phone and I think I starting register time I wrote wrong number because from the first time the OTP and password is not coming ...

  • Sir...I have applied for NSP scholarship for the session 2019-2020 and verified by the institute and state level but haven't got my money in account.can you please help me.My id is jk201920009498726

  • Sir...I have applied for nsp scholarship for the session 2019-2020 and have been verified by the institute and state level but haven't got my money.can you please help me.My I'd is NL201920006121507

  • my application id is WB201920008941069 and my name is SK SOWEL. I had uploaded a wrong document that's why it got defected. But now I have uploaded my class XII result through online. Due to my college is closed, my application is not verified at Institute level. and today is the last date of submitting the hard copy. What will I do? Please help me.

  • My institute has already been registered in NSP but there's no student verification option displayed on the left hand side in the institute login in. What could be the problem?

  • student was registered for scholarship in 2106-17. now we are trying to renew his Scholarship for 2019-20 . but portal shows the messege something went wrong. what is the solution?? Is his Scholarship will be renew or register for fresh ?

    • application for the scholarship has been defected at institute level Remarks: Aadhar No. how can i do to proceed this application? please reply immediately.

  • Sir im first year post graduastion student i regesterd postmetric scholar ship buu appliying complent is there is scheme is not avilable . It is a complent please sir reply me

  • I forget my password and mobile no. Which I was mentioned in last year scholarship. What can I do now for renewal of my scholarship without password and mobile no.

  • My application ID is WB201819007576931. Scholarships status is "Application pushed for re-validation by State nodal officer".

  • I am studying MBA in Bangalore but UG University is Bharathiyar University of Coimbatore. I applied scholarship in Bangalore. Can I get scholarship? Please tell me.

  • I have applied for Minority Scholarship and I am also eligible for University Rank Holder Scholarship, Can I apply for both (or) If I do so, will my application form be rejected? Kindly clarify.

  • In my scholarship form, the LSDM worker identity card was not uploaded in the first place, so my application was rejected from the state level. Now I have uploaded the LSDM Worker Identity Card. Now, my application form is being described as the institute level process. My application form has been forwarded from the institute level.

  • My application ID for renewal of academic year 2018 is not available in my college portal for college level verification.

    • I have applied for this scholarship last year. My application ID is KL201617002506598 but my institute is not verified my scholarship. I have not got my scholarship yet. What can I do? Please reply this matter.

  • I am a 2nd year student and have submitted my renewal application for 2018 academic year but my verification from institute level is not been done. The college cannot verify my application as they don't have any renewal application on their profile but I have submitted the application. Please tell me, what is the issue behind it? What is the problem in the verification of application from institute? I also have complained about it but can't get any response, I also have called on the portal contact number but couldn't make any call as the line was too busy to take calls.

  • Documents were not uploaded while applying for MCM scholarship. Is there any chance to edit/modify? Please let me know.

  • My application id is not available in my college portal for college level verification.

    My Application ID : ints1718011611715.
    College: University College of Engineering, Hyderabad.
    Course : MCA

  • I have forgotten my registered mobile number for institution verification. My school user ID is 28022000604. Please help me to find out my institution password and registered mobile number. My school name is MPPS Govoor T/M Varni Mandal, Nizamabad, Telangana.

  • I can't able to select my present class [ie. 8th standard] and my school name because these options are not available. so I cant submit my application. What shall I do?

  • After creating the new password, I cannot Login. My ID is HR201819002502232. Please do something as fast as possible.

  • My application got deleted and when I search my application number then I get my old application number which is not verified by institution. What can I do?

  • Please tell, which document do I need to upload for renewal (Scanned Copy of Identity Card issued to the parent)?

  • I did mistake in filling of category, my category is OBC but by mistake, I selected Jain category. Please help me.



    • It seems that you have identified with bank account and Adhaar both. It may be that you have submitted two scholarships from same institute. In the case of like this your both application will be rejected.

  • In renewal, if the ID is invalid then how to withdraw the invalid id to apply for new registration.

    • You can search by your bank account number (or) you can search with your registered mobile number.

  • Unable to Login properly, even though I am having my application ID and Password correctly.

  • I am a physically handicapped MA 4th Semester Student. My family is very poor. My Application Id is WB201718007238390. Since 2 months Id status shows "Application send for PFMS payment". Please help me.

  • I am actually studying 11th standard, but in registration process, I spelled as pre-metric instead of post-metric. So, can I change it as post-metric?

    • Information available from the Official Website :
      All the information can be edited till the closure of application form. After final submission, your application will be forwarded to the next level and application hereby cannot be edited.

      You should separately inform the mistakes detected by you to the Institute/District/Region/State. The software provides facility at the level of the Institute & State to edit & correct limited information.

  • How can I edit my name which does not matched with my account number after submission of application form?

    By mistake I have entered "Muslim" instead of " Jain". I want to correct it. In the website it is given that this type of problem can be solved at institute level but in reality it cant be done at institute level. I have tried. Even I have called to the officer of division level but all in vain.
    2) Is it possible to edit information(i.e. religion) if the form is rejected by institute level?
    3) I would like to suggest that NSP 2.0 should give facility to edit some information, except aadhaar, till it is verified by institute level. Other portals are giving this facility.
    Please help me.

  • I am applying for scholarship. But by mistake, account number does not shown. How can I edit bank account number in registration?

  • I have applied this scholarship last year but I didn't get my scholarship yet. Please check the problem. My Application ID is KA2016170078540.

  • I didn't get my scholarship amount. I checked my status but there shown as scholarship has been processed for the payment. So please help me. WB201617004901137 is my id. When I checked, there shown received as Rs.12300 but status shown as failed. Why?

    • Information available from the Official Website :

      All the information can be edited till the closure of application form. After final submission, your application will be forwarded to the next level and application hereby cannot be edited.

    • Information available from the Official Website :

      The name and contact details of the Nodal Officer/State Department of all States/UTs are available in “Services->Know your State Nodal Officer” option.

    • Sir,I am Nikitha and my Application ID Is 201920003736629.I have applied for the NSP in the session 2019-20.My Scholarship has also verified by the Institute and the State level. But, till now I didn't got my scholarship amt. Can you pls help me with this...🙏🙏🙏

  • After submitting the form only I noticed the mistakes that I have made in the application form. Is there any chance to correct it?

    • You should separately inform the mistakes detected by you to the Institute/District/Region/State. The software provides facility at the level of the Institute & State to edit & correct limited information.

      Information as provided in the official website of Government of India

  • You have messaged us that our scholarship is not verified from our school but when we contacted in school they replied that the list didn't reach them. Please help me. My Id is ID- MH201617008394489.

  • I have to edit my name which does not matched with the Aadhaar card name. As for students already registered login, it is saying as mismatched Registration ID even after applying the right ID. What can I do for this problem? Please reply. © 2022

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