Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme For Electronics & IT : Fellowships/Assistance

Organization : Department of Electronics and Information Technology
Scheme Name : Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme For Electronics & IT
Applicable For : PhD Candidates

Website :

PhD Scheme:

Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY), Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Government of India has launched “Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme for Electronics and IT” with an objective to enhance the number of PhDs in Electronics System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) and IT/IT Enabled Services (IT/ITES) sectors in the country.

Related : DST  9th Inspire Fellowship 2016 :

Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) has approved the scheme in 2014 for a period of nine years. The total estimated cost of the Scheme is Rs. 466 crores (Rupees Four Hundred sixty six crores only)

Salient features of the PhD Scheme are as follows:
** Give thrust to R&D, create an innovative ecosystem and enhance India’s competitiveness in these knowledge intensive sectors.
** To fulfill the commitments made in NPE 2012 and NPIT 2012.
** Support to 1500 PhD Candidates including both Full-Time (500) and Part-Time(1000) in each of ESDM and IT/ITES sectors (Total: 3000 PhDs).
** Support 200 Young Faculty Research Fellowships in the areas of ESDM and IT/ITES with the objective to retain and attract bright young faculty members in these sectors.
** The scheme is also expected to encourage working professionals and non-PhD faculty members to pursue PhD.

Full Time PhD Candidates:
** Annual Contingency Grant support @ Rs. 30,000/- per year for consumables etc.
** Reimbursement of Rent for those PhD candidates who are not provided accommodation or choose not to avail the accommodation provided by the institution.
** Support for attending international conferences (1000 supports @ up to Rs. 50,000 per conference)

Fellowship :
@31,500p.m.(I & II yr); 35,000(III to V yr); Revision in Fellowship under PhD Scheme image

Supported Institutions:
Infrastructural grant to Academic Institutions for creation/upgrade of laboratories. 50% of the expenditure by the Institutions (upto 5.00 lakh per candidate) for lab equipments.

Institutional Overheads: @ Rs. 25000/- p.a. / full time candidate

Part-time PhD Candidate:
One time incentive of Rs. 2,50,000 on completion of the PhD

Young Faculty Research Fellowship:
Fellowship @ Rs. 20,000 per month in addition to the regular income. Annual grant of Rs. 5,00,000 for research expenses and presenting research work, to be granted for a period of up to 5 years.

The duration of scheme would be for a period of five years for the purposes of selecting candidates for support under the scheme. However, the funding would be continued till 9th year for the commitments already made during the scheme period.

Categories National

View Comments (3)

  • Government of India has already hiked the scholarship of regular PhD students, now they are getting 31,500 per month. As per norms, We Visveshwaraya scholars should get 25% more than other scholars but still it is not revised, we are getting older. When we will get incremented one?

    • This scholarship is applicable for PhD candidates.
      Information as provided in the official website of Department of Electronics and Information Technology © 2022

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