BLH Trust Scholarship For School & College Students :

Organization : Smt B.L. Hemavathi Trust
Scholarship Name : Scholarship For School & College Students
Applicable For : Students of standard 1 to Master Degree

Website :


Smt B.L. Hemavathi Trust has been instituted in memory Late Smt. BL Hemavathi, who was the daughter of Late J Lingaiah, Ex Mayor of Bangalore and a veteran freedom fighter. This objective of this Trust is to help the needy in the field of education.

Related : ASFA Educational Trust Scholarship :

The scholarship program by the trust addresses the educational needs of deserving students by providing financial assistance.

Scholarship Structure:
The Maximum Scholarship amount which will be granted by the Trust for any one year is as outlined below:

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
1 to 7 std 500 500 500 500 500 500.00 750.00
8th to 10th 750 750 750 750 750 850.00 1250.00
I & II PUC 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1100.00 1500.00
Degree I Yr 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1200.00 1500.00
Degree II Yr 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 1300.00 1750.00
Degree III yr 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1500.00 2000.00
Diploma I, II Year 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1300.00 2000.00
Prof Course I & II Year 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1750.00 2500.00
Prof Course III & IV Year 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2250.00 3000.00
Vocational Course 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1200.00 2000.00
Master Degree I  & II Year 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1700.00 3000.00
Physically handicapped above + 250 above + 250 above + 250 above + 250 above + 250 above + 250 above+500

Scholarship Procedure:
The procedure for obtaining scholarship from Smt. B.L. Hemavathi Trust is as follows:
** Student/s will send an enquiry letter after learning about our Trust
** On receipt of such an enquiry letter, Trust will send “Format-1”
** On receipt of application with enclosures, and after scrutiny, Trust will send “First letter to applicants”
** Applicants must full fill all conditions as in “First letter to applicants” and return the certificate of utilization duly completed to Trust with self addressed & stamped envelope.
** Based on eligible criteria, and if the applicant is found eligible, Trust will send DD or a local cheque of SYNDICATE BANK only to the applicants, who would have sent self addressed and stamped envelope.
** Scholarship amount as per structure.

Please note that application must be as per instructions in our advertisement and as per details in our website blhtrust.og
1. Applications must be from individuals & not from institutions or schools or colleges or Parents.
2. Applications must be on A4 size plain paper and in applicants own handwriting. Typed applications will be rejected (Do not create application format on computer using the name of our Trust and its address. If this is done, your application will be rejected).
3. Attach photograph (pasted on the application with signature of the principal or head of your School or College with rubber stamp across the photograph. But ensure that the applicants face is clearly visible)
4. Certified copy of the latest salary or income certificate (issued on or after 01/04/2009 only will be acceptable) of applicants parent.
5. Recommendation of Headmaster/Principal of your School/College in original (issued on or after 01/04/2009 only will be acceptable)
6. Copy of applicants last year/class marks card (of the academic year 08-09 only), duly certified by respective school/college, where in the applicant must have obtained a minimum of 60% Marks. (Please note that this is qualifying criteria).
7. Self addressed envelope (of minimum size of 4 inch X 10 inch) with sufficient postage stamp (Applications without this will be rejected)

Contact us :
Smt. B L Hemavathi Memorial Trust was started at Bangalore India, in 2002 with Capt. B L Lingaraju as the Managing Trustee.
The Trust is currently located at
9th cross, 4th Phase, Peenya Industrial Area,
Bangalore 560 0058,

Categories Foundation/ Trust

View Comments (17)

  • I am from Sirsi, Utterakannada district, I have got 91.20 percentage in SSLC and passout in 2019. Please confirm, shall I apply for scholarship?

  • I want to apply for this scholarship. Please tell me, is this online application (or) offline.

  • I have passed SSLC exam with 84.16% marks in March 2018. Can I apply for this scholarship?

  • I need a scholarship for my higher education. I have passed 2nd year PUC with 72%. Please send me the format of application.

  • I have scored 90.5 in PUC 2nd but my category is general. So, Am I eligible for this scholarship?

    • The Maximum Scholarship amount which will be granted by the Trust for any one year is available in the official website.

    • Information available from the Official Website :

      C-450, Peenya Industrial Estate,
      I Cross, I Stage,
      Behind Police Station,
      Peenya, Bangalore 560058,
      Karnataka, India

    • Information available from the Official Website :

      Based on eligible criteria, and if the applicant is found eligible, Trust will send DD or a local cheque of SYNDICATE BANK only to the applicants, who would have sent self addressed and stamped envelope.

    • The Maximum Scholarship amount which will be granted by the Trust for any one year is given above. © 2022

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