sw.kar.nic.in Pre-Metric Scholarship Management System : Karnataka Social Welfare Department

Organization : Karnataka Social Welfare Department
Scholarship Name : Pre-Metric Scholarship Management System
State : Karnataka

Website : http://sw.kar.nic.in
Pre-Metric Scholarship : https://swdservices.karnataka.gov.in/
Apply & Check Status: http://web5.kar.nic.in/swpmscholarship/

Pre-Metric Scholarship :

All SC students studying from V to X std in Government / aided schools are eligible for the award of Pre-Matric scholarship, except students who are residing in Government run or Grant-in-aid hostels.

The Pre-Matric scholarship is sanctioned to SC students who study from VI to X Std. There is no income limit for the award of scholarships.

The scholarships are awarded at a rate of Rs. 75/- annum to students studying in VI and VII std., and Rs. 100/- per annum for High school going students. Application forms for the award of Pre-Matric scholarship are obtained from Taluk Social Welfare officer and are then distributed to all SC students through school head master / head mistress.

The duly filled scholarship forms are collected from the students and submitted for sanction to the Taluk Social Welfare Officer. After the scrutiny, the scholarships are sanctioned and the Cheque along with the list is sent to the concerned school headmistress for disbursement in presence of the parents of the students. After the disbursement of scholarship acquaintance roll will be submitted to Taluk Social Welfare Officer for record purpose.

Eligibility :
** All SC students studying from V to X std who fulfill the following conditions are eligible for benefiting from this scheme.
** The students should not be residing in any Govt. or Govt aided hostels.
** Only Scheduled Caste students are eligible.
** They must not be recipients of any other scholarship, other than the Merit scholarships.

Documents Required :
** Caste Certificate.
** Marks Card of Previous class.
** Completed application format

Time Schedule :
After the beginning of the academic year the application for the scholarship can be made through the school.

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