wbkanyashree.gov.in Register Your Grievance & Status of Redressal : WB Kanyashree Prakalpa West Bengal

Organisation : Department of Women Development & Social Welfare, Kanyashree Prakalpa West Bengal
Announcement : Register Your Grievance & Status of Redressal
Applicable State : West Bengal
Website : https://wbkanyashree.gov.in/

WB Kanyashree Register Your Grievance

You can register your complaints by clicking ‘Grievance’ link in the top of the home page.

Related / Similar Post :
WB Kanyashree Prakalpa Frequently Asked Questions

A person who wants to register your complaints follow below steps,
Step 1 : Enter Kanyashree Application ID *
Step 2 : Select Year
Step 3 : Click Show button

Grievance Status

To check your Grievance Status follow the steps mentioned below,
Step 1 : Enter Grievance ID
Step 2 : Enter DOB(DD/MM/YYYY)
Step 3 : Enter Captcha – Type the characters in the image
Step 4 : Click on “Check” Button


Do I need to apply for the Annual Scholarship every year?
No, you do not need to apply for the annual scholarship every year. Once you have enrolled in the Annual Scholarship Scheme, in successive years (till you turn age 18) your Head Teacher will renew your scholarship for you.

At the time of renewal, you will however, have to give a written statement to your Head Teacher declaring that you are still unmarried.

However, once you turn 18 and are eligible for the One-Time Grant – the process is not automatic. You need to fill up the One-Time grant application form and provide all the necessary certificates and signatures and submit them to the institution you are currently studying in.

What is my Kanyashree ID, and why is it important?
Once your application is uploaded on the Kanyashree Portal, a unique identification number is created for you. This number, along with your Form Identification no. is used to track your application on the portal.

Collect your ID from the HOI after your application is uploaded. You can also know the same from the link wbkanyashree.gov.in

Who do I go to for help?
Your teachers and head teachers should be able to give you all the help you need to apply for the scheme, to track your application online, and follow up with the government so that you receive your money.

If however, your institution is unable to give you all the answers you need, or is not helping you apply for Kanyashree Prakalpa, you can do the following :
** You must contact your nearest block or sub-divisional office.
** Every district also has a Kanyashree Nodal Officer – you will find a list of all Kanyashree Nodal officers at wbkanyasrhee.gov.in.
** The Kanyashree Portal also has a section called “Online Grievance Redressal. You may log onto the portal and create an online complaint.

It is important that you have to keep the following whenever you are approaching anyone for help – even your teachers.

You must provide :
1]Your name, institutions name, and your birth date.
2]Your Form Serial No.
3]Your Kanyashree Identification No (20 digit).
4]Your Bank Account No.

View Comments (57)

  • I am 17 years old but my teacher doesn't give me kanyashree scholarship because my birth month is January so please my issue

  • I have not received K2 money due to my bank account number problem k2 money has not arrived in my bank I have informed the school authority and fixed the bank account number request you to give k2 money a little.

  • My kanyashree ID 19233807cl0180000187
    I have applied in on 2019-2020
    Date of birth 21/05/2003
    Everyone from class hav recieved their funds 1 yrs ago except me .
    Please help

  • I am now doing my Masters from Vidyasagar University.Fast October 2019 I filled out k3from.I haven't received the money yet..I called Bikash vaban they said that I had just registration..I come from a very poor family..If I don't get the money, my studies will stop..Please give me the money.

  • My k2 id is- 19192700902160000005 i applied kanyashree for year 2018-2019 .i keep not to the kanyashree money. Please help me for my k2 payment.my date of birth is - 06/01/2001.

  • My k1 id is- 19112700902170000094 i applied kanyashree for year 2018-2019 .i keep not to the kanyashree money. Please help me for my k1 payment.my date of birth is - 26/11/2004.

  • My Date of Birth is 27/07/1998. I applied for Kanyashree in the year 2016. Still I have not got money.

  • My K1 ID 19122000803160000140 has been approved by Hooghly DPMU in 9.1.10. Still my amount has not been credited in my account. Please help me for getting my amount one thousand rupees. My Date of Birth is 23rd November 2001.

    • My k2 id is- 19192700902160000005 i applied kanyashree for year 2018-2019.i keep not to the kanyashree money. Please help me for my k2 payment.my date of birth is - 06/01/2001...

  • My K2 ID of year 2018-19 is 19170110711130000275. Please help me for my K2 payment. Kindly take the necessary step.

  • My K2 is approved and I got a message from K2 also but the money has not been sanctioned. Please sanction the money as early as possible. My Application Id is 19102501503130000538.

  • I am a poor girl and my father is expired. So, please send the fund soon to my account. My K2 ID is 19161504cl0160000088.

  • I am studying in Nebadhui Balika Vidyalaya. My Date of Birth is 18.11.2002. I am not getting my scholarship amount. Please let me know the reason.

  • Kanyashree amount has not been deposited in my account yet. My application ID is 19094200502140000059.

  • I have not received my fund for 2016-2017. My ID is 1908210100214000057. I often check my account but no amount has been credited. I have also enquired to school and office but there is no response. Please tell me, what to do next.

  • My application ID is 19093300909140000114, My K2 application has approved in 30/03/18 but my amount has not been credited in my account till now. Please help me.

  • My K2 ID is 19180705903130000101. I applied for year 2017-18. Please help me for my K2 payment. My date of birth is 02/01/2000.

  • I applied for Kanyashree K1 in 2016-17 but my K1 form is rejected by bank and my School has submitted complaint regarding rejection. My K1 ID is 19031007102150000017 and my Date of Birth is 20-07-2002. So please help me and give right advice.

  • My K2 ID is 19121900601130000050. I applied for year 2016-2017. Please help for my K2 payment.

  • I applied for Kanyashree k2 in 2016-17 but my K2 form is rejected by bank and my college has submitted complaint regarding rejection. My K2 ID is 19170100328130000371 and my grievance ID is 19170800564 and my Date of Birth is 28-05-1998. So please help me and give right advice.

  • My K2 ID number is 19201206902130000065. I have applied for 2016-2017. Please help me to get my K2 payment.

  • My application ID is 19120311703130000072. In my K2, application status it is seen that sanction is finalized but I have not received the payment. What should I do? Please help me.

  • I have not got the Kanyashree identity card and also the money in my account. So I request you to kindly send it.


  • I received the money in 2016 under K1. But After this I have not get money. I went to our BDO office and I become to know that my account has in the bank reject list. If this is not properly done and I won't be able to fill k2 form. Please help.

  • It's almost 2 years that I had filled form for K2. Still I have not received my money. Can I know the reason behind?

    • Go to the link "wbkanyashree.gov.in/kp_4.0/track_application.php" to track your application. You are required to have the following details while tracking.

      ** Application Year
      ** Scheme Name
      ** Applicant ID
      ** Date of Birth

  • I have submitted Application(K1) and received a message as "Application ID has been approved by KOLKATA DPMU." But, till date I have not received any Application ID or my application status.

  • Why I am not Getting K1 annual scholarship after applying Kannyashree From in 2015? and Our School not given my Kannyashree ID, school's staff says that the site is not showing my Kannyashree ID. Please tell me that how can I get K1 and also K2 scholarship.

  • If bank account number has been closed due to non transaction, how can a existing Kanyashri give new account number? Please suggest.

  • My K2 ID is 19091502003130000001 & Date of Birth is 03/04/1998. My K2 application is sanctioned on 24th August 2017 but I have not received any amount of scholarship. Please tell me what to do?

  • I have applied for wb kanyasree scheme on 2014. After some time my school told me that they have lost our form. So that we have to submit bank passbook xerox. I submitted it to them. They told me that they had successfully processed it. But till now I have not received benefit yet. Now I am reading in different school. My new school told me that they will help me to get benefit. For that we must provide a statement from my previous school that I had not received kanyasree benefit. But my previous school is not cooperating with me. Now I think that I will not get that benefit because of worst monitoring system or no monitoring system.

  • MY K2 ID NUMBER IS 19040801608130000073 & DOB IS 03/07/1998. Sanction is not verified. PLEASE HELP FOR MY K2 PAYMENT.

  • My K1 has been approved in 28th May 2017, but I have not got any fund till now. Please help me.

  • My K2 ID number is 19210500303130000219. I have been applied for the scholarship in the year 2016-2017. Please help me to get my K2 payment.

    • Information available from the Official Website :

      All sanctioned and rejected application forms are retained for sample verifications with the institutions or in offices of BDOs (for rural areas), Sub Divisional Officers (for urban areas) and Director, Social Welfare (Kolkata).

  • My application has been approved. I have not received K1 grant for the yer 2013-2014 and 2014-2015. Please provide my funds at the earliest.

  • My k1 id number is 19073102310130000029. I applied for k2 skim 2015. My child application id is 0864999. I have not yet received the fund. Kindly take necessary step.

  • My K2 Id number is 19181700603130000002. I have applied for the scheme in 2015. My registration number is 513-1222-0664-14. It has been such a long time I am waiting for the funds. Please help me.

    • Track application :

      register your grievance :

    • You can use the below mentioned link for registering grievance :
      ** Enter your Kanyashree Application ID, year and press "Show" button.

  • My k2 ID no is - 19091207102130000068, my bank account number is 95272210000758. I have applied for the scholarship in the year 2015-16. Please help me to get my k2 payment.

  • I being headmaster of Bujung B.N.A.Sikshapith(HS) still did not get K1 kannyashree forms for student of my school from Nalhati, as on the distribution day I felt unwell and later requested the concerned authority several times without any result? Where shall I complain? Birbhum, BDO office

  • My k2 id is 19041301cl0150000017. My bank a/c no is 434110110008318.
    Applied year : 2015-16
    Please help me for my k2 payment.

    • Please go to Kanyashree department of Block office in case of rural area, Kanyashree department of D.M. office in case of municipal area within January-17 with Bank pass book, Kanyashree ID. You can also meet with S.D.O. of your area.

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