CSJM University Kanpur Poor Students Fund for Financial Assistance

Organisation : CSJM University, Kanpur
Scholarship Name : Poor Students Fund Financial Assistance
Applicable for : Economically Weaker Students

Notification & Form : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/12104-POOR_BOYS_FUND.pdf
Website : http://csjmu.ac.in/

Poor Students Fund Assistance :

Scheme of Financial Assistance from Poor Boys Fund of C.S.J.M. University, Kanpur

Related : RKM Baranagar Scholarship To The Poor Students : www.scholarships.net.in/10719.html

1.1. These guidelines may be called “Guidelines for Financial Assistance for economically weaker students out of Poor Boys fund of CSJM University, Kanpur”.

1.2 These Guidelines shall come into force on the date of approval by the Executive Council of C.S.J.M. University, Kanpur. Additions/Amendments approved by the Executive Council from time to time shall take effect from the date these are approved unless otherwise specified.

1.3 The objective of the guidelines is to help students of academic departments/Institutes situated on the C.S.J.M. University, Kanpur campus in their academic pursuits of higher education.

1.4 The objective is to provide financial assistance to meritorious C.S.J.M. University campus students from low income families to meet expenses while pursuing their higher studies.

(i) Budgetary allocations from University fund.
(ii) Contribution from distinguished allumni of the University for this purpose.
(iii) Contributions from philanthropic institutions, persons and others.

3.1 The students should have been admitted in the academic departments/Institutes on the C.S.J.M. University campus in the current academic session.
3.2 The student should have been from low income group of any class of society.
3.3 The student should have secured at least 60% marks or CPI 6.5 in the previous examination in first attempt.
3.4 The student should provide certificate of income of parents from the Tehsildar/Magistrate.

4.1 The Students enrolled in academic programmes of C.S.J.M. University Campus will submit a prescribed statement of particulars income certificate and affidavit for financial assistance from Poor Boys Fund of the University to concerned head of Department/Institute which shall be forward to Registrar.

The merit list of the students likely to be eligible among the applicants will be prepared by the Registrar after the last date of admissions in the University campus.

4.2 The names of financial assistance will be finalized by the Committee comprising of Pro-Vice Chancellor of the University, Dean Students Welfare and two Deans nominated by Vice Chancellor which will be duly approved by Vice- Chancellor of the University and whose decision shall be final.

4.3 The income of parents of student should not exceed Rs.200000/- per annum as per income certificate issued by Tehsildar/Magistrate.

4.4 The candidate shall not be eligible to get financial assistance from this Fund of the University if he/she is already in receipt of any scholarship or financial assistance from any other source e.g. State Government, Central Government, OBC scholarship, SC scholarship, Minorities scholarship etc.

4.5 The rate of financial assistance may be limited either 25% or 50% of the annual fee of the student.

View Comments (2)

  • I am studying B.Sc 2nd year. My father's name is Kuntesh Saxena. My school name is Moulana Abul Kalam Azad. My registration number is 33058010101600258 .

    • The students should have been admitted in the academic departments/Institutes on the C.S.J.M. University campus in the current academic session are eligible to apply for this fund.

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